

I'm Kashmiri & I want to see Kashmir as a separate country, but India & Pakistan are occupied and they both don't want it. What should we do?




Zuhaib Khan

Separate country is not a good idea as it decreases the security of Kashmir. If Kashmir will become a separate country it will become more unsafe.

Kashmir with India is a good idea because Our India is protecting Kashmir till now from outer attacks and will protect in future also.

Jai hind .

Jai bharat.









I’ll answer the question objectively. In simple words Kashmir can never be an independent country. Let’s say India gives up its claim and Pakistan let’s go of PoK. Now neither India nor Pakistan controls Kashmir. The first thing which will happen is that China will try to make inroads. It would either do it militarily or by buying out the Kashmiri leadership. This will give it an upper hand strategically over India. In such a scenario Kashmir will become a puppet in the hands of China.






Let’s take up another scenario. When none of the 3 nuclear powers don’t meddle in Kashmir. Kashmir has a high probability of becoming a hot bed for international terrorists groups like IS and Al Qaeda. These groups have been looking for new geographies to spread their influence. In absence of a strong militarily and economic power, the Kashmiri leadership will find it very difficult to stop such groups from spreading their influence. Kashmiri youth on both sides of the border has been radicalised thanks to Pakistan’s proxy war policies. These radicalised youth needs to be absorbed in some profession. Kashmir does not have the economic might or resources to generate high paying jobs for its youth. This will make it easier for the terrorist organisations to recruit the already radicalised youth.







Economically Kashmir will suffer badly. Kashmir is landlocked. It will have to pay either of the 3 countries to get access to the sea. This will make its exports expensive and cripple its economy. Heavy Industries cannot be developed in Kashmir. Even if they do, it won’t be economic. It will have to rely on agriculture and textile. Both these sectors cannot be scaled economically to an industrial level. Tourism will be an economically volatile sector. A lot of the revenue generated by Kashmir government would have to spent on import of essential goods. Even basic items would need to be imported. Add to it that Kashmir now would also have to build its own institutions and army. It will be a huge economic burden on Kashmiri people. PoK lacks terribly in infrastructure development. A lot of the resources would need to be spent on social development, leaving very little to invest in capital in order to build productive capacity. Overall Kashmir will be economically unstable. Currently it lacks major cities, industrial parks and robust infrastructure. It would be a mammoth task for the Kashmiri leadership to achieve a decent standard of living for its people. Even having access to internet would become very expensive.











Finny Varghese Paul

Independent kashmir seems good but problem is you will be landlocked country with no resources . Petroleum where will you get it ? Deal with India or Pakistan or china for it . Tv ?oops got money to launch satellite ? Ask Pakistan or china ? Want to start industry ? Again no iron or natural resources . Pakistan is in debt. china will loan you money for a price . It costs money to be independent and run a country . Unless you are like japan with sea on all sides to conduct trade . Independent kashmir will remain a fantasy . No to forget your army will eat half your budget and hopefully you have enough men for a professional army which will take over the government like Pakistan or Burma . Good luck my friend












I am a human and I want to see a world without borders or religious extremism which the Kashmiri Pandits faced. Wishful thinking..

Single line answer: Kashmir including Gilgit-Baltistan, Aksai Chin and Karakoram tract belong to India. period.

我是普通人,我希望看到一个没有边境线的世界,或不存在宗教极端主义的世界。但这只是我一厢情愿的想法. .


Full answer.


There wont be any nations if each an every state in the world keep asking for freedom. Kashmiri culture is as unique as Punjabi, Bengali or Dravidian culture. But unlike what your extremists leaders teach you, we love and accept you as our own and that doesn’t deserve a separate nation. ‘Nobody is trying to torture you because we are a de ocratic society.






Yours was a separate kingdom just like Orissa, Hyderabad, Bengal, North East, Jamnagar, Rajputana etc. The king of Kashmir officially asked to join India after he knew Pakistani outfits will kill him and others for the land. Should everybody keep crying for a separate nation? India does not have its own culture but is a melting pot of numerous cultures like yours. We have let you be just like every other state. Stop being paranoid over nothing and spreading hate towards your fellow Indians.






The Kashmiri Pandits were also Kashmiris, You destroyed your own land by destroying your own people. Kashmiri Muslims were savage to the Pandits, they killed them, raped their women, burnt down their houses and left them nowhere. Their savage mentality is now biting their own lives. Don’t take me wrong but its basically Karma. You exploit one minority and now you yourself are in the minority.




A separate nation requires an economy, army, infrastructure, money and educated individuals (most of your educated youths even from POK study in Indian universities).’You have none.


Now, lets assume for a second that Kashmir becomes a free country. China will be first to assert its fake history claims on your land. You might not agree but Chinese claims currently stretch from Siberia and Hawaii to Indonesia and Kazakhstan for now. Your lives will be similar to that of an sla. Any small country (Nepal, Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan etc.) bordering China is their territory.


Reason being that the CPEC passes through Kashmir. Pakistan has already illegally gifted swathes of Indian Kashmiri land to China for free. Also Himalayas are full of Mineral deposits. C


Again, the Indian financial resources which are being currently drained for peace will be actually used for your upliftment and development if start being Indian first and Kashmiri later. Choice is yours.


Kashmir is OUR own. If you are a Kashmiri your are also our own. But if you ask for independence, you are just a terrorist.





Naman Sharma

I'm from J&K and I can definitely tell you that this mentality is deadly than a virus ! Probably everything you can see around you right now is because of India ! I'm from jammu and I don't think theres is anyone more patriotic than us ( seeing the Havoc some mischiefs cause to our nation and army very closely) it boils our blood , there are men 24*7 just to guard us . I feel drenched when I see any questions like this . J&k is the crown of India and it'll remain so , anyone wants other than that is free to move other side of the border.




I know I've not given any statistical information about it but emotions are so high when I see someone living in this beautiful country not appreciating the freedom. You can look around the de ocracies , how is lynching the freedom, how pakistan is oppressing the minorities. India is the most beautiful nation around the globe and our Indian army is derived by passion that makes it one of the best if not the best. Jai hind







If you are from East Side of border for sure you want to be part of India. If you are from West Side of border you still want to be part of India as the situation is far better here than there.

So you are just an imposter. Still to answer your question entire JK including Pok belongs to India. Better look for other countries where you can move






Avinash Kulkarni

Better to settle in pok and enjoy freedom. As u don't have value of freedom in india. U better deserve pok/pakistan. One could not have freedom like in india. Do anything what you want. Criticizing own country also ok. Stone pelting on army man also tolerable. Join hands and support enemy army/country also ok. Better to leave india. Its best suitable for ur kind of people


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 我是克什米尔人,我希望克什米尔独立,但印度和巴基斯坦霸占着克什米尔,都不愿放手,我们该怎么做
