How different would have India's fate been if the Spanish had colonized it instead of the British?
Dr. Balaji Viswanathan
Spain would not have lasted long in India and India would have been quickly independent.
Spain won over the Latin America primarily because of the small pox. By the time they reached most parts of Americas the native populations had mostly died out due to the diseases carried by these foreigners. Having horses and steel swords also helped win over the remaining natives.
Indians were more immune to the old world diseases than the Spanish. Had the Spaniards come to India the situation might have been the other way around. The conquistadors would have died of diseases and poor weapons.
Even if they had won, they would have tried imposing Christianity. One thing that would get a calm India to riot mad is having people’s religious beliefs touched and the Spaniards would have had hell!
Mauryan empire didn’t last well past Ashoka as many didn’t like the empire spreading a religion. Pushyamitra Shunga rebelled against Buddhist imposition and ended the Mauryan empire. Same way, Mughal empire didn’t last well past Aurangzeb due to the Islam imposition. You won’t survive long if you try to alter the religious ideas of India.
The reason the British succeeded was because they came not for conquest but for trade and thus didn’t raise any alarm bells with the natives. Like the proverbial frog in hot water, India was slowly consumed rather than attacked.
More importantly, the British don’t follow the Catholic church and were not as evangelical as other Europeans. This allowed them to stay out of trouble with Indian religions. Thus, Indians found little reason for a revolution.
Mark Vashmel
Firstly there is a extremely slim chance Spain could have successfully colonized India , The Mughal Empire was more or less as strong as the Spanish Empire and would almost certainly won if Spain invaded , the British colonized India successfully because they used the divide and conquer tactics and besides that they Slowey colonized india through companies such as the east Indian company and eventually annexed the divided india .
Spain would have sailed to India with Catholic Missionaries like they did in The Americas and would have gave them the same options they have the Mayans , Tlaxcalans and Incas “Covert or Die” ,India would have instantly saw Spain as a threat and unlike the much more primitive Native Americans who also declined in large numbers due to illness bought from europe , India would have used its home turf advantage and used guerilla warfare against Spain and the Spaniards would have caught illness in India such as malaria , the spaniards would have had to retreat and the conquest would have probably ended in a peace treaty with both empires agreeing to trade gold , silver and other riches.
However assuming that Spain successfully conquered India like the British did , honestly India today would have been very boring , Spain was overall much less tolerant to other religions and other cultures than Britain was , under the British , they did there best to help restore Pre-Mughal Islamic cultural influence and basically restored India to what it was Pre-Mughal conquest including restoring Hinduism and other elements of Ancient and Pre-Mughal India.
Spain would have destroyed the culture and religion of India , Spain would have forced Indian Hindus to convert to Catholicism , The Spaniards would have replaced the local language from Hindi to Spanish or at the very least have Spanish as a secondary language , The Spaniards would have most likely mixed with some degree with Indian Women most likely through forced marriages or for lack of better term , Rape and there would likely be some kind of caste system and some ‘Mestizo’ caste like what happened in Latin America however more than likely the Spaniards probably would have converted the population to Catholicism and then would have left them alone like with the Philippines , there would also be mass slaughter and possibly genocide.
Traditional Indian culture would have been replaced with Hispanic culture , India would have not only adopted the Catholic Faith but also would have adopted Spanish Cuisine , Architecture and Culture much like in the Philippines and would have Western/Spanish Names .
Eventually Spain would have had to give up India as they would have lost the Spanish-American War and India most likley would have been handed over to the USA much like Guam , the Philippines , Puerto Rico and Cuba and it would have gained independence Sonner than originally , however this would not have been good as a much more brutal force than Spain , Britain or USA would have went after India which would be Imperial Japan , while i doubt imperial Japan could have annexed India with its high population , i think it would have done major genocides , something equal to the Nanking massacre and all kinds of horrific atrocities would have been committed like what happened to The Philippines , China and Korea.
In short Spain would have most likely been worse for India overall , Indian Culture would have probably been very altered and probably would be very different from Indian culture as we know it today , Hinduism would have been a dead religion and would be replaced with Christianity just like how Christianity replaced Mesoamerican Polytheism , Incan Polytheism , Anitism , Bathalism and various other Indigenous religions that would be either extinct like Latin America today or would be very rare like Native Filipino Religion that only makes up 2% of the total religious population in the Philippines.
India would have left colonial rule Sonner but without Britain stop Japan , Imperial Japan would have most likely attacked and done big damage to India much like The Philippines today , India would be a middle income country that would be poorer than it is today if India develops anything like the Philippines .
Sameer Haldavanekar
What would India be like if it was colonized by the Spanish or Portuguese?
If India was indeed colonized by Spanish or Portuguese, we wouldn't have been much different than what we are today. Except instead of English we’d be using either Spanish or Portuguese.
Religion is a touchy subject in India, and anyone who tries to enforce his or her view on the population faces a tremendous backlash.
The over zealous Islamist emperor Aurangzeb in his attempt to islamize India, weakened the Mughal empire by constant wars and battles. His zeal proved to be the first nail in the coffin of the Mughals. And kindly correct me if I am wrong, the Mughal empire was far more powerful militarily and financially than either the Portuguese or the Spanish at the time.
The British must have noticed that and perhaps that's why they kept away from such things.
Also note the Portuguese did rule Goa for sizable period of time (450 years) and yet could not manage to entirely convert the native population of the region to Christianity. There was always a back and forth movement of people between religions (Hindus still constitute 66% of Goan population).
So in conclusion apart from a different foreign language nothing else would have been different.
Joyson Fernandes
What would India be like if it was colonized by the Spanish or Portuguese?
Thank goodness that it was the British who ruled over India, and not the Spanish or Portuguese. India’s cultural and religious diversity is what I love the most about it. That’s what makes India so interesting and colorful. Most Indians cherish that diversity. I love Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and Sikhs. I wouldn’t prefer it otherwise, because that would make India boring. A garden looks more beautiful if it has a diverse variety of flowers than if it were just one kind.
India would have really sucked if it were a more homogenous Hispanic or Lusophone country with a majority Roman Catholic population. The last thing this world needs is another such country.
Alex Nikov
What would India be like if it was colonized by the Spanish or Portuguese?
All people should speak Spanish and Portuguese
Roman Catholic would be the dominance religion; destruction of Hindu temples, mosques, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist sites
Mass unrests and the anti-colonial forces would turn into a war. And might be Mahatma Gandhi would have never been known.
Separation of India would come bloodier and un-usual
Football/soccer would take charge unlike cricket
Mass assimilation and genocide
For which reasons after all, look on Latin America too. I guess, this is what I believe, could be India’s future if the Spaniards or Portuguese involve to there
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