

Do British people still think of conquering the world?




Sam Macca

Oh yeah me and my two pet mice Binky and the Brain are plotting right now.

The US better keep their right to bare arms.

The British are coming!







E G Benson

What, like the Tin-pot Banana Republic of Dumpfland has tried & failed to do. No matter how hard you limp dicks try you will NEVER have an empire anywhere near as big as what was the British empire, garenteed.





Steve Cassidy

Kipling referred to this as the “while man’s burden” - the idea that we had a duty to serve, not to conquer. I think thre is some legitimacy to the idea that modern-day brits feel that public, global service is a duty. But that doesn’t connect with any notion of conquering anything.





Derek W London

Do British people still think of conquering the world?

“Conquering”? Never.

We took education, peace, law and order, the industrial revolution, the concept of freedom and de ocracy together with Pax Britannica to two thirds of the population of the world and then proudly passed over government to each nation that had established de ocracy and voted for independence.




The establishment of the loyal commonwealth of Nations still strongly allied to Britain and our primary place in the establishment of so many world organisations is a mark of the stabilising influence still assisting the world today.

We are actively supporting nations Beng invaded by tota tarian regimes seeking to conquer them.






Adrian Flitcroft

Well, James Wilson, you say you live in the United Kingdom. So I am going to ask you a question.

In all the British people you meet in your day to day life do any of them talk about or act as if they dream about conquering the world?

Is there any evidence in the media that British politicians and/or the Government talk about conquering the world?

嗯,James Wilson,你说你住在英国。所以我想问你们一个问题。



I have lived here all my life and I have never heard or read of anyone saying that; (except in Queen’s We will Rock You). So I can only come to the conclusion that this question is an attempt at Trolling.

You really don’t know the British, do you?

我在英国生活了一辈子,从来没有听过或读到过有人这么说(除了皇后乐队的那首歌We will Rock You)。所以我只能据此得出结论,认定这个问题是一种恶意挑衅。





Vivek Sharma

There are a fair few responses from British origin people but they all miss some key points so I thought I would add my contribution.

It is obviously a myth that a happy and well cared for people think of moving overseas especially when the destination in obviously not laid out for convenient living for someone from your land.

Australia was force settled with prisoners. The British largely heyna’ed on America after it had been first ransacked by the pirates from Spain who often beat the British to the pirating game. A lot of smarter Europeans are also settled in USA along with a large number of Indians and Chinese people who make it a successful country.




An answer mentions Australia, NZ, and Canada as advanced countries.

India was trick won through a well behaved trading company slowly employing locals as mercenaries and participating in local conflicts through local alliances.



You must never forget that Muslims also ransacked a lot of the world including Europe. This is no big deal. Never forget that during the time of queen Victoria when Britain arguably ruled almost the whole world, a quarter of the British population lived below the poverty line and this is by British records, such is your history of self deception and the economic policy of deprivation. You still need to fix your problems born of a small brain, which have resulted in a lot of deaths whether in nuking of Japan or supporting the Ukraine war, or destruction of a happy and wealthy Iraq in trying to “de ocratize” it or looking for the nukes that morphed into the energy security needs!


Do you know that there is already there a prediction by some for the disbanding of the USA happening soon, though such a deeply penetrated state has no real geopolitical significance of its own outside of the lap it sits in.

A people who are not honest about where they learned arithmetic and science from and who confuse technology with science, and who derive their confidence in medical science from scanning technology and the science of diagnosis are doomed for sure. But they can create a new virus and try their experience in vaccines! How could I forget that??!!!






Carl Hope

I do occasionally consider becoming a supervillain and holding the whole world to ransom. One major part of my plan is that when my troops capture James Bond, I’ll have him immediately executed, thus avoiding the need for me to have to give a long speech which gives him the opportunity to escape. I can’t understand why the other supervillains have never thought of it.

I’ll get round to it all one day.






Carl Henderson

its my first thought in the morning and last at night. we have however beat every country at war some point in history though and we ran enough of the world that its almost been there and done that





Brett Kinsley

I like total war games though right now I'm playing stallaris that's about galactic conquest. I've never heard anyone from England present day talk serious about conquest.





Barrie Nigel Thurlow

Thank you, James.

As a potential future national strategy, No. We think about world history, certainly, including our part in it, but with sympathy for all and historical interest, not with baffled rage and impossible yearning after what used to be…






James Knight

Most of the world speaks English either by primary language or secondary language, America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada (4 of the worlds most influential countries) are offshoots of British civilisation, british culture touches every part of the globe, we don’t need to conquer the world we have already done it and our empire is a cultural one if not territorial one, no country on this planet has as much cultural influence, the only country’s that come close are the US (a offshoot of ours), Spain or France.





Fabulous Aardvark

Not very often. It’s so nineteenth century.

It was quite fun when we had such a lot of the world.






T. L. Donoghue

Do black Africans still think about cannibalism? Move on. Because of the British colonial times the entire world has advanced for the greater good of all humanity..

However given the choice I think most British people would prefer not to have invited other races to our nation








Why does the UK think it can still rule the world?

Speaking as an American, I haven’t noticed delusions of grandeur emanating from the UK. Rather, a dry and charming sense of humour about most things (Americans may have a sense of humor, but the British have a sense of humour, considerably more sophisticated






Sue Kelly

Nope. I think about what shall I make for tea. Do I really want to work today. How is my knitting going. Much more satisfying than thinking of conquering the world.





Ian Chamberlain

Why does the UK think it can still rule the world?

Marcel , although the United Kingdom colonised over 25% of the land surface of the world we didn't quite get to ruling 100%. We dismantled the empire voluntarily long before that happened. British people today have absolutely no interest in ruling the world. Been there, done that and discovered there are important things in life , like going to work, feed the kids, keep the wife happy, pay the bills and book the annual two week holiday either in the United Kingdom or somewhere that is hopefully warmer. The United States of America seem to enjoy invading countries that don't have the same political beliefs, fuck them up and leave and not understand why the world asks why they fucked off without completing the mission. They even invaded Grenada because a few American students announced “ they didn't feel safe” when Grenada switched to a socialist government. One day people like you will get your facts straight. I doubt if that will happen in the next 100 years. I am curious which country will piss off the United States of America next. Maybe they will have a second try in North Vietnam, or a third try in Iraq. So many countries that don't follow the American dream, including mine and the entire continent of Europe.




美利坚合众国似乎喜欢侵略那些政治信仰不同的国家,搞砸一切后拍拍屁股走人。他们甚至入侵过格林纳达,因为格林纳达当时转向社 会主义政府,有些美国学生称自己“没有安全感”。



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