

What will happen to the United States if China's technology continues to advance?




Roland Mckinney

I’ve worked with Chinese tech companies. Their engineers and scientists are devoted to their families, employers and country.

China has the capacity to leap frog the US in many different technologies. Take your pick, they are on it.

The chinese places a high value on a highly educated population. Engineering and scientific professionals are leading a revolution in advancing scientific innovation in China.




 In fact, many Chinese politicians are former engineers, refreshing thought isn’t it?

The motivations for innovation in the US and China are a key point in China leap frogging the US. Both countries reward success in innovation with financial incentives.

But, the Chinese have a greater sense of pride in their country and it’s future.




The US is presently extremely divided politically, current leadership is seeking short term monetary goals over the advancement of scientific innovation.

China may take the lead in further technological and scientific breakthroughs in this environment.






Pat Barnett

I don’t think anything detrimental will happen to the United States as a result of China’s technological advancements. When China gets on the same playing field with the U.S., naturally they will be in direct competition with one another. China, Russia, and the U.S. have long been kee an eye on each other, and reasonably so. They’re all influential countries, and although the U.S. is certainly ahead in regard to influence and recognition, China and Russia aren’t far behind.


As powerful, leading countries, they all continuously stride to outdo each other in many ways. They don’t do this for the sake of doing it, but because there’s obviously a great advantage in being more advanced than other places. It’s even better and advantageous when you’re included as one of the top 5 best countries of hundreds and hundreds of other countries that our quite stagnant in growth and development.





Nevaeh Gonzalez

This is not an “if” — China’s technology is continuing to advance. Just as engineers worldwide had to learn English if they wanted to stay informed, it won’t take too long and engineers will have to learn at least some Chinese if they want to stay informed. The Chinese domestic market is so big that at some point significant technologies will only have documentation in Chinese. Outside China, you can ignore these, or you can know them. Who knows them will have an edge over the ones who don’t.

People either wake up and understand that the future is with hard and intelligent work and with global collaboration, or the country goes down the drain, slowly but surely.



You can’t withstand global phenomena with import taxes or walls. You can’t compete unless you’re smarter, more skilled, better educated and work harder — only one of these won’t give you an edge. An attitude like “I don’t need free college; I just want my old job back” is not a good recipe for staying in business. Bringing centuries-old industries back at the cost of future industries just to make some points with part of the electorate is not a good recipe either.

For a long time, the US had a big advantage over any other country, for a number of reasons. All these reasons are coming to an end, or have already. What’s left is competition. And the current attitude here is not good for wng it.






Mabel Pierce

This is a simple question which we could simply answer it’s up to how the United States wants to react to China’s rise. I think if the United States wants to contain China and eventually goes to war against China, then the future would be dire for sure. After all, China is a nuclear power. China could also ramp up its nuclear development rather fast for it got a very powerful industrial base.


Personally, I don’t think it’s wise for any nuclear power to go against another nuclear power because the concept of MAD exerts that nobody could come out clean in a mutually assured destruction scenario. With the advance of hypersonic and supersonic technologies, I guess each nuclear power could try to invent missiles that could carry nuclear weapon tips that could penetrate the enemy’s defensive weapon system — but your enemy could always retaliate in kind using nuclear weapons through a second strike capability. The enemy doesn’t even need to have hypersonic nuclear weapons to do a second strike retaliation because a well-hidden submarine that carries nuclear strike capability could strike a targeted city.


Starting a war against China means Russia could also actively help China fend off the United States. After Russia enters the war, Russia’s neighbors may side with Russia and offer help to China also. The United States at this point may need help from allies. Nevertheless, some allies may think it’s too risky to get involved against China, and so they may offer help to the United States in a roundabout way. Some allies will go all in with the United States and some may not. If the United States can’t get all the help the country needs, then the situation could get rather dire. It’s difficult to strike a near-peer adversary across the Pacific because the near-peer adversary could have capabilities that disrupt the coordination effort in troop maneuvers and supply lines of the United States. For example, China and Russia could take out the United States’ satellites.




I think starting a war against China is not like starting a war against Iraq. Furthermore, starting a war against China is like asking for a World War III to happen. World War III will be much uglier than WWII because of nuclear weapons and other advanced weapon systems.


Another route the United States could take is similar to how Great Britain had taken when the United States was on the rise. This would require the United States to be patient and wait out to see how the rise of China would unfold. Meanwhile, the United States would cooperate with China in a limited way, ho that China won’t get too strong too fast — allowing the United States to have some time to strategize and take an appropriate/measured position in which the United States could gain the most during the rise of China. Basically, the United States wants to be strong militarily and economically even China finally gets too strong. This way, the United States won’t be too limited.


The third route the United States could take is to start a cold war against China. This way, the United States hopes that China will fall like how the had done so in the past. To the best of my knowledge, the Soviet Union in the past did not have a mighty industrial base and her economy was quite feeble. China isn’t so like that! This means a cold war between the United States and China could be a very long one — if you try to wait this out, it could be your grandchildren who would see the result of such a cold war.

Do you know a fourth way the United States could take in the event of China Rise? Please do tell!







Felix Su

Nothing. The US will develop her tech and sell it. It’s just that there will be a competitor on the market. The CIA a la Snowden revelations already has plans to do industrial espionage to steal China’s IP so the US companies will be able to keep up.

The problem with US companies is that US companies C-level excutives siphon off a large amount of profit. That was ok but if a competitor shows up that doesn’t do that then you are less competitive.

The US will keep on going. People change when they need to. So the C-level executives will actually have to perform and get paid less because the money will be needed for R&D to stay competitive.







David Kallenbach

The US will continue like it does to day but as a less progressive or advanced nation. Israel, India, Russia, China and Japan will continue to dominate the world we live in. All we can do is to propagate lies and falsehoods in the hope our citizens will not continue to fund these nations. But that might be a little too late.

We may fund the exstence of the dysfunctional British and other European Royals because our media continue to make them appear necessary.



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