

What are some of the darker aspects of Indian society?




Chhavi Agwekar

I had a professor a few years ago who was expecting. One day she scolded a computer operator from the department for some delay in work. As soon as she left, the computer operator (V), obviously furious turned to me and said,

“I hope she delivers a baby girl”.

I was shocked. V was an educated and independent girl, and yet was treating birth of a girl like some curse. She then continued,

“She already has a daughter, having a second one will take her false pride down”.





Thankfully, my professor was least bothered about the baby's gender.

My professor later had a boy and called us for the customary naming ceremony. There I overheard people saying that because it's a boy, they threw us a party, else there was no reason to celebrate.

I was disturbed because all these were educated people, many of them doctors themselves.




No matter how advanced we get, the birth of a girl child will always be a cause for disdain in Indian society, I understood that day.

This makes me sad.

Yes India is changing. I just stated a few facts. One of the harsh observations: people are generally happy if they have one female offspring. How many of us have seen people wanting a second girl child?




Secondly, I don't mean to say girls are better or superior than boys. All genders are equal. If the birth of a girl is appreciated then birth of a boy should be appreciated too. Regarding ancient practices declaring a male as protector hence the preferred gender, people should be shown that even at that time, a female was needed, for the thankless job of running the household.

For the practice of dowry, I sincerely feel that the day all girls’ families unite and refuse proposals who demand dowry, it will be the end of the evil practice itself.







You know an uncle who made you feel ‘special’. You know chocolate…wasn't the only thing he offered to you back then.

Years passed, you grew up.

Now, you can beat the hell out of him. Tear him to pieces even. Your distress warrants you to shout at top of your voice. Every. Single. Time.

Yet, you neither Speak up nor Confront.


As somewhere these words still echo,

‘Respect your elders.’











Neil Pradhan

Nobody helps each other everybody does the most easiest job of criticizing.

From our politicians to everbody just love to criticize for no reason.

The only way to improve this country is stop criticizing and start extending support in whatever way possible.







Deepanshu Panjwani

Some dark aspects I have experienced that are very prevalent in Indian society are :


Marriage - Darkest of all. This darkness knows no boundaries with both men and women are bound to this. You can live alone happily - live your dreams, chase new ones, if you feel alone you can always get a pet and no extra responsibilities. It's my personal opinion that it is not that necessary to get married. But thanks to this society's “You do have some complications or you are impotent that's why you are bachelor” thinking.


Free Consent - Yes the basic consent, my friend's 21 year old sis was getting married without her knowledge only. When she came to light about this fact she argued like hell. Still nothing positive came as an aftermath. She then took a blade and kept on her Wrist and warned them if they go any further on this matter she will draw the whole line with blade. After hearing all of this I was shocked completely as how come you don't ask or take her consent for her marriage. Why ? She is the one who will spend her life so the ultimate control and consent must be hers.


Black and White - This discrimination has gone beyond worst in this century. Fair is positive, dark is negative - the unfathomable mentality. The bitter truth is Dowry connection with this, if your daughter is fair dowry will be around 10–20 lakhs but if she's dark skinned then it will go around 30–40lakhs plus 4 wheeler and etc. This figure is for upper middle class families. Subtract 10 for lower middle class. But dowry is eternal you have to give chunk of money to the groom department.

肤色歧视—这种歧视在本世纪达到了顶峰。肤色白就是好的,肤色黑就是不好的—这种心态真是难以理解。让人难以接受的是,如果你的女儿肤色白,嫁妆100-200万就够了,但如果你女儿肤色黑,那么嫁妆就必须达到300 - 400万,外加汽车等等。这个数字是针对中上阶层家庭的。下层中产阶级可以在上述标准上减去100万。但是嫁妆是屡禁不止的,新娘家必须给新郎一大笔钱。




Smit Prakash

Indian Education System


Our mentality- Here in India, we run behind marks only, not behind knowledge.


Profit oriented approach by Parents- Sorry to say, but Parents only want their children to study, so that he/she would be able to earn money. No one is thinking about the responsibility which comes with education. We can take the example of Subhash Chandra Bose, who left the job of IAS for his responsibility.


Less Salary of Teacher- Here i am mentioning the salary of Teacher at higher level, not on village level. Today not a single good student want to be a teacher.


Profit oriented approach by Private institutes- Today private institute only want to earn money, so they don’t want to invest in students. The result is in front of us.


Lack of vision in us - We are only focusing on money and good life. The result is in front of us.


Want to achieve Everything in sort time through shortcut - It results in moving our concentration from hard work to unnecessary means.


We need a revolution to Overcome this situation. It can take some time, but it is possible.   





Sanchit Kansal

Indian society is anti progress and rather believes in criticism more than anything.


One can easily see people criticising government on every aspect while roaming on road. They like to complain. They find faults in schemes like digitisation too.


People talk of corruption free India but whenever they get a chance of getting bribe from any source they are found to be standing first in the line.


Many IES aspirants start preparations with one goal of serving the country and doing social good but after selection they just follow their predecessors.


It is believed that Education is the only solution of all menaces in our country but the educated lot is the biggest fool in our country. They are also doing such things which are not supposed to be done by the illiterates.





Jay Malkar

Apart from patriarchy and other pointless things, indian society is wired to follow many administered believes without ever questioning whether it is the believe they want to believe in. Here are some them i realised in course of time.


Marriage=have to have kids!

I get it, the only expectation mother nature have from us is to reproduce but aren't we are on verge to be the most populated country in the world. Let alone population control issue, we still see every part of Indian society suggesting to give birth to a baby as soon as two individuals get married, without questioning themselves whether they really want kids or not. Mostly they would just go ahead with the suggestion cast by the society around them.



It is worst for those who can't give birth to a baby as they are biologically incapable. I mean though they could be progressing well mannered civilian contributing equal or more to society, but they would be still lectured and sometime taunted for not being able to conceive a baby. And lets just not talk about how much hard time Homosexual people(male & female) have on such note.


Sex: have it, but don't talk about it!

You know the script about Kamasutra so lets not make the answer more lengthy! Since teenage we are banished to not talk about sex but eventually expected to understand everything about it. We are also expected to practice with control and doing it too frequently would put you in 'lets judge him/her' corner and lable them Horny and immoral! And do i have to mention about patriarchy in both genders as an individual having more sex is slut and male achieve their stud tag by hum cardboard box!



Getting married in same cast and religion is always great!

Such idiots clearly never attended lecture of genetic diversity and how to attend it. And beside this biological logic, marrying a person you believing in irrespective of their social differences would never make sense to them!



Being flag bearer of Indian Culture!

And what other thing that doens't make sense to society, person can have their set of believe, ideology and interpretation of life from eachother's perspectives! They clearly loose their point when someone say XY thing is best and everyone should be following it!



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