How did China manage to build a much better infrastructure than Brazil or Mexco when it has become even comparable to these countries in terms of GDP per capita only very recently?
China has managed to build a much better infrastructure than Brazil and Mexco due to a combination of factors. One of the main reasons is that China has had a strong central government that has been able to invest heavily in infrastructure projects. Additionally, China has had a large and rapidly growing population, which has led to high demand for infrastructure. Furthermore, China has also been able to take advantage of its low labor costs and abundant natural resources to build infrastructure at a lower cost than other countries. Finally, China has also been able to attract significant foreign investment, which has helped to fund infrastructure projects.
John Beasley
There are a lot of political and cultural answers here, but one major issue I haven’t seen addressed is Geopolitics, in this instance the geography of both Brazil and Mexco is very different from the core of China. Geopolitics has an enormous influence on how a region develops over time, and is a better explanation than mere political, socio-racial or other factors.
China is an extremely powerful and populous core territory (around Beiing) that waxes and wanes. At its peaks (contemporary China is in such a peak), it exerts military control over the economically prosperous coastal and navigable river trading cities in the south. For China, expanding infrastructure is a critical task that allows Beiing to continue to control the more independence-minded southern cities, and integrate into a single unified society. Many of the modern infrastructure projects are continuations of plans that predate the .
Brazil by contrast has a very difficult geography for infrastructure. Like much of South America, it has sheer cliffs along its coast that make it difficult to develop infrastructure. In some cases it is physically impossible and most of the time it is uneconomic. This leads to a situation where economic success at scale requires heavy investment (someone already has to be wealthy). You might recognize a situation where a few very wealthy people employ thousands of workers at subsistence wages as colonialist, and you’d be right. Despite throwing off the chains of European colonialism, Brazil and many other Latin American nations still depend on colonial-like economic structures that can’t help but create resentment. Since South American countries are largely free from external threats (thanks to their geographical isolation and the large, relatively non-interventionist western hegemon), they cycle through periods where the wealthy exploit the poor until the poor have enough and rise up until they run out of rich resources to take, then decide to invite the rich to invest again.
Mexco is another difficult geography, it has disunited zones that join at Mexco City. There won’t be any bullet trains through the Sonora for the same reason there will never be a high-speed rail line from Reno to Salt Lake City - there isn’t enough population to justify it. The jungle mountains in the south of Mexco are likewise impassable and do not justify heavy infrastructural spending. It has similar coastal mountain problems to South America. It has no major rivers for dams. If you were to build a high speed rail line, it would just go from Vera Cruz to Mexco City, but it would have to go across some steep elevation changes to do it. Considering the limitations, their infrastructure is pretty good!
Neither Brazil nor Mexco will likely ever invest in the kinds of infrastructural projects that modern China does. The need and political will aren’t there, and likely will never be. China must build infrastructure to avoid collapse. South American elites see no reason to build anything not strictly necessary for colonial resource extraction, and proletariat-focused revolutions aren’t good at long term building or maintenance.
Thomas Pauken II
Social stability does and will always play a tremendous role in the building of the country’s infrastructure. Mexco and Brazil have long suffered under the negative impact of corrupt governments, rampant crime waves and overwhelming poverty and it may seem impossible to overcome that for the moment.
You have a huge income inequality gap in Mexco where the richest 10% of the population own over 90% of the nation’s wealth. Whereas in Brazil, you had less extremes with income inequality, but the criminal gangs and drugs syndicates were just as bad as Mexco if not worse.
Accordingly, there’s no way to construct amazing infrastructure under such circumstances. The best you can hope for would be that on occasion voters would elect reformist leaders who pledge to crackdown on corruption, fight back against criminality and to restore the domestic economy.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro appears to be the right leader for his country at the moment as he was popularly elected on a campaign platform to reform the country and so far he has succeeded.
I had an opportunity to visit the US last week, as of the time of writing - Dec. 18 - and had spoken with a number of tax drivers who came from the Latin-American region. I asked them about the recent political turmoil and rioting there and they explained that corrupt governments were largely to blame and local citizens are getting fed up.
Nonetheless, when I asked if there was any good news or signs of hope from the South American continent, many responded that Brazil stood out and Bolsanaro is making his country great again.
They explained that he might be very tough and upholds strong social conservative opinions, but many Brazilians do agree with him on such issues and they know he is fighting for them. He’s a lot like the Brazilian-version of US President Donald. J. Trump and he remains very popular with voters there.
Therefore, Brazil has a much better opportunity to reform its government and to embark on building major infrastructure to revitalize the national economy.
We can anticipate much better ties between the two countries, while China’s Central government continues to endorse and fund Belt & Road joint projects in the Latin-American region. You can learn more about i and Bolsanaro meeting each other in the past few months.
As reported by the Star:
“China and Brazil announced a list of agreements including an accord to allow the transfer of convicted prisoners between the two countries to serve their sentences, protocols to allow an expansion of the fruit trade and broad memorandums of understanding to cooperate on transportation, investment and the service sector.
Leaders of major develo nations known as BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - are meeting in Brasilia on Wednesday and Thursday but little in the way of major policy announcements is expected from the sessions.”
That’s forward progress for Brazil and China, but sad to say Mexco appears to remain in a hopeless state right now.
Kevin Anderson
Land tenure is an important part of the answer.
The network of fast trains that has arisen in the last 15 years in China was made possible in part because Chinese citizens do not own the land outright!
Fast train projects in Indonesia and in Thailand are being thwarted by legal considerations of ownership of land and appropriate compensation.
Claire Wang
Because our different political systems and ideologies.
In China, if the government wants to boost economy growth in rural areas, they will pour millions of money to build infrastructure. There is a old saying from Mao’s era, “If you want to get rich, build roads first.” Decades ago, you can literally see this slogan in every city.
So the logic is basically -
Infrastructure investments cannot create economic potential. There should be enough demand for road first; otherwise, it is a liability and ineffective locate of resources and will result in debts;
Planned economies are bad and inefficient economies, and they undermine power of free market;
A de ocratic govement is alway short of money for Infrastructure projects.Their voters won’t be happy if their money is not to be spent on something that can yield its returns in less than three to five years.
China (when she was poor): I have the money, let’s build the road and see what happens.
A not-so-rich non-planned economy: I have so little money,I need to avoid debt-traps, bad decisions, and responsibilities. Let’s see what happens and then vote.
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