

If China becomes the world's largest economy in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), will it also become the most powerful country in terms of military power and influence?




Kim Dokja

Naah. It doesn't work like that

Though GDP is an indicatior to show the health of a country's economy it's not a parameter for other things like military power and influence.



Take US as an example, it's the world's largest economy in 1890 i.e., for almost 135+ years.Yet it didn't became superpower or something in the same year. It was only after when Europe got bored and decided to beat the hell out of each other in WW1 and WW2 US's power starts to grow by leaps and bounds. It's not like US was under the umbrella of these colonial powers up until that point.It's influence stretched across entire Americas before 1900s. The very fact that US's entry into both world wars turned the tide of conflict is enough to say how strong it was.Yet it wasn't sole superpower at that time because you know Brits and French.


The collapse of GB&France (thanks to Germans)paved ways for US to become financial and military superpower. USD becoming reserve currency then we all know what happened.Cold war further accelerated US's influence on other parts of world. Along with military might US's soft power helped it in exerting some sort of influence in one way or other.

So I think you understand the point. Having biggest GDP number doesn't make a country a dominant power.






Santhakumar V

Not necessarily

Per-capita income matters

The size of Indonesian economy is two times that of Norway

But Indonesia depended on Norway for the preservation of peatlands








Nikolai Orlov


Why is China so powerful?

China traditionally was one of the world’s great empires.

Then it had a bad few hundred years, to the point that Europeans and Americans (and Japanese, making their first appearance as honorary westerners) would send their troops in to walk around China without a second thought.

Then China had a series of revolutions, a civil war, . Forty years ago, China probably sucked worst than most African countries.





Then, new leadership came into power in China, and brought about one of the most extraordinary events in human history. China transformed from a total shit country in the mid-1970s, to what it is now, with many European or American cities looking rather shabby compared to Shanghai.





Chen Zhigong (陳治功)


Do you agree that China is already a superpower?


We are still a develo country.

We still need to work harder.

Our navy is still not strong enough (only 2 aircraft carriers).

There are still many poor people in the western part of China.

Our GDP per capita is only 10000 $ (nominal) and 20000 $ (PPP).








We haven’t sent humans to the moon. We merely have a small space station.

Our popular culture and entertainment industry s*ck (due to the censorship).

We will never self-claim as a superpower before our GDP per capita reaching 40000 $, making the majority of citizens have a developed living standard, sending humans to the moon, and having 10 aircraft carriers and great modern cultural influence.







Joseph Wang


How did China evolve to become so powerful?

China has had good centuries and bad centuries, but for most of recorded human history, China has been powerful.

It’s had a few bad centuries, but after getting everything in order, it’s returning to the situation that’s been the case for most of the last 2000 years.

The thing that’s confused people is not that China has become powerful, but that it was as weak as it was for so long.








Ziaddinè Chahoudi


China is becoming a powerful country, why?

We are facing a real opponent, my friend. This is no longer China of old, dump, poor and rubbish anymore. This China has intended to expand and increase their might to a higher level. They’re very dangerous.

China is not the old China. China is pretty much powerful and very frightening for many reasons:




1.China is not Russia. Russia is very poor despite vast natural resources, and depend heavily on their military adventures, their economy is very tiny and has few things to do with common world. China is different: it is not just growing, but it is growing in all level terms. It has large economy, it has growing political power, it has more money, it has a strong and increasing powerful military force.


2.China has a lot of economic weight and increasing investments. They announced “One Belt, One Road”, they use stadium policy, they intervene on several countries threatening their goods like Zimbabwe, they make Iran and Russia dependant on them; and even many Chinese sponsors stampeding in the FIFA World Cup, showing that China is not a simple nation to understand.


3.China has a long history of diplomacy. Because they have 5.000 years history, they know how to impress their guests to achieve their games and goals. This is what Trump cannot understand, and of course his supporters, including Israeli nationalists.


4.China has a large economy. Adding with my first and second points, China is more industrialized and pretty much more advanced technologies. This is what we don’t know much. Right now, the United States is still on upper hand, but if not acting fast, we will have troubles.

4. 中国是一个庞大的经济体。在上述第一点和第二点之外,中国还更为工业化,技术上也更先进。这是我们不太了解的。现在,美国虽然仍占上风,但如果不迅速采取行动,我们就会有大麻烦了。

You see that? China is very dangerous. It’s not that simple and as we know, they know who they’re, they know who they deal, and if they want, they would make us very fearful of them.

This is why China becoming powerful like today. We need to deal with China seriously, or we will lose the race.






Giovanni Pagni


How powerful is China?

China is right now the second most powerful country on the planet,without doubts.

China has the second largest economy on the planet. It has the third strongest military. It has a population of 1.3 billion people,who rank among the highest in IQ. China is really the only one who will challenge the US hegemony in the near future.Russia has a strong military (not much stronger than the chinese one,which is making progresses at an astonishing rate,and there are tons of examples of that) but it's economy is nowhere near China.




China is also investing on projects around the world (some of them are huge).In the future China will surpass the US in GDP (in around 10 years) and this will lead naturally to more military spending , and they will probably have the second strongest armed forces. I don't think China will surpass US military simply because they don’t want to be a global “police”. Even now, China spends around 2% of it's GDP in it's military, while the US spends around 3.3%.


So, in around 10/15 years the world will become multipolar( with the US and China as the two major powers and leading it). China will have a bigger GDP while the US will probably have a bigger soft power(at least in the foreseeable future) . Considering all, China could even be slightly ahead.

Other countries, like Russia and India ,could possibly catch up with the US and China in this new multipolar world but it will take them much more than 10/15 years, if they will ever be on par or “beat” China and the US .






Bevin Chu


Is China a superpower now?

It depends on your definition of “superpower”.

China has been a superpower for most of recorded history, during which it produced roughly one third of the world’s GDP.

But China has absolutely no desire to be a superpower in the sense that the US Empire is a superpower.





Last year the US gave the world a live demonstration of its superpower abilities by drop 27,000 bombs on seven different nations.

Last year, China demonstrated whatever power it had, super or not, by building railroads, highways, sea ports, and manufacturing plants in sub-Saharan Africa.

Perhaps that showed the world that the US is a superpower, but China is not. Does it matter?

Not to China it doesn’t.





此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度看中国 » 按照GDP算,如果中国成了全球第一大经济体,那么中国在军事和影响力方面会不会也排名全球第一
