

Why is China advancing rapidly in technology?





Start Sameer

This shows how quickly China is catching up to the United States in innovation and technology:



Income from Patents: In 2012, the US earned $200 billion more than China in income from patents, but by 2023, that difference has reduced to $100 billion.

Predicted Parity: Experts predict that China and the US will be on the same level in terms of innovation and technology by around 2035-36. Some even think it might happen sooner.

Balance of Payments: In 2014, China paid about $270 billion to other countries for the right to use their patents and technology, but they only received $6 billion in return. Now, China pays around $290 billion and receives almost $120 billion. So, their deficit in this area has gone down from $264 billion to $170 billion in 10 years.




US Situation: The US currently pays more money than ever before for patent licenses but only earns $640 billion, down from a peak of almost $940 billion in 2016.

Post Doctoral Candidates: China is one of the few countries, along with Germany, that has seen a net increase in the number of post-doctoral candidates coming in (up to 10 years after getting their doctorate) over the last six years. In contrast, the US has the most post-doctoral candidates leaving the country.



China's rapid rise is due to several factors:

They invest a lot of money in research and development as well as provide subsidies to industries.

China has the most graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the world, with highly intelligent people.

Many post-doctoral candidates who originally came from China and studied abroad are returning home with valuable knowledge.

There is a growing demand for technology in various fields, especially to address issues like energy and food security.









Peter Ole Kvint

It was my decision (2011) that China should support research and development because it was the universities that had brought Europe out of the dark middle ages.

One of China's problems is a shortage of coal and oil. And the closest solution was to develop nuclear power plants with thorium.






Larry The Panda

You must be wondering (not long ago), the chinese are known to be very business minded, yet they are stil poor in comparison to first world nations or even to some develo countries.

‘Made in China’, people who buy Chinese ‘branded products’ are assumed that they are not financially rich. Now in the 21st century, the perception of China has changed. There are group of people who praise China, while some of them still thinks they are backwards. There are also who are aware of China’s achievement, but is envy of their progress.



If you look at all East Asians in all around the world, whether is the chinese, Japanese or Koreans, they are very ambitious and hardworking people. Japan was bomb till ground zero, and today they gave us remarkable products like their Sony Walkman, toyota. The Koreans, similar to Japan, gave us Samsung phones and hyundai. And the Chinese from a period of war and cultural revolution, gave us EV cars like BYD, mobiles phones like Huawei and shocked the world with their space station. If you look at some other countries in world from Europe, Africa, middle east or Asia, those countries are still facing the same dilemma since colonial times.

Moving backwards 4 thousand years ago, China was a centre stage of science and Technology. It was a super power in those days. Now you know why the chinese advance rapidly in technology.






William Ellison

Because China is a land of engineers and the USA is a land of lawyers. Chinese citizens have been attending Western universities for decades and stealing everything they can get their hands on. Plus counties in the Pacific like S. Korea, Taiwan and Japan take education seriously, pacifically math and science.





Jesuan Wu

Because the US is sanctioning China.

In 1997 China took down semiconductors from its university courses, probably because the Chinese ministry of Education thought that such majors are useless because Chinese companies didn't make chips and China was just buying chips from other countries and it was going to be an open global supply chain when China joined WTO.

Big mistake.




China has now reopened the major in Chinese universities and graduates are receiving their job offers before they even leave campus, because of the sudden urge of Chinese companies to innovate and build chips domestically, due to US sanctions on over 1600 Chinese entities.

Other industries are also on a similar albeit weaker quest for tech independence because they fear the US might do to them what they did with chips to Huawei. American products, as well as Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, Dutch or any product that contain made in USA components or American labor output are just not reliable anymore for the world's factory as they can be cut off by order of the White House any day. No factory can tolerate such risk.

So innovation is on fire across the board. China is now ahead of the US in new patents filed and science paper quotations, Chinese tech workers and engineers have also seen significant salary increase in the past few years. This will lead to a loss of high paying tech jobs in the US because China will start to make products which were previously only made in the US.




Take the newly launched Huawei Mate 60 for example, yes Huawei gets all the glory, but the Chinese company that makes its glass, the Chinese company that makes its screen, the Chinese conpany that makes its camera, etc. are all getting previously unattainable orders because foreign supply, like Gorilla glass, Samsung screens and Leica cameras are no longer available or desirable for Chinese factories. The phone doesn't just mean less iPhone sales, but less jobs for non-Chinese companies across the whole supply chain of phone building. All thanks to US sanctions.

以新推出的华为Mate 60为例,是的,华为赢得了所有的掌声,但是制造玻璃的中国企业,制造屏幕的中国企业,制造相机的中国企业等等,都得到了以前不敢想象的订单,因为进口的金刚玻璃,三星屏幕和徕卡相机等等,对中国工厂来说不再可行或不再理想。华为的这款手机不仅会导致iPhone销量的下降,还导致了整个手机制造供应链中非中国企业的就业机会的减少。这全都是美国制裁惹的祸。

It was a huge miscalculation for the US to think that China would just starve or surrender when the US denied it chips, just like Japan made a huge mistake by thinking the US would surrender or sue for peace when it destroyed the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. Luckily unlike WWII, the tech war has so far only left grudges but spilled no bad blood, so the US still has plenty room to correct its mistake.





Oriana Frostfern

China's rapid advancement in technology can be attributed to several key factors:


Government Support and Investment: The chinese has made technology development a top priority. Through initiatives like the "Made in China 2025" plan, they've provided substantial funding and resources to support the growth of high-tech industries.

Large Pool of Talent: China has a vast population, which translates to a large pool of skilled engineers, scientists, and innovators. This human capital is a crucial asset for technological advancement.



Education and Research Institutions: China has been investing heavily in its education system and research institutions. Universities like Tsinghua and Peking University are producing world-class graduates in technology-related fields.

Emphasis on STEM Education: China places a strong emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education from an early age. This helps nurture a generation of students with strong technical skills.



Innovation and Entrepreneurship: China has seen a surge in entrepreneurial activity, with a thriving startup culture. This has led to the development of innovative technologies and business models.

Market Size and Demand: China's enormous domestic market provides a substantial incentive for companies to innovate and develop new technologies to meet the demands of a rapidly growing middle class.



Global Collaboration and Partnerships: China has been actively engaging in international collaborations and partnerships with leading technology companies and research institutions around the world. This helps them access global knowledge and expertise.

Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment in China, while strict in some areas, can also be more flexble and accommodating in others. This can facilitate faster development and deployment of new technologies.



Focus on Strategic Industries: China has identified strategic industries like artificial intelligence, electric vehicles, and biotechnology as areas of focus. This targeted approach helps concentrate resources and talent on areas with high potential for growth.

Adoption of Emerging Technologies: China has shown a willingness to adopt and implement emerging technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence, and blockchain on a large scale, which can accelerate their development.






Jerry Mc Kenna

The US effort to stop exports of advanced technology will only push China to develop its own solutions. They will steal technology (everyone steals) and they will develop their own.


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