

 No decision yet on replacing ‘India’ with ‘Bharat’: NCERT


NEW DELHI: A high-level committee for social sciences constituted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to revise the school curriculum has recommended replacing ‘India’ with ‘Bharat’ in new textbooks. The committee has also suggested including stories of victories of Hindu warriors in the school syllabus.


Calling it “too premature to comment”, NCERT said, “No decision had been taken yet on the panel’s recommendations.”


The committee, headed by C I Isaac, has also suggested introducing “classical history” instead of “ancient history” in the curriculum and including the Indian Knowledge System in the syllabus for all subjects.


NCERT chairperson Dinesh Saklani, however, said no decision had been taken yet.

然而,NCERT主席Dinesh Saklani表示尚未做出决定。

Endorsing the use of Bharat, Issac, who has been closely associated with the Sangh Parivar organisations for the past several decades, said, “Bharat is an age-old name. The name Bharat has been used in ancient texts, such as Vishnu Purana, which is 7,000 years old.” “Bharat” appeared officially during the G20 Summit when the government sent out dinner in- vites to dignitaries in the name of “President of Bharat” instead of “President of India”. The nameplate of PM Narendra Modi during the summit also read “Bharat” instead of India.

在过去的几十年里,伊萨克一直与Sangh Parivar组织保持着密切的联系,他赞同使用“巴拉特”,他说:“巴拉特是一个古老的名字。这个名字在古代文献中已经被使用,比如毗湿奴往世书,这个名字有7000年的历史。“巴拉特”在G20峰会期间正式出现,当时政府以“巴拉特总统”的名义而不是“印度总统”向政要发出晚宴邀请。莫迪总理在峰会上的名牌上也写着“巴拉特”而不是“印度”。

The panel’s recommendations evoked strong reactions from some opposition parties.


Congress general secretary KC Venugopal said: “They are suggesting so many things. You can see how they are distorting the history of India through textbooks, syllabus, and everything... For us, India and Bharat are equal.”

国大党总书记KC Venugopal说:“他们提出了很多建议。你可以看到他们是如何通过教科书、教学大纲和其他东西扭曲印度历史的…对我们来说,印度和巴拉特是同等的。”

“It shows the fear PM has of the INDIA alliance. His alliance partners are leaving him. Instead of changing name, efforts should be made to focus on issues of joblessness, inflation, and corruption,” said AAP’s Priyanka Kakkar.

平民党的Priyanka Kakkar说:“这显示了总理对印度联盟的恐惧。他的联盟伙伴正在离开他。与其改名换姓,不如集中精力解决失业、通货膨胀和腐败问题。”




2 hou

Congress=HAMAS=ISIS=TALIBAN=Pro-Pakistan=Pro-China, aiyyash JN ki den



Rahul Barnwal•Unknown

Another diversionary tactics of the incumbent. Tries multiple acts at any given time and expecting one or the other to succeed. Even if a few succeed partly the purpose is served. So has been the way since 2014 and very well executed. Issue with anything oft-repeated is that it becomes cliched and all common person on the street can be fooled all the time. Fingers crossed!



Sanjoy Pandey•Kolkata

Let's wait and watch further developments in the matter.




Let the government change the name from India to Bharat constitutionally then everyone can write Bharat everywhere just like other countries, till then let it be "India that is Bharat" as per exsting provisions of our constitution, why so much fuss about it.


0 0 •Reply•Flag

but the replacement has started ? ?



Clint Eastwood•Do You Feel Lucky Punk

Every tyrant will some day have to face the public and till them Maggie Ji can rename as much as he want cause it wont change the fate of the people and half of the country will have to be covered by a cloth to cover up for ones arrogance and incompetence.



0 3 •Reply•Flag

Air India to Air Bharat. Indian Passport to Bharat Passport. Indian Oil to Bharat Oil. Indian Railways to Bharat Railways. Government of India to Government of Bharat. Change everything asap.



0 0 •Reply•Flag

Whosoever doesn't like the name Bharat can please leave the country ASAP...



2 0 •Reply•Flag

This idea is dumb even by BJP's standards. Even our dumb government realises this from within that it will be an absolutely dumb move...



Anjan Kesh

Next time don't let illiterates define the course of education in India



4 0 •Reply•Flag

Our country is only good at name games and blame games…




NCERT should replace india with bharat in all indian text books. This should happen sooner. This should be definitive.



2 2 •Reply•Flag

Why Govt wanted to bring this change during its closing years?What they were doing in last 9 years


Nation Builder

mr clint Eastwood hahaha,what do you want them to do sell the nation


Clint Eastwood• Nation Builder•Do You Feel Lucky Punk

This is how they are covering up for what they could not do in the last 9 years.



0 0 •Reply•Flag

Much ado about nothing



2 0 •Reply•Flag

Such a useless thing to debate on. It's called Bharat in Hindi and India in English. A lot of countries who have two names one in local language and one in English like Germany is called Deutschland in German. Absolutely moronic waste of time over this nonsense issue which has no value.



4 0 •Reply•Flag

Our country should have only one name "BHARAT".



Sundaresan Balakrishnan•Location

This is what Pakistan always wanted. Pakistan has claimed that the Indian nation was split based on religion and after Pakistan separated India has no right to call itself India but should use Bharath.



Zeus Tamara

We should change the name of religion also. The name of religion also is evolved from indus valley civilization. Further we need to send back Aryans to Iran/other places they migrated from.


Rajesh De• Zeus Tamara

Ha ha.... yup, let's go right back to the begng of civilization.... and yet claim that we are progressing, when it seems like we haven't moved past the "Evolution" stage LOL



Vishnu Truth•Location

Bharat is good



Myth Buster•Unknown

If Hindus plans go on in this manner it is sure India will resemble Pakistan.


Myth Buster

You seem to be in love with that country!



Madan Garg

Bharat is the original name of present India and this name appears in so many Hindu religious Purans so why Congress and left oriented parties are objecting >


Zeus Tamara• Madan Garg

Is it? And who gave the name india?




Follow constitution.



3 0 •Reply•Flag

Bharat is the ancient name.


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