

Is France slowly turning into a third world country? This country isn’t the same as 20 years ago. What happened?





Yes, it is. It welcomed low quality people (bad immigration) and let high quality ones go away (bad emigration).

French are a bit delusional regarding their situation, because they don’t travel enough outside France and their media is pretty bad. There is freedom of press, but the press is lying on purpose and is owned by billionaires who have their own agenda.



Also, French people are a bit coward and sensible to social stigma, so they will all adopt the same posture and will all reply that your question is insane / ignorant, that France is a rich country, etc. although it does not even reply the question. They unwillingly are propaganda agents.

Did it degrade? Yes, by a lot. Paris became so bad compared to what it used to be that the tourist disappointment phenomenon got its own name (the Paris syndrome).

All indicators (education, security, etc.) are turning red. France only has a high position thanks to its past glory, but it’s a declining power, even though its decline is well concealed.







Nico Laksmi

This afternoon, as I was driving through the chic and less chic “quartiers” of Paris, and seeing cam tents everywhere, people peeing in the street at 4pm, matresses lying around, shops with their glasses broken, burnt garbage bins, etc… i really felt like I was in a third world country.





Jean-Paul Moreau

No, France isn’t turning into a 3rd world country but its capital is. What happened? unchecked immigration, pollution, crazy population density and bad management is what happened.

According to the latest technical report on the effects of immigration on public services, Paris is now the happy winner for the city in France with the most immigration coming from Africa and northern Africa. So no, Paris is not what it used to be 20 years ago, but France as a whole still looks pretty good.







Stéphane Bal

Even if I think that the liberal policies implemented in the last 30 years tend to increase inequalities, the country itself is far from being impoverished.

Already we have probably one of the most important heritage in the world (infrastructure, real estate, etc.).



In addition, our economy is doing very well. We are the third largest destination for foreign direct investment in the world (Data from 2019).

Finally, our poverty rate is the 3rd lowest in Europe. Only the Netherlands and Finland do better.

In short, if France, a G7 country, had to be considered as a Third World country, then which country would not be? The answer is quite simple, none.







Stéphane Palagano

Actually I think you just watch too many news on CNN talking about our little problem of immigration, and what “La France Insoumise” and “Les indigènes de la république” are trying to do to our country. USA are a third world country if you just compare the education system, healthcare, crime rates, poverty, how we deal with our poor people, racism and mad people.





François Savatier

France was never the same as 20 years ago. It is because the world is not anymore the same as 20 years ago. Yes France is partly a third word country, which means that a part of its population is really poor, but this also has nearly always been the case.

So your question just mean that you are a french babyboomer, who does not know the France of before WWII and is surprised by todays France being in the midst of globalization (as other comparable countries) and by the continuous immigration of people from elsewhere trying to survive.






Gérard Briais


This morning, Paris woke up to the sound of the tanks that began their eighth coup d'état this month. There, it was the Bretons who, tired of claiming their independence, came to take it by force. For lack of luck, the Basques and Corsicans were already fighting over the Elysée Palace. Fortunately, the president had asked for political asylum from the new Islamic Republic of Provence.



As every day, I will queue for three hours to get my 100 grams of daily bread, but I will have sent two dozen letters of denunciation beforehand ...

What doesn't change, on the other hand, is this constant flow of anti-French racism, isn't it dear anonymous?







The feel of the big cities is probably more third wordly than ever. But those third world looking persons are the ones kee the economy going, they are the cheap hard labour for a first world economy.





Thomas Mol

Bad politics without long term strategy, chaos forces like CGT and other co unist organisations (student syndicates in particular), immigration, lack of real punishment for crimes.

it’s not turning into 3rd world country. But it’s not going the right direction for sure.






Erik Van Dyck

This question is almost too stupid to get answered, but just for those who still might think that there where is smoke, there must be fire, let me just confirm that France is not anymore the first class country it once was — much longer ago than 20 years, however — without saying it therefore collapsed into a third world status.

Julie Peltier gave a good answer. Let me complete it with some well documented strongholders of France.


Julie Peltier的答案写得很好,我想再用一些证据补充说明。

France today is a de ocracy with a separation of power falling between executive, legislative and judicial branches of government.

The World Bank classifies France as a wealthy, high-income nation. French citizens look to the federal government to guarantee certain social services, such as education, health care and pensions for retirement.



The French economy is one of the world’s largest and is a mixture of private enterprise and government involvement. Tourism is a major contributor to the economy. Other major economic sectors include industry, agriculture, energy and defense. The country is one of the world’s top exporters of weapons.

The French people have traditionally been a mix of Celtic, Germanic and Latin ethnicities. Waves of immigration in the 20th and 21st centuries, however, are altering the country’s population. Immigrants typically come from northern Africa and other parts of Europe.



It is considered having a well-developed public education and public health system, more economically than politically stable. The job market is a weaker aspect.

Political power in France is considered well-distributed and property rights are well respected.

Its cultural influence is one of the strongest in the world. France is considered very prestigious and fashionable, modern and trendy.




France has an educated population. It has many cultural attractions, a rich history, great food and all this is culturally accessible.

France has strong international alliances and is politically and economically influential.

Yet it cannot be denied that its financial and economic status has declined (and is further declining, although its actual president is trying to change the course of the country). Social unrest is undermining the revival.




The heavy public services cost a lot of the state’s budget and often lack efficiency. One of the results is the towering debt and public spending.

Unemployment is high, although the situation was getting better before the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic.



France’s economic freedom score is 66.0, making its economy the 64th freest in the 2020 Index. Its overall score has increased by 2.2 points, primarily because of an increase in the score for government integrity. France is ranked 34th among 45 countries in the Europe region, and its overall score is below the regional average and well above the world average.

The French economy has languished in the moderately free category since 2004. GDP growth over the past five years has likewise been tepid.



The government continues to push its package of legislative reforms aimed at lowering the stubbornly high rate of unemployment, especially among young people; improving foreign investors’ negative views of the economic environment; increasing competitiveness; and improving public finances. Unfortunately, it is doubtful that the proposed reforms, even if implemented, would have much impact either in curtailing levels of government spending that are among the highest in the world or in reducing stifling rigidities in the labor market.


Government spending has amounted to +-56 percent of the country’s output (GDP) over the past three years, and budget deficits have averaged 2.9 percent of GDP. Public debt before the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic is over 98 percent of GDP and will exceed due to measures taken for fighting the post-pandemic-depression.


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