

What should I not do when I visit China?




inxn Liu


What should I absolutely not do when visiting China?


Chinese laws are incredibly harsh on drugs. The most common penalty for drug dealers, including foreign drug dealers, is DEATH PENALTY! China already has quite a record of executing foreign drug dealers.




Don't think you can get away with it for just packing a few drugs for your own usage. The court doesn't care: if you carry drugs with you over a certain amount (a small amount), you are punishable by death. You might get yourself killed if you dare try. And don't expect your government to save you. The governments of those executed foreign drug dealers did plead for mercy from chinese. Didn't work.





Joe Chen


I'm a Chinese police. We once arrested 13 foreign junkies in a bar in May this year. Most of them took marijuana, and some took others. They were from 9 counties, so my colleagues joked that we'd caught a bunch of “the Eight-Power Allied Forces”, and defeated a new “The Opium War” tonight.



When I announced that they would be remanded in custody for 15 days, all of them were breaking down, repeatedly complaining that marijuana is legal in many countries, and some even claimed that marijuana can prevent cancer. My English is not so good, so I didn’t argue with them ,but just simply said “This is China!law is law”!

And, this was not THE END. Few days before the 15-day detention periods, I went to them again and announced that they would be deported from China, and were prohibited from entering china within 5 years. Two of them, one is from Luxembourg and another is from Portugal, were arrested by the punishment, for they were the organizers.



Most of those people had been living a stable life in China for a long time, doing business, studying, or teaching as foreign teachers, ect.but they nearly lost everything they earned in China, just because they smoked some marijuana, which they thought to be “legal”.

So, I think that the drug control is very severe in China.

What should you NOT do when you visit China? Well, My suggestion is NEVER TAKE DRUGS







Sam Arora

Short Answer: For the law abiding citizens there is nothing to be concerned. More respect you have for their law, citizens, property and monuments more respect, you will get back. This equation is simplest equation more respect you put in more you get out and you have to give respect to get it.


Now the explanations: In my view, Chinese have written a book on everything on acceptable social standards, manners and respect for others. The Chinese civilization is ancient (over five thousands years old), during this time Chinese developed their acceptable norms, manners, and etiquette of on everything from holding a chopstick to presenting your business card. "Do's and Don'ts"

I like to divide these do and don’ts in two categories.

1. Absolute/hard Don'ts ) if you do not follow, may take you to the prison and clash with law.

2. Soft Don'ts : In case you do not follow, may not win you friends but you will come back to your home country on time.



1. 绝对禁忌/绝对不能做的事:如果你不遵守,可能会被关进监狱,触犯法律。

2. 需要注意的细节:如果你没做好,可能交不到朋友,但不影响你回国。

Absolute Don’ts


1. Say no to drugs: China is relatively low on drugs, and it took present Government to bring it to this level. The Chinese know first hand what narcotics can do it to you. Therefore it is no secret if any foreigner is caught playing with fire, he/she may have a rough time to come back to a home country in time.

2. Say no to bar room brawls: You may be Bruce Lee” in your country, but please stay away from showing your Kung Fu moves to the Chinese.

1. 对毒品说不:中国的毒品泛滥水平相对较低,这是现任政府的功劳。中国人知道毒品会对人体造成什么影响。所以,如果外国人被发现吸毒,他/她可能会遭点罪,无法及时回国,这已经不是什么秘密了。

2. 对酒吧斗殴说不:你可能在自己国内也是个李小龙般的任务,但请不要向中国人展示你的功夫。

3. Massage Parlor: In case your objective is to get a massage that is fine, but if you have something else in mind too. Just pay the negotiated price, unless your Mandarin is up to the mark, you will be spending some extra time at some place other than the parlor.

4. Nightclub behavior: That cute China doll may have a boyfriend in another corner, she may flirt with you, but boyfriend may be the 8th-degree black belt. Along with his friends you are not coming home without some real damage.


4. 夜店行为:那个可爱的中国芭比可能有个男朋友就坐在某个角落,她可能会和你调情,但她男朋友可能是8级黑带。他和他的朋友们不会轻易放过你的。

5. Chinese Police is a friend: They are very friendly, and in the major cities most likely they speak functional English. At the time of need seek their help, and tell the whole truth. Please do not show bad attitude of rolling your eyes, slamming the door, shrugging your shoulders, stay away from bad words and chewing gum when talking.

6. Do not try your new learned Mandarin in China: There are 55 minority groups there, even with your perfect new learned Mandarin in your home country may not mean anything to the person you are trying to get help. Therefore keep at least one contact handy who could assist you in a time of need, may be your hotel receptionist or call a friend.

5. 中国警察是我们的朋友:他们非常友好,大城市里的警察很可能会说一些基础的英语。在需要的时候向他们寻求帮助。请不要做出翻白眼、摔门、耸肩等行为,说话时不要说脏话,也不要嚼口香糖。

6. 不要在中国尝试你新学的普通话:中国有55个少数族群,即使你在家学会了流利的普通话,对你求助的对象来说也没有任何意义。所以你一定要有一个紧急联系人,可以在需要的时候帮助你,比如酒店接待员或打电话给朋友。

7. Hel hands: Keep some well-written Q cards, pictures or if possible Chinese/English contact handy. ( You may need it at all but just in case). In case you are in a group, stay with the group. ( Be on time at the designated place/s, groups may not wait for you and move on)

8. Documents: Keep a photocopy of your passport with you all the time, real passport and papers in a hotel safe.

9. Please don’t go with preconceived myths: About China and Chinese, that legend may be true in the past, but now it is a new China.

7. 小帮手:准备一些小卡片、图片,可能的话还可以准备好中英文联系方式。(你可能需要它,但只是以防万一)。如果你跟团出游,那就和别人呆在一起。(请准时到达指定地点,否则团队可能不会等你)

8. 证件:随身携带护照复印件,把护照原件及其他证件妥善保管在酒店保险箱内。

9. 请不要相信先入为主的说法:关于中国和中国人,各种说法在过去可能是真的,但现在已经是新中国了。

10. Now the real big one: We went to the Tienanmen Square several times, this is where the seat of power sits. Please keep your political ideas to yourself. You are a guest and not there to change the incredibly powerful Government.

11. Never engage in any political discussion: By and large people of China are very patriotic, respect their leaders and systems. For no rhyme and reason, it may end up in a very awkward situation, with the result you may have to spend some time other than where you intended to spend.

10. 现在说点重要的:我们去过门广场几次了,那里是权力所在地。请不要谈论自己的政治观点。你来中国是客,不是来改变这个无比强大的国家的。

11. 不要参与政治讨论:总体而言,中国人都非常爱国,请尊重他们的领导人和制度。政治讨论往往会以尴尬的气氛告终

12. Street Food: China is the world capital of food, street food is plenty, use your excellent judgment in eating such food. We never had a problem, but we all are different and as they say: One man’s food other man’s poison.

13. Restaurant food: Most of the restaurants are good to excellent, but again use your good judgment.

14. Don’t try to ridicule them. Also don’t criticize their poor quality of goods, copyrights, pollution and so on.

12. 街头小吃:中国是世界美食之都,有丰富多样的街头小吃,用你出色的判断力去品尝这些美食吧。我们从来没有遇到过问题,但大家都不一样,就像他们说的:甲之蜜糖,乙之砒霜。

13. 餐馆的美食:大多数餐馆都很好,但还是要用自己的判断力。

14. 不要嘲笑中国人。也不要批评他们的产品质量差、盗版、污染等等。

15. Stay away from their sensitive areas: Respect their signs it may not be in perfect English, but the authorities will come real hard when they enforce the law.

16. Our sole purpose : Never forget your sole purpose of the trip, ours was to see, admire, learn, and venture in new China, most of the tourists have the same goal. So far you keep these objectives in mind, there is not going to be any problem.

17. Land of extremes: China is a vast country with lots of people: 1.4 billion, for example, there are 35 to 40 times more people in China than in Canada, four times bigger than the USA.

15. 切勿碰触他们的敏感区域:尊重他们的标牌—也许标牌上的英语有这样那样的问题,但中国执法时真的很严厉。

16. 我们唯一的目的:不要忘记你这次旅行的唯一目的,我们的目的是去新中国游览、欣赏、学习和冒险,大多数游客都有同样的目的。只要把牢记这些初心,你不会遇到任何问题。

17. 国土面积极大:中国是一个幅员辽阔的国家,人口多达14亿,中国的人口是加拿大的35到40倍,是美国的4倍。

18. Don’t make a public scene with an outburst: Never make a public scene, the Chinese are extremely sensitive to the public outburst. Please try your best to resolve it very calmly and quietly. It is called “ Saving their face” public insult is serious No No.

19. Never take the first “ no” literally: Chinese people refuse food/drink/gift several times—-before they accept it.

20. Don’t address people by their first names: however in China, the last name comes first, Sam Arora in Canada is Arora Sam in China.

18. 不要当众发飙:千万不要当众发飙,中国人对公共场合喧闹非常敏感。请尽量冷静、安静地解决问题。这叫“顾全自己的面子”,当众侮辱别人更是绝对不能做的事。

19. 不要把别人的第一个“不”当真:中国人在接受分享的食物、饮料和礼物之前会婉拒好几次。

20. 不要直呼别人的名字:不过在中国,排在前面的是姓氏,加拿大人Sam Arora的名字在中国应该是Arora Sam。

20. Don’t let someone else pay the bill : without fighting for it.

22. Don’t show up empty-handed.

23. Don’t drink alcohol without first offering a toast.

24. Photography is allowed: In most places if they stop you, simply stop it, please do not argue.

25. Color/Numbers/ Other Superstitions: The Chinese are very particular about some color and also a vast collection of superstitions.

20. 不能争也不争地就让别人买单。

22. 不能两手空空去别人家。

23. 不先敬酒就不要喝酒。

24. 拍照:在大多数地方,如果有人阻止你拍照,请马上停止,不要争辩。

25. 幸运色/幸运数字/其他迷信:中国人对一些颜色非常讲究,也有很多迷信的讲究。


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 在中国旅游时,有哪些事是绝对不能做的

