

Why does China choose to lower interest rates when the US dollar raises interest rates?




China - World Leader.

Because China, unlike many western countries and the US in particular, didn't irresponsibly print excessive money during the pandemic to boost the economy. Therefore China doesn't need to deal with huge inflations which many western countries are experiencing now.

The ‘prosperous’ economy in the west isn't really prosperous but a result of excessive printing of money. You know the cost of many of your everyday goods and services have doubled after the pandemic. Your real buying power didn't rise indeed, many have gone backwards. Westerners are facing the huge burden of repayments of their home loans and credit card debts.



China is in the process of transforming and upgrading its excessive production of low end goods to high end goods that produce higher profit and be more environmentally friendly the same time. In the long run, this transformation will benefit the entire nation as a whole and make China's economy undeniably strong. China is making every concrete step to become the strongest economy in the world while the US government is using the last credit its predecessors accumulated to dress up that fake prosperity. People around the world have awakened and start dum the USD rather than buying it. It won't be long before we see the US falling off the cliff once all its credits get used up.





China - World Leader.

That's part of the facilitation being given to the Global South to quit depending on the USD.

Here comes the better alternative.

As the most economically powerful member of BRICS, it cannot follow US interest rate policy.

Otherwise, why would other nations want to join BRICS?








William Simpson

China has no problems with inflation. If anything it may have to watch deflation. China has a slowing economy with some worried about youth unemployment and oversupply of property. These issues suggest lowering interest rates.

The USA has had, and may yet still have, an issue with inflation. It's down to 3.2%, but the labour market is very tight and it's possible that could generate wage and price pressures. US politics also looks volatile and financial markets are edgy. The Ideal policy looks like steady on interest rates with a bias towards raising them.







The U.S. Federal Reserve has raised interest rates to combat inflation. China has the opposite problem, as its economy is sagging, potentially to the point of becoming deflationary (which can be a much bigger problem than moderate inflation).





Amr Lialy

Interest rate is a monetary tool used by government center bank to alter certain exchange value of its national currency towards other currencies.

It's 2 edge dagger, in one side it provides bank depositors with passive income and at the same time withdraw some of money quantities in circulation into bank accounts thus manipulating inflation and money value depreciation .



On the other edge, money deposited and withdrawn from circulation is affecting private equity amounts availability, also increased interest rate affects loans interest whether consumer or investment loans, hence affecting both private expenditure and private investment due to high cost of borrowing from banks, which will certainly affect negatively both consumption and expenditure and negatively affecting investment and supply resulting in more inflation.


Kee interest rates at stable rates or decreased levels are certainly aiming to activate investment and supply and hence increase consumption and expenditure meaning an active attractive economy to lure in new investors and new equity.

In my believe, another action should be applied simultaneously with lowering interest rate , that is to lower taxes on working capital .






James Allen

China is bordering on the edge of DEFLATION. By lowering interest rates they hope to make money “easy”, to kickstart flagging growth. The US has an economy that, due to Democrat overspending over a very short time span, is swimming in cheap money, prices are spiraling and higher interest rates have a negative effect on growth, thus “cooling” inflation.

中国正处于通货紧缩的边缘。他们希望通过降低利率“轻松”赚钱,以刺激萎靡不振的经济。由于民 主党在很短的时间内过度支出,美国经济资金太过充裕,物价正在螺旋式上升,提高利率对经济增长会产生负面影响,为通胀降温。




David Kloth

China has its own economy, and it doesn’t necessarily track with the US economy. In fact, China has its own problems which are different from US problems.

The US has been experiencing high inflation, although it has improved. In June 2022, US inflation was over 9%, but because of interest rate increases by the Fed, the June 2023 rate was down to 3%. In China, the rate of inflation has been about 0.25%.



While US GDP, which is reflective the relative strength of our economy, has been rolling along at around 4% annualized at the end of the second quarter. That’s healthy, but not overheated. On the other hand, China has been struggling to maintain economic growth. China’s number has been bouncing around at about the same rate of growth as the US, but China must grow more and faster to support its huge population.


So, in the US inflation has been a problem, but the economy has been strong. To control inflation, we needed higher interest rates that would hopefully not end in recession.

In China inflation isn’t a concern at all, but the economy needs to be encouraged to grow. Lower interest rates are appropriate.






Tom Chechatka

Because the burden of debt in China is becoming overwhelming? Their banking system has inflated by over 10x in the past fifteen years and this, I believe, is not easy to do if due diligence were stringent over the course of this massive expansion.

Although it is understood that China is selling dollar assets to support the yuan, a move to lower interest rates could suggest that a controlled depreciation of the yuan is being orchestrated in an effort to slow imports and conserve capital, as well as hasten exports and improve capital inflows.






Paul Denlinger


How will the Fed's interest rate hike impact China?

It will help the further depreciation of the yuan, which will in turn help Chinese exports. Since the chinese wants to stimulate Chinese exports, this will be good.

It will also help capital flight to the dollar from China. This is not necessarily in line with what the chinese wants, but recently Chinese banks have tightened their capital controls to make it harder to take money out of China.

In the past 15 years, a lot of hot money has found its way to China, and having some of it flow out again may be more in line with what the chinese wants to achieve, as it will let off some inflationary pressure.








Joseph Loh

Why does China lower interest rates?

China Cuts Rate by Most Since 2020 as Economic Woes Deepen. The People's Bank of China (PBOC) building in Beiing. China's central bank unexpectedly reduced a key interest rate by the most since 2020 to bolster an economy that's facing fresh risks from a worsening property slump and weak consumer spending. The interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve narrows the interest rate gap between China and the US, increases the return on US capital investment, and attracts international capital to flow across the border, thus increasing the demand for US dollars and the appreciation of the US dollar under the condition that the inflation rate is raising uncontrollably.






Masao Miwa


Which is worse for China, US rate increase or US dollar increase?

My opinion, ‘none of the above’. US interest rates don’t affect China directly. The only area it has an effect is in their treasury notes. If interest rates go up, the value of the treasures goes down. Increasing the value of the dollar, again has no direct correlation. It could make the Chinese Yuan look lower in value, which would help China sell more to America because Chinese products would be cheaper.

Both, a rate increase and/or increase in dollar value affect the US directly. A rate increase makes loans more expensive. Increase dollar value allows consumers to buy more.







Peter Elliott


How would negative interest rates affect the money owed by the USA to China?

It’d make it more valuable. If you have a debt that you’re paying 2% on and another debt that you’re paying nothing on, and they’re both for sale, which debt would people rather buy?

So the US debt to China is at a fixed interest rate right. The US issues more debt at a zero rate, the buyers of that debt would much rather buy the US debt off the Chinese.

Said Chinese are selling their US debt and buying up gold at the moment anyway, so it’d be a bit of a windfall for them.





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