

Why do Koreans think that Confucius is Korean?




Benjamin Park

Confucius is Korean. He founded the earlier Joseon dynasty.

Just kidding, Confucius was from what is now PR China. He was Chinese. No way he could have been a Korean.

But there will be some ultranationalists trying to fit the wrong piece of the puzzle and say nonsensical lies that Koreans started the fuss over the ownership of Confucius. Koreans in general are not really interested in Chinese history except for the Romance of Three Kingdoms (삼국지). Speaking of which, there is also no Korean who claims that any dynasty or kingdom or sovereignty that appeared in the Romance of Three Kingdoms was a Korean dynasty.

Long story short, I’ll tell you that finding a Korean who seriously thinks and claims Confucius was Korean will be more difficult than getting struck by lightning on a Korean summer monsoon.








Woosung Choi

No, we don’t.

Ask a random Korean if Confucius is Korean.

99% will answer “no, he is not” to your question.

Actually, it is a somewhat annoying question for Koreans because most of them have not claimed that. I’ve never heard that from Koreans.








Katsu Kameda

Originally Answered: Why do Chinese people believe that Koreans claim Confucius was Korean? Who are the main proponents of this claim?

This was actually started by a group of silly Japanese… to incite Chinese to hate Koreans.







Lin Zexu

Jasper Lee’s answer was based on a totally wrong assumption that the “夷(Barbarians)” defined in the book written in Han Dynasty (which was about 600 years after Confucius was born) had something to do with the State of Lu (鲁国) and the State of Qi (齐国) which was the hometown of Confucius. I believe the territory of Lu鲁国 and Qi齐国 in ia Dynasty which was founded 1500 years before Confucius was born might be considered as 东夷 (Eastern Barbarians), but in later Shang Dynasty and obviously Zhou Dynasty, these places had already been occupied by Huaxa feudal lords and Huaxa people. Both State of Lu鲁国 and State of Qi齐国 were essentially feudal lords under the leader (天子 Son of Heaven) of Zhou Dynasty. So they were all 100% pure Huaxa. And the Sochen 东夷 (肃慎) recorded in Han Dynasty’s documents were from JiLin and Hei-Long-jiang AKA Northeast China nowadays which is about 1000 kilometers from Confucius’s hometown. So I don’t understand what his point is. Those archaeological materials mentioned in his answer have not been investigated properly to make a serious conclusion by the historians.

Jasper Lee的回答是以一个错误的假设为前提的:汉代(孔子出生后约600年)史书中定义的“夷”与孔子的家乡鲁国和齐国有关。我认为,在孔子出生1500年前建立的夏朝,鲁国和齐国的领土被视为东蛮,但在后来的商朝和周朝,这两个地方已经被华夏封建领主和华夏人占领了。


Saying Confucius was a 东夷 is like saying Donald Trump is possibly an Indian because Mr Trump’s ancestors in Germany might come from Spain which was probably under control of Muslim Arabic kingdoms before Reconquista and the Muslim people “looked like” the Indians/Pakistanis.

It seems that his conclusion is based on a false assumption which is based on many other false assumptions with irrelevant arguments and unclear evidence. Apparently he doesn’t understand the Chinese text in his answer. There are too many flaws and I didn’t even know where to start.






Kakyn Khok

It was a Korean cult that propagated this claim. In fact most Koreans are unaware of this cult as they're very insignificant in Korea.

The claim by the cult in a talk was video recorded and used by Chinese and spreaded anti-korea sentiment in China. It was not the mainstream belief and most Koreans know that Confucius is a citizen of Ru Kingdom (presently Shandong China)







For posts I’ve seen that defends the idea that Confucius isn’t “Chinese”. Is hypocritical as some had no sources, along with perpetuating the idea that Confucius is Korean. Confucius is indeed chinese-China is diverse with flourishing cultures and ethnic groups. Historically, Confucius lived in Lu state (Shandong today) ruled by the Zhou dynasty. Regardless, when one searches for Zhou or Han-any Chinese dynasty; searches from academic sources states the dynasties as different Chinese rulers. As history is contingent, we’re all the same-humans. We share cultures, and learn from each other. Also please get credible sources before promoting your biases, falsifying information while meandering other’s perceptions isn’t educating the public.





Michael L. Best

No, Koreans, by and large, do not believe that Confucius was Korean, ethnically or otherwise. The first time I heard this claim (the claim actually being made by Chinese netizens that “Koreans call Confucius Korean”), I asked my wife where Confucius was from. After a bit of puzzlement about why I even asked the question, her reply was along the lines of “he’s Chinese, of course,” as if I were an idiot. I’ve even checked with my wife’s nephews in Korea, just out of curiosity, and their schools teach that Confucius was Chinese. They weren’t even aware of this idea that “some” say Confucius was Korean. So no, Koreans do not believe this claim nor is it endorsed in Korean’s school curriculums. Maybe it’s time to put this this claim that “Korean’s claim” to bed already.






Of all the Korean people I have met in my entire life, whether it be friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, etc, I have never met a Korean person who believed that Confucius was Korean.

I am sure some Korean ultranationalists have said it but I have also never seen a Korean ultranationalist in real life nor have I ever seen an internet post by a Korean ultranationalist or even a troll post that Confucius was Korean.

I believe that a lot of anti-Korean Chinese people are jum on a nonexsting wagon.







Laser Cho

Only Chinese want to believe that “Koreans believe 공자 is Korean”. Funny.

99.999% of Koreans think 孔子 is Chinese.

rest 0.001%? nuts.






Kim inGwang

I'm Korean, but I've never heard such bullshit from a Korean in my life. I think it was made up by a group of evil intentions to hate Koreans.





Kimi Kimja

I honestly dont know if they think he is Korean or what nationality Confucius is to know he isnt Korean. I thought he was a mythical guy or something..lol! I feel dumb as pocket lint right now.





Christian Dahl

There’s Koreans that will go on for HOURS about the crazy people in japan claiming that Kimchi is of Japanese origin..

Just as much as that is not accurate of the general population of Japan, neither is the idea that Koreans think Confucius is Korean. His philosophy was named the state religion during the Jeoseon period, however, nobody in their right mind in Korea claims Confucianism is of Korean origin.

I’m sure this is a thing some Chinese or Japanese use to ridicule the Koreans, because they have a case of one or two people saying it. Just like the claim that the Japanese think Kimchi was Japanese. While it’s true a couple people might say it, it’s not the popular opinion by far.








Nope. Not even close.

Times that when Confucius was popular is passed and gone.

What’s hip and trendy seems to be bashing Korean ancestors for accepting his ideas and Confucius himself for giving birth to the constipated social hierarchy system , unnecessary age terms and over complicated ceremonial services all year throughout.

South Koreans would never want to claim an idealist that they think negatively of as their own.








Bryan Cheron

I’ve never met a single person who, when the subject came up, didn’t know that Confucius was from what is today the People’s Republic of China.

Your question suggests that a lot of Koreans believe Confucius was Korean. I have to wonder what kind of Koreans you’re meeting, because I didn’t meet any throughout my twelve years there.






itong Zou

I’ve also had Chinese friends tell me that the reason they don’t like Koreans is because Koreans claim things that were Chinese or invented in China were actually Korean. Not only is this a ridiculous reason not to like an entire race of people, it’s not really true either.

It’s propagated by online Chinese websites and forums that are often made up by Anti-Korean people. I’ve lived in Korea for many years and have many Korean friends, never met any Korean that claimed Confucius is Korean.






Oliver Zhang

Not only Chinese people believe Koreans are claiming things, many Japanese people believe so too. Unless public media in both Japan and China are cooperating to make Koreans look bad on this matter, I would guess this whole subject about Koreans claiming things must be true to some extent at least.


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