

 With $125 billion, India retains top spot in remittance chart: World Bank


NEW DELHI: Remittances to India are estimated to rise over 11% to $125 billion in 2023, hel it retain the top spot ahead of Mexco ($67 billion) and China ($50 billion), data released on Monday showed.


A strong base of skilled and unskilled workers in the US, the UK, Singapore and Gulf nations is expected to result in an 8% increase in flows to around $135 billion in 2024, World Bank's latest migration and development brief showed.


Driven by remittances to India, flows to South Asia are estimated to have grown 7.2% in 2023 to reach $189 billion, tapering off from the over 12% increase in 2022. These flows are significant for a country like India as it helps reduce the impact of falling foreign direct investment and higher trade deficit.


It said the key drivers of remittance growth in 2023 are a historically tight labour market in the US, high employment growth in Europe reflecting extensive leveraging of worker retention programmes, and a dampening of inflation in high-income countries. The US has continued to be the largest source of remittances, followed by Saudi Arabia. As a share of GDP, however, Saudi Arabia has a significantly larger volume of outward remittances than the US. Top remittance source nations include several countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).


The main contributing factors are declining inflation and strong labour markets in high-income source countries, which boosted remittances from highly skilled Indians in the US, the UK, and Singapore, which collectively account for 36% of total remittance flows to India.


The report said that remittance flows to India were also boosted by higher flows from the GCC, especially the UAE, which accounts for 18% of India's total remittances and is the second-largest source of them after the US. Remittance flows to India benefited particularly from its February 2023 agreement with the UAE for setting up a framework to promote the use of local currencies for cross-border transactions and cooperation for interlinking payment and messaging systems.




Antony John peter

We should be thankful to the hardworking Indians, who have left the country, and are instrumental in sending these remittances back to India.



Sanjiv Brahmbhatt

This trend will go up to 2033. That time remittances will grow up to $500 billion. Then export which is now $450 billion which will grow up to 1.2 Trillion. That stage we want reverse migration. We don't want to remittances but more exports.




Leadership counts which is manifested first time after LBS in last 75 years.



Guest Login

India is fastest growing economy under Modi... every one wants to invest in India..




India is always in Heart of NRIs..it can never change



Parmesh Kumar

India has to grow fast so that these remittances as a percentage of GDP becomes smaller, even if it grows in absolute amount.

High remittances being undue influence of NRIs and host countries in our domestic matters as well forwign policy.




This also shows Indian's living abroad have more faith in Indian govt despite csmpaign by leftists,liberals and woke against this govt.



1 0 • Reply • Flag

The foreign remittance will increase year after year because many educated Indians are willing to migrate to other countries because of unscientific blind reservation policies of the Indian governments that have deprived employment opportunities to many intelligent, educated younger citizens.




Anybody working abroad is against Modi ji Make In India Policy...all these are DESH DROHI and their houses must be bulldozed in India....They are cheating Modi ji and Bharat

任何在国外工作的人都反对莫迪的“印度制造”政策。所有这些人都是DESH DROHI,必须推平他们在印度的房子,他们在欺骗莫迪和印度


Rene Fernandez

Why would any of us leave Bharat for more money and better lifestyle if such opportunities are available in Bharat itself ??? We were told by PM Modi , just to get himself elected that Ache Din will come to Bharat and we now see that despite almost 10 years of his governance of the country , we still have more than 800 million of our people living in abject poverty and dependent on government on monthly rations and handouts from tax payer money !!! Where are the good jobs for these 800 millions of our brothers and sisters ?? They do not live with dignity and respect and this is the main reason why millions of our own educated and non educated citizens want to run away from Bharat as they know that PM Modi can never ever fulfill his own promises






0 1 • Reply • Flag

It is a great achievement of Modi Government.



Are you delusional? Its the effort of hard working people who is Abroad. Wtf did Modi do? If he was a stronger leader, he would retain the talent in the country



1 0 • Reply • Flag

many muftkhors are still looking for quotas in government jobs.



4 0 • Reply • Flag

Nothing to be proud about... What will be the spot of US in this? somewhere beyond 100... meaning no US citizen goes out of their country in search of jobs.... In india we depend upon US , west for jobs...



Thomson Aruparayil

MoziG only offering opportunities for pakoda making and selling in India. So andh bhakts are sending their children abroad for higher studies and employment to developed countries. And they are waiting for Viswaguru’s Amrut kaal in 2047&hellip



Bonny Moraes

Not surprising.



Common Man

India has been converted into Country of Baggers in the last 10 years. The way Bihar is the supplier of Labour to other state of India being most underdeveloped state in India similarly India is supplier of labour in the globe shame on Modi sarkar.



1 6 • Reply • Flag

Country with the most remittances to India is always USA. What about India’s friend Putin?



Common Man

This only confirms there is least oppurtunity in India skilled workers and unskilled workers, The Job availability is bad in India thus Indian have to go out of country for search of Livlihood, and the family in India is unable to maintain themselves in India thus the Family member abroad has to remit to Support Indian Family only confirms the worst Economic condition of India.

这只证实了印度技术工人和非技术工人的机会最少,印度的工作机会很少,因此印度人不得不出国谋生,在印度的家人维持自己的生活,因此国外的家庭成员不得不汇款来养活国内的家人。这说明 印度的经济状况不行。

Bonny Moraes

Any suggestions?




At least this is not something for which the country can be proud of nor it is a great achievement of any Government. The only way to attempt to change the situation is to change the person who have contributed to the current situation.



11 0 • Reply • Flag

it will increase gradually thanks to mudijis new job policy we are sending 10000 youth from haryana to Israel for jobs other states wil follow soon thank you sooo much mudiji



Bonny Moraes

Is this something to be proud of?




"God bless hard working Indian's who remitts that kind of money every year "


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