

 Did The Chinese Discover America BEFORE Columbus?





What was not mentioned is that Columbus bought a map that purportedly showed the route to the land beyond the Atlantic Ocean. That's why Columbus was so confident he'll find land.  The map was supposedly a copy of a map from China, according to the person who sold it to him.

Also, when Zheng he returned from his last voyage, he was ordered to burn the fleet, burn the fleet historian's records, and execute the historian. If Zheng-He did reached the American continent, they were ordered never to speak of it, upon pain of death.




Another thing worth noting is the fleet of Zheng He with 28000 men mostly military was vastly stronger than military of any countries along his route. However none of the countries were invaded or conquered, instead, diplomatic relations were established and he ferried diplomats through and fro on each of his voyage, diplomats bring along gifts to the emperor of China and the emperor also give them gifts in return. It is not in the culture of Chinese to conquer others and history have proven it. Modern day Western nations have demonize the Chinese and spread fear of their rise. The Chinese however will prove once again that they are not interested in conquest.




Calling Zheng he china's Columbus is a crime. Columbus was an insane genocidal maniac. Who upto his death thought he was conquering Asia (for most of his rampage, he thought he was in China. Despite being repeately corrected.)




I mean I have no clue but that's possible, we already know for sure that the Vikings also did it before Columbus. Even the Polynesians were already colonizing the Pacific islands thousands of years ago before anyone else figured out sailing. We know they went all the way to Hawaii, so why not the American West Coast. Our modern view of history was written primarily by European white guys, so there's probably some bias and missing information in there.




Very interesting. I believe the Chinese also visited Northern Australia before the British.




Also if you want to get technical, the Vikings, Chinese and even potentially some Pacific Islanders all 'discovered' America before Columbus bumbled into the Caribbean




From DNA investigation around the world it is proven that there is a tribe in the east of Africa who have DNA with chinese characteristics although they look African. They also have legends about people from the “Middle Kingdom” who came to east Africa. The stories tell also that Zheng He went around cape of good hope in the southern tip of Africa heading west which would land him at the American continent. As the purpose of Zheng He’s journeys was to find other “kingdoms” and asked for a tribute it is logical that the civilization in the American continent at that time did not impress him at all. The legend says that Zheng He reported that there was no other kingdom more powerful than the Middle Kingdom. This was the reason for the Qing dynasty to abandon their powerful navy after Zheng He’s death.




I think the more accurate way to describe this is "who visited first" because clearly, the Native Americans were the first to settle there. Also the europeans have the habit of claiming far away lands as their own and that they "discovered" a land even when it has already been inhabited. The europeans have this bad habit of genociding the natives and then calling the land theirs.




Zheng He actually had recorded his voyages. However, the Ming dynasty was out of money for doing a lot of building work such as building the longest canal in the world, still the longest canal today, the forbidden city, the Great Wall and the largest navy in the world at the time that Zheng He commanded.  So after seven voyages, the Ming court decided to abolish the navy and burned the record because there was no things from all the other lands that China was interested and most people went on the voyages did not come back due shipwreck that of the over 20,000 people went only about 200 came back alive and it cost a lot money to build the ships.




Ming Dynasty burnt all the books of voyages.... But you can still see the ancient shipyards in Quanzhou Fujian, the junks were at least 3x the size of columbus'




It might not be Zheng He, but the Chinese ancient classic "山海經" do content records of western Northern America coastal line, all then way from Alaska down to Mexco... That classic is more then 6000 - 8000 years old, it's not written by one person or group, but a continuous record of groups of explorers, the latest entire were done roughly around the age of warring states (475BCE - 221BCE).

可能不是郑和,但中国古代经典著作《山海经》确实有内容记录了北美西部的海岸线,从阿拉斯加一直到墨西哥……这部经典有6000 - 8000多年的历史,它不是由一个人或一个团体写的,而是由探险者团体连续记录的,最新的完整版本大约是在战国时代(公元前475年-公元前221年)完成的。



There have been atleast hundreds of tribes of different ethnicities that have arrived in the same places they did. The americas has been inhabited for 10,000s of years and every year the estimates keep going back further.

They also arrived through a variety of different routes.

You forgot to mention Leif Erickson who used old stories to navigate to america and found his own people stranded there. ~1000 ad

Zheng He used an old map and legends that china had for hundreds of years. The chinese had arrived in america and mapped it way before him. ~3000 years ago






Thanks for the information this channel is a great one very informative helps me learn more about Chinese history and culture as well as language having Chinese ancestry through my mothers side help fuel my pursuit of learning as much as I can about Chinese Culture and history and just started learning the language.




i think it's only Zhenghe and the emperor who were interested in the expedition. so technically, if nobody else bothers, no one could have kept the knowledge.




At that time, China indeed possessed unparalleled maritime technology. However, deep-rooted local sentiments and the arrogant 'Celestial Empire' mindset unfortunately led China to miss out on the Age of Exploration. These factors were mutually reinforcing, and in history, there are no 'what ifs.' The only thing we can do is learn from the lessons, gaze at the stars, and embark on the exploration of the next Age of Discovery.




The more I learn about the Chinese, the more I am amazed. Awesome video.




Another thing to note is that Zheng He had a way bigger boat and crew than Columbus 70 years before Columbus set sail. China has set foot on many lands before Columbus did, but also did not bother to conquer like Columbus did.




The reason Columbus is important is not because he was the first to find the western hemisphere, which he wasn't, but because his voyages ushered in an age of European exploration which dramatically changed the history of the entire world.




Your Thoughts on the Chinese discovering America is quite feasible, I live in Australia and we have discovered two Chinese Junks of the coast of Western Australia about 2500km apart the Junks date around 1,500 years ago, to further help solidify this the some Australia Aboriginals peoples do have Chinese DNA in them as well. so anything is possible.




I celebrate thanksgiving with a traditional Chinese hot pot meal in honor of Zheng He. It somehow feels right to do so.




The encyclopedia I had in the 60's explained how the native Americans were related to the Asian people. It claimed only 3 races in the world. Portuguese explorer Pinzon was well known in his country for discovering America not Columbus.




No country will always be strong, the Chinese mind is not to plunder, but to develop themself.




I like the idea that human history is more intertwined liked that and America wasn't just lost to time for 12 000 years after the last ice age.




The fact is 'Jung Java' is the 1st biggest wood ship in the entire world. even the China's emperror noticed it.

事实上,“Jung Java”是世界上最大的木船,就连中国的皇帝也注意到了。



It's possible some missing ships found America,but not in official record,at least,not what we know of,because the following emperor destroy all the records and want no one to  do it again,so, there's not enough prove,but Zheng he's fleet is completely capable of doing that during that time




Zheng he traded in Africa 100 years before Columbus’s grandpa even born. Chinese voyage and trade but never colonize




It's very obvious the descendants of the Native Americans discovered America way before Columbus. Those People were already there when he arrived. Native Americans do look like they might share a common ancestry with Asians. So the there might be something to the "Chinese discover America theory".




Columbus never even got to the American supercontinent; he basically visited Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, thinking it was India.  Man, did he ever get lost!  




Tis true that Colombus gets waay too much credit, when there is much evidence that there were many visits to the New World from the Old.

Egyptians, Carthagians, Baques ,and Vikings all have left evidences of their crossings of the Atlantic.

There is much genetic evidence that Polynesians made it across the Pacific to South America multiple times. It makes sense that over the millennia, a civilization like the Chinese would have sent out various expeditions.






The continents were connected in the past. There are mythical animals depicted in an old Chinese book later found in America.




During the Ming Dynasty, a large number of European missionaries copied Chinese classics and passed them back to their own countries. Many European stories and classics were very similar to those in China.




I don't know we still keep talking about this. The reason why Columbus was given the credit is he started exchanges between the two worlds. The Chinese didn't maintain visits after their discovery of the new world.


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