

How are the Chinese individually more productive than Indians?





Dr. Balaji Viswanathan

If you take an educated Chinese person and an equivalent educated Indian person, their productivity levels are likely to be the same.

However, overall Indian productivity levels are lower because:

A sizeable portion of our population have not finished schooling or done skill development in a formal way.

We don’t have as many cities and as many economic opportunities.

Given our poor infrastructure those of us in Indian cities spend more time traveling.

We are fixng these things. Hopefully in a couple of decades we can catch up.










Kuntal Sarma

In terms of working hours, Indians work longer hours than the Chinese, as per this OECD survey.



However, number of working hours doesn’t account to productivity. A very high percentage of Indian labor force is engaged in the rudimentary agricultural sector.

For Eg, if a peasant spends 9 hours harvesting potatoes, cleaning them and packing them in sacks, he will at most collect 20Kg potatoes, which is worth Rs 400 in the retail market.



In China, the manufacturing sector employs highest no of people.

Eg, a Chinese factory worker in a LCD Tv manufacturing unit produces multiple Tv sets per employee in a 8 hrs working day. These TVs are exported all over the world and sold for average Rs 25000 per set.

Similarly, the productivity of 1 working hour of an employee in Apple’s research & development center Germany is probably worth an entire week for a Chinese worker in an Iphone assembling facility in Beiing.







Sree V

I am not sure how one can compare the Productivity at Individual level in the present Tech age

Chinese, as individuals and as Enterprises (micro, small, medium , and of course large enterprises ) build the Eco-systems on the principle of Productivity



So even a small machine shop goes in for CNC machines, mechanised handling

They adapt to new technologies very fast

They think of viable volumes

They think of robust processes

They don’t believe in too many layers of monitoring

They appreciate the value of time and commitment







In India , Productivity is a choice - should invest in modernisation, new technologies , training , the pleasure of cutting corners , quality vs cost , managers wanting their levers of controls , bureaucracy wanting their survival etc

In China , at Individual level and in Enterprise , Productivity is not a choice ( with very few exceptions) , it is survival of the most Productive






Icha Bucha

I have to agree that Chinese and China as a whole is more productive than Indians and India. In my perspective, China and India are two kids, China with strict parents, strict schooling, strict schedules, etc. India with happy parents, just optional schooling, easy going life, no care live today attitude, etc.

When you put people under strict supervision and schedule obviously their productivity reaches a good level (not 100%, of course). When you leave people as they wish, they tend to be happier than productive that is the difference between Chinese and Indians.



When you take a step ahead and look at Indians abroad, say the USA. They are equally productive like Chinese, if not more productive. The reason is abroad will be a restricted, conducive and disciplined environment. My take is Indians are productive but not in India (few exceptions apply).


India as a parent is realizing this and fixng things.

Improving education improves productivity.

Creating jobs, businesses, improvising agriculture, etc. improves productivity.

Improving infrastructure improves productivity.





Soon things will be fixed, there are kids who grow without restrictions turn out into spoiled brats. I do not think India or Indians will be a spoiled brat. I think people are buckling up now, getting ready to be productive and willing to develop.

A kid who lived his life and learning to be productive in his adulthood will always be happier than a kid who had so many restrictions and being productive forcefully? Well, that’s a debatable question :)






Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam


Is it because Chinese are more intelligent than Indians that China develops faster than India?

My son used to tell me when he used to do MS in the US about the difference between Indian Students and the Chinese students

The Chinese spend all their time in understanding the fundamentals. Without understanding the basic fundamentals, they dont take the next step. They are much slower in the begng and take a long time to understand the very basics of any principle, and then slowly they evolve their understanding.




Once they have done so - any way any question is twisted - they can handle it because they understand the underlying concept.

That is why they are so good in Engineering especially in Civil Engineering or Mechanical Engineering

Meanwhile the Indians would rather spend time to work out the basics and practice more questions and work harder. The Average Indian would prefer solving problems and learning from the solutions and evolving their understanding




This means they cannot handle u turn s in questions and falter

However this also means they are pretty good when it comes to Business Studies or MBA or Business management which is all about evolving on the spot and learning through similar solutions

The Ideal company would be one where the Research work was done by the Chinese and the Marketing and Business Strategy done by the Indians. It would mint money.







Random Mandalorian


What is the difference between Chinese and Indian mentality?


Here’s something interesting i noticed in schools in Malaysia. The top scorers for Biology and Physics are normally Indians, while the top scorers for maths and Chemistry are normally Chinese. This pattern becomes very apparent when it comes to Maths and Biology. Chinese are methodical and logical, with a focused approach to things that allows them an edge in subjects like Mathematics. Indians are curious, more emotional, with a more diverse scientific mindset. This is according to what i’ve observed. The questions in Malaysian Biology tend to be highly subjective, with varied answers. Here, Indians shine. The same thing applies to Physics as well. Where the answers are wide and diverse, Indians effectively take over. Where there is a methodology and set answering scheme, Chinese dominate. Hence their genius in Chemistry and Mathematics. Of course, this is a generalised observation, and therefore needs verification. It is also based on a select Indian-Chinese community in Malaysia.










Top 5


Are Chinese in general more hard-working and disciplined than Indians?

Yes they are, as i am an Indian Indonesian i have few Chinese friends and some of them are my best buddies. My bud is always hardworking and he is always focused and straight. On the other hand the Indians talk too much and waste a lot of time on talking. Indian people are never disciplined. Indians like to brag their knowledge more than the Chinese. Chinese talk less and do more but the Indians are the opposite. In Indonesia most of the business is run by Chinese and many big entrepreneurs are Chinese not Indians. So I conclude at the last Chinese are better than Indians. Cheers












Richard Li


Why do the Chinese work so hard? Is their work ethic from their culture?

Part cultural, part necessity.

Chinese culture values hard work. Career is routinely placed as top priority in traditional Chinese family. The saying goes ‘Build a good career, then a family’.

Financial security (which is provided by a career) is the foundation of raising a family.



中国文化崇尚努力勤奋。在传统的中国家庭中,事业通常都被放在第一位。俗话说“先有好的事业 ,才有好的家庭”。


When the society runs like this, even if you want to slack off a bit, you can’t afford to because those who places career first will surge ahead and leave you in the dust.

I used to help a Chinese business couple to setup a business in Australia. My job was to take them around different wholesalers and interpret for them. They didn’t understand that Aussies no matter social circumstance, don’t work on the weekend. Whenever they need something, they would wechat their factory floor in China and get a response in seconds, no matter time of the day.



I recall a wholesaler was asking for a slight change in spec of a particular line of product and was ho for a sample made in that spec. They messaged their factory floor manager 11 pm that night after the wife worked out a plan, and next morning the samples were already on the way to Sydney via DHL.

They had to, if they don’t, the competitor will and they will lose out a big contract.



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