Why does China have an area of nearly 10 million square kilometers but only has 56 ethnic groups while a small country like Vietnam has up to 54? Is there something wrong?
iao Wen
There is nothing wrong with people or things here, which is caused by objective laws. What caused the ethnic groups to be unable to communicate and integrate in such a short geographical distance and to evolve into a greater civilization? I'd say it's geographical reasons that cause communication difficulties.
The Wumao Club
There is nothing wrong with it, just a matter of geographical displacement. Think about the number of ethnic groups in US and India, you won't find this strange.
Yunnan, a province of China bordering Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar, resides majority of ethnic groups in China.
Thus, if you comparing with Yunnan to Vietnam, it will be more alike.
If you want to dig down more in history, Han race dominates the central plain of China for thousand years. Minorities are scattered around the border province of China.
如果你深入了解历史会发现,汉族统治了中国中原几千年时间,而少 数民族大多分布于中国的边境省份。
The Wumao Club
Yep, there's definitely something wrong, WITH YOU, WHO GIVES A SHIT? What on earth has ethnicity to do with ANYTHING??? they are all Chinese or Vietnamese, end of story,
Bill Chen
The Aborigines of Taiwan(高山族、原住民)who are recognized by China is a dizzying mix of tribes, speaking different tongues, and develo distinct way of life unique to their environment, just like the Papuans of New Guinea. China recognizes them as one ethnicity—Aboriginal—while in Vietnam, they will be counted as 16 different ones.
Vietnam counts many tribes (up to a quarter) that number in the hundreds or low thousands, which make their long-term survival suspect.
I’d say if China classified ethnicities the Vietnamese way, it will be several hundred, because that’s the number of non-Chinese languages being spoken on the mainland. If Vietnam did it the Chinese way, 15-20 will be a better ballpark.
That means Vietnam land is so good compared to China. In term of tropical wild life, India has a lot of tigers compared to Vietnam but what I heard about venomous snakes, Vietnam has so many different types and they, Vietnamese themselves can not name them all. In rainy season of Mekong Delta region, SVN, in particularly with flood, sometimes you wake up and there is a huge cobra rolling up on your belly….and it sleeps, too. LOL. No joke here, buddy !
Effweye Yen
Yes, the problem arises from your misunderstanding of how “ethnicity” works in China.
Over thousands of years, many tribes have intermingled (including many of my ancestors, who are part of the Baiyue in the south), resulting in a integrated culture known as “Han”.
It is not racially based, but cultural, hence a majority “Han” population of 90 percent, is in effect thousands of tribes that have merged into one dominant group. There are still many cultural differences within the Han, but they share a common value system, and most have self -identified as being “Chinese” for over 1,000 years.
The other 55 “official” minority groups are usually those on the periphery, who retained much of their much more uniquei dentities which are distinct from the Han mainstream, due to their relatively late incorporation into empire.
By the way, the 56 figure is an “official” figure, there are many more sub-groups, even today.
Gia Bảo Trần
Xenophobic, here, is the short answer.
History. Vietnam's history with its ethnic groups is the story of alliance together fighting against foreign invaders. Ethnic groups in Vietnam therefore are treated as brothers who shed blood together to protect their homeland and to be respectful of. China's history with its ethnic groups is the opposite, a history of subjugation, oppression of other cultures, xenophobia, and trying to bend other ethics to their will. Every time they succeed, their diversity gets smaller, and they, along with China many ethnic groups become more xenophobic.
Here is my personal story. I’m Vietnamese and study both art/design and a little bit of culture. I once wanted to do a coffee packet design project based on the Jarai people's design and shape language. My professor threatened to eliminate me on the spot if I didn’t research their culture carefully (Some colors and shapes may have different meanings in other cultures, etc.). Vietnamese highly respect their ethics brother even their small differences.
Evan Mao
Many groups officially recognized in the PRC are amalgamations of related groups that by Vietnamese standards would have been listed separately. Nothing wrong or right with either approach, just different.
The reasons for amalgamation are many fold. For example, the Baima speak a Qiangic language, not a Tibic one, but are officially listed as a subgroup of Tibans.
Similarly, all Chinese speaking Muslims are classified as Hui, wether they are from the Northwest or descended from Arabic, Persian or Southeast Asian traders on China’s trade ports on the southeastern coast. Even Cham refugees who fled Vietnam to Hainan Island and assimilated to Chinese culture are officially classified as Hui, and not Utsul.
Alex McCutcheon
How many colours are there between orange and red? China officially acknowledges 56 ethnicities or “nationalities" but those are some very large grous, and if you look closer you'll soon find that they're far from homogeneous.
For example the three ancient kingdoms of Amdo, U-Tsang and Kham gave rise to three separate but related cultural identities distinguished by dialect, customs, religious interpretation and other details like clothing and cuisine. If you travel to those areas you'll find they know very well about the similarities and differences among these groups. But at the same time they quite readily identify under the umbrella term “Tiban" because of their obvious shared heritage as masters of the Tiban Plateau, and it is this larger grou that ends up in the list of 56. Most of the 56 nationalities in China represent populations of several million, the largest at 18 million, so naturally there will be subgroups like the above in virtually all of the 56.
(an exception may be the Salar ethnicity which are only found over a very small geographic area and have a relatively short history, thus are unlikely to show all that much cultural and linguistic diversity among themselves)
Perhaps if China's 56 were living in Vietnam they'd be considered 560 different groups. It's neither right nor wrong either way, just a different standard that makes a numerical comparison fairly meaningless.
Brad Miller
China (1) keeps eliminating small ethnic groups,
(2) keeps redefining small ethnic groups out of exstence.
Luong Nguyen
Why does China have a fairly uniform national ethnicity given its massive land area?
No and yes.
No because from western eyes Chinese are all yellow skin small eye and straight black hair, just like Asians see all Western people as blond hair blue eye and white skin. Subtle differences do exst in China from provinces to provinces, which are as big as a big country.
Yes because from very early in their history Chinese expanded aggressively into lands occupied by different peoples and assimilated them. They also started with a very large population. Male Chinese migrated to all areas belonging to China today and established their lineages there. Forced movements of people from densely populated areas to sparsely populated areas or depopulated areas were common (central China to North East and Soth East China to West and South West). Several events of wars and natural disasters also caused genetic bottlenecks so modern Chinese population are even more homogenous than in the past.
Steven Lee (李揚靈)
Why does China divide people into 56 ethnicities? Is it necessary to recognize the ethnicity?
It is complicated.
To answer your two questions in brief (I am sending this from a mobile) :
Because back in the 1950s, China was a replica of the Soviet Union, ethnic identification in China was mostly copied from Stalin's ethnic policy. The main purpose for ethnic division of the USSR was to disintegrate the rising of Pan-Turkistanism and contain Islam in Central Asia (remember 5 stans? ).
Can't tell whether it is necessary as ethnic division and recognization are basically an impossible mission. Given the current situation, I tend to think it has brought more problems than benefits.
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