Why do Indians strive so hard to be accepted and acknowledged by the West, while China does not?
At least part of it is a lack of confidence due to poverty and backwardness, and I'm not sure if it was influenced by the colonial experience. China used to do the same.
Darth Vader
Because India perceives itself as part of the British Empire, even though it has long been independent. It can only be said that the British colonial influence has profoundly influenced India's self-identity.
Khengchat Ng
I am Malaysian of Chinese descent. One fellow Malaysian of Indian descent said it best twenty years ago “I admire you Chinese. You can look at the white men in their face and piss on their shoes.” I may not agree with his language, but a culture and way of life so different from the West means it will almost be impossible to be acknowledged or accepted without enlarging our eyes, raise our noses and whitening our skins. A meeting halfway is the way forward but it seems some conservatives on both sides are not happy with that. India has been Anglicised. China had “only” been brutalised.
Let's me put myself an an example.
I was born in China and left China when I was young.
Now, I finished my degree and work in IT. There are loads of Indians and Chinese in IT. I have to say Indians are doing well. They all want to be managers and climb up the ladder in a big western corp.
For myself, of course, I would like a well paid job but (Here is a big BUT) I would like to have my own software/ business/ rental/ farms…
Even if I got promoted to be a managing director or CEO, I am still an employee and I can be fired anytime.
I would rather have some of my own passive incomes.
I guess different culture here. Chinese prefer to have their own factories/ rentals/ farms/ businesses. Indians prefer to be CEOs in a western company. There is nothing wrong with both as long as you are happy.
KokHin Lim
Try to understand this.
India was colonised by Britain 300 years and from 1947 after independence till 2000, another 50–60 years it surrendered to the west to be virtually colonised via the so call rules based international order!
China at it weakest point in 5000 years has a century of humiliation! However remained largely intact and apart from some pockets of China like Hong Kong, Macao, Manchuria and Taiwan and some parts of Shanghai being ruled by foreigners. But it swear never again! That is why if the U.S. thinks it could snagged Taiwan away, to the 1.4 billion Chinese. They prefer to fight a nuclear war than to surrender a square feet of Taiwan an unalienable part of China.
China sees the world as a better place if it is not in a western and U.S. design. Indian are willing to be submissive and subservient to the west! To me Indians are still colonised in the mind.
Jiacheng Zhang
We have never been colonized
We never worship deities. If a deity doesn’t work, we overturn its belief. Can Western countries be stronger than deities?
Peter Ole Kvint
One of the problems is that China conquered half of Korea in the 1950s from the USA.
China is technologically ahead of all other countries.
India is just a large piece of Africa located in Asia.
Musa Meyer
The Chinese are supposed to be the one who’s ahead of the rest of the mankind according to the Chinese mentality; they (including the anti Chinese) can hit their heads strong and hard enough to try denying this mentality , but rest assured they can’t escape it.
Back in the period of 90s to 2000s, China played a humble image in front of the globe. This humble image is a Chinese art of faking, the actual meaning of 謙虛 in Chinese. The vague humility. Hence, while having no alternatives but had to learn from the west, those two decades are actually their “decades of humiliation”(shorter than the century humiliation). During that time the populists-tongue was to whine about “one day the Chinese will also have the West to beg to come to China to ask for this and that.”
Saramma Varghese
Indians do not strive to be accepted by the West..
Indians value good education, English language, they work hard along with being frugal in their habits and are in IT, engineering, and medicine the highest playing jobs in the West… or simply “ We are SMART”…. smile..
Annie Ruth Harrison (夏安)
The old vestiges of colonialism. India abolished the caste system a long time ago—on paper. It’s still alive and well in some parts of India. Colonialism came along more recently than even that, so expect it to linger even if they’re free on paper. Some people call India a U.S. lapdog. In some ways, yes. But really, it’s just proof that old habits die hard.
China proper was never colonized. Only small areas like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Shanghai. They never had that mindset deeply ingrained; at least not widespread within the mainland. Even their creation stories involve them being self-reliant and self-sufficient. Sure, there may be a few white worshippers left in China, but they aren’t the ones in positions of power, that’s for sure.
因为殖民 主义的余毒残留至今。印度很久以前就在纸面上废除了种姓制度,但在印度的一些地方仍然盛行。种姓制度甚至比殖 民*义出现的时间还要早,所以人们只能寄希望于它随着时间的推进而慢慢消亡。有些人把印度称为美国的走狗。在某些方面确实如此。但实际上这只是积习难改的证明罢了。
Dhanush Dhari Misra
Because of the education system given to India by Macaulay.
Our ministers and government officers do not like this statement but they have no guts to change the system. The so call education reforms are confined to
11+4 -> 1+10+2+2 -> 10+2+3 and so on.
11+4 -> 1+10+2+2 -> 10+2+3等等。
Chen Si (陳思)
India had been ruled by the English for over 200 years. Their upper class people are proud to brag that they are more English than the English themselves. Like the Bananas with the Chinese, there is a lot of Coconuts, brown on the outside but white on the inside.
Shawn Xuande Li
I’ll just simply point out that the reality suggests otherwise without talking more about the history.
The reality is that China is ruled by the , a political party that takes an ideology from the West and worships its creator. I don’t think you can find a similar situation in India comparable to it.
Norman Tan
China also tried very hard to appease the West, to a certain extent.
Deng iao famously quoted an old Chinese proverb 韜光養晦、有所作為, usually translated as “Hide your strength, bide your time.”, to summarize his approach to international relations.
Deng believed that China should mainly focus on develo its economy and technological base, avoiding conflicts (unless Chinese direct interests are in danger), stay mostly neutral and "invisible" in disputes not directly concerning it. As a result, China at that time had to “swallow bitterness” dealt out by the US in a number of incidents.
But Deng iao has passed away and China has changed so much. It can no longer hide its strength.
It would be like a 21 years old guy pretending to be 9 years old boy.
Paul Denlinger
When the Chinese felt that China was weak and the west was developed while China was poor, the Chinese worked poor unskilled labor jobs in the west so that they would be accepted. Restaurants, laundromats, that kind of stuff.
When China became stronger, the Chinese hoped that the west would treat them as equals. However, the west treated them as a threat, which is what is happening now.
So now, many Chinese think “I am not going to try to be accepted by you because no matter what I do, you won’t trust me and my family.”
China is now a modern country.
India is a backward country and society ruled by religion, caste, corruption and superstition on multiple levels.
Smart Indians understand that the only way to succeed is to leave India.
These Indians understand that their personal success has nothing to do with India, and everything to do with their being hardworking, smart and adaptable to western ways.
Now, the Indian government and Indian nationalists are trying to claim that these overseas Indian success stories are somehow linked to Indian society and values, when in fact it is because these individuals succeeded on their own outside India. If they had remained in India, they would have wasted their lives.
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