

Why does China seem to be more obsessed with its ancient history than any other once-great nations?




Boon Kuan Chung

Chinese are generally more “obsessed” with their ancient history than any other once-great nations. It is true, but the word “obsessed” is exaggerated. A more accurate word is “value”: Chinese value their ancient history more than other nations. It is not really out of pride, but it is a cultural thing which started in the early Zhou Dynasty. The founders of Zhou Dynasty valued very much the historical lessons of China although at that time it was only about 1500 years history. We don’t really see the 5000 years history as of today as very long, leave alone feeling proud about its longevity. In a Daoism “bible” written by Zhuang Zi, a 800-years old person should feel ashamed to claim he has long life because he selectively not comparing himself with turtle and tree which have much longer life. “There is a type of bug which is born in the morning and dies in the night. It cannot comprehend the concept of one month. There is a type of cicada which is born in the Spring and dies in the Summer; or born in the Summer and dies in the Autumn. It cannot comprehend the concept of one year.” Feeling proud of 5000 years history is not recommended; instead, we are cautioned to never be arrogance but keep learning from historical lessons.






It all started during the replacement of Shang Dynasty by Zhou Dynasty. Shang Dynasty was very strong before its sudden collapse. Zhou was just a small state; which was really just a tribal land. The King of Shang once instructed the tribe leader of Zhou state to go to the capital city just to be imprisoned for years. His elder son went to plead to the Shang King for his father’s release, with himself as replacement for the prison sentence. It was not approved; instead, the son was cooked and the Zhou leader was forced to eat his son’s meat. The Zhou leader dared not show anger nor remorse for the cruelty of Shang King, because he knew it was a test for him. This managed to convince the Shang King that the Zhou leader was truly loyal to him. Not long later, the Zhou leader was released. He then plotted for revenge. It didn’t take long for the Shang Dynasty to be toppled despite its apparent strength. It was a “paper tiger”, in the words of Mao Zedong. Due to the cruelty of Shang King, its army mostly surrendered to Zhou leader and helped to fight against the Shang King. The swift victory was an extremely great surprise to the Zhou leader. He and his ministers started to contemplate the reasons for the sudden collapse of Shang Dynasty. They came to see clearly the historical lessons which can be learned. They vowed never to repeat the same mistakes of Shang Dynasty so that the new Zhou Dynasty can possibly survive forever. The new central government started to have officials responsible to record daily events, including the private lives of the noble family. According to《荀子·王制》, the most important lesson is 水可载舟,亦可覆舟: the people are like the river water which supported the boat, but its turbulence can also capsize the boat. The Mandate of the Heaven was given to the king only if he works to improve the lives of the people. If the people are angry with him, the Heaven listens through the the sensual organs of the people and It will then give the Mandate of the Heaven to a deserving new king.






The founding Emperor of Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong, have the same feeling as the Zhou King. The preceding Sui Dynasty was new and strong but suffered similar sudden collapse; for the similar reasons, of course. 水可载舟,亦可覆舟: the people are like the river water which supported the boat, but its turbulence can also capsize the boat. Emperor Taizong always remind himself and the ministers to work diligently and ardently for the welfare of the people.


《墨子·非攻中》:“君子不镜于水而镜於人。镜于水,见面之容;镜于人,则知吉与凶。” Mo Zi of Mohism said: “a gentleman don’t use calm water as mirror but use the people as his mirror. Using calm water as mirror only allows a person to reflect on his face; whereas, using the people as mirror will allow him to know fortune or misfortune.” 以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以史为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。Emperor Taizong said: “Using the copper mirror as reflection allows me to tidy up my dress; using history as mirror allows me to reflect on the reasons leading to the rising and falling of dynasties; using people as mirror allows me to reflect on my conduct and misconduct.” He encouraged people to point out his mistakes so that he can correct himself and ensure the longevity of the Tang Dynasty. He restarted the examination system of the preceding Sui Dynasty to select government officials based on merits. Obviously, all the candidates were expected to be well-versed with history. Consequently, it became fashionable for everybody to know history very well. It is not just for the examination, but much more for self-cultivation in terms of virtue, equanimity and wisdom. People read about famous heroes and virtuous Sages, then think about emulating them. People also read about infamous corrupt individuals, then vow never to become one of them and get into the history textbook for the wrong reasons.

墨子曾说:“君子不镜于水而镜於人。镜于水,见面之容;镜于人,则知吉与凶。”意思是,墨子说正人君子不应用平静的水面做镜子,而要拿别人来当镜子。用平静的水面做镜子,只能让人看清自己的面容;而以人为镜,则能知道吉凶对错。” 以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以史为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。唐太宗说:“用铜作镜子,可以整理衣冠;用历史作镜子,可以知道历代兴衰更替;用人作镜子,可以看清自己的得失。”


《论语·学而》:“曾子曰:‘慎终追远,民德归厚矣。’” A student of Confucius said (in the Analects of Confucius): “Carefully handle the funeral of parents and remember the ancestors are to be encouraged so that the people will cultivate themselves to become virtuous.” It actually has another meaning. It tells people to do wholesome deeds until the end of their lives so that they are remembered by their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren as virtuous persons to be proud of. Their benevolence will then be emulated by the successors and bring peace and prosperity to the society. It is this cultural practice which makes Chinese value their ancient history very much. We want to learn to become gentlemen with three important qualities as defined by Confucius. Confucius said: “A true gentleman has three attributes, but I have yet to attain any of those. The three attributes are: true compassion makes him have no mental suffering (no anger, grief, anxety, guilt, etc.); true wisdom makes him have no delusion and doubt about his life mission; true courage makes him have no fear.” Upon hearing this, his disciple relied: “My good teacher, you are simply describing who you already are.” (子曰:“君子道者三,我无能焉:仁者不忧,知者不惑,勇者不惧。”子贡曰:“夫子自 道也。”)





孔子的弟子听后说:“这正是老师的自我描述。” (子曰:“君子道者三,我无能焉:仁者不忧,知者不惑,勇者不惧。”子贡曰:“夫子自道也。”)




Spencer McDaniel

The claim that China is “more obsessed with its ancient history than any other once-great nation” isn’t true.

I’m pretty sure that Egypt, Greece, and Italy are at least as “obsessed” with their ancient history as China is. Indeed, the entire modern nation-state of Greece is essentially founded on the idea that it is a restoration of the glory of classical Greece. That why, in 1834, after the Greek Revolution, Greece specifically chose Athens to be its capital—even though it was a rather small town at the time. This is also the reason why Greece has invested so much money into restoring the Parthenon and other monuments on the Athenian Akropolis, which, believe it or not, were even more ruined 150 years ago than they are today.



All nation-states are built on the impression of a shared national history and identity. When the states that control countries with lots of ancient history try to promote awareness of that history, they do so partly for the purpose of furthering a shared national mythology among the people who live in that country.

They are also, however, trying to promote tourism and convince people from other countries to come visit their country, since this brings money into the national economy. They tend to focus on advertising specific monuments. Thus, Egypt advertises the Pyramids of Giza, China advertises the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, Greece advertises the Athenian Akropolis, and Italy advertises the Colosseum and the Pantheon.






CR Wang

To the Chinese, history is like the Bible to Christians. History is a guide to social development. Unlike Eric Chan's fantasies, The Chinese pragmatic culture makes history accurate and valuable. For example, since 1057 BC, China has recorded 32 times of Comet Halley's return in 40 times, which is the highest in the world. (Why is this comet called Halley, not a Chinese name?)

Therefore, the Chinese historical records have become the social experimental reports of nearly 2000 years. For the Chinese, the history of hundreds years ago is like yesterday.




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