

What are the dark sides of the Chinese culture?




J. Liang

In my opinion, the dark side of Chinese culture is the widespread belief that only an extremely tiny minority of people can walk unconventional paths.

This is why, if you’re raised in a Chinese family and want to be something other than a doctor or lawyer, you will almost certainly hear some variation of the following:

You think you can be like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk? Well, those people are only one in a million, and there’s no way you can ever be one in a million.

Like seriously, I don’t think wanting to be a journalist or whatever is that special.





I think that the key strength of Chinese civilization, its centralization and discipline, is also its key weakness. A culture as stable as China means that it only experiences true chaos once every 300–400 years.

And it’s only in those brief chaotic periods that truly unconventional people have the opportunity to rise to the top.

So in thousands of years of recorded history, the average Chinese person can see unconventional people succeeding literally every couple hundred years. In that sense, it really is one individual in a million who can make a mark.




This is why the key historical figures in Chinese history are almost always the founding leaders of a dynasty or era. This is your Emperor Wu of Han, your Mao Zedong, your Qin Shihuang and so on. Give or take five emperors/leaders in, the quality of leadership starts to seriously degrade, and the last emperor of a dynasty is always the shittiest.

This is because frankly speaking, a stable society gives a lot of room for people to be lazy. Or if not lazy, then uncreative. Those who put their head down, study hard and chug along have a lot more social potential than fringe hippies who might have an interesting perspective but don’t match the conventional metrics for what a successful individual should be.



Personally speaking, I find it sometimes downright hilarious how much Chinese parents can underestimate the real intellectual potential of their kids.

In family and friend gatherings, it makes me roll my eyes how much the adults in the room love to talk over their kids, lecture them and give them the same cookie-cutter advice over and over again with no regard for the context of differences in culture or changing societal landscapes. You’d think they were discussing ways to more effectively program robots than raising actual sentient humans.



In my observation, it is far too tragically common for Chinese parents to respond to any expression of individuality in their children by simply crushing their spirits.

This is all the more tragic because at its heart, Chinese culture is deeply sensitive, artistic, and introspective. The poetry of the way Chinese people see the world is embedded in our language, history, and literary and artistic heritage in a way that few if any other modern cultures really resemble today.

This paradox of brutish pragmatism and poetic sensitivity is probably the one aspect of Chinese culture that will keep me scratching my head for the rest of my life.





David King

There are a lot of phrases in Chinese that revolve around “competition”. In my opinion, the Chinese culture is a culture of competition.


Take the concept of “no pain no gain” for example. Under normal circumstances, this is not a bad thing. Gaining through hard work is the fuel that drives personal development.

But, in Chinese culture, “gaining” is measured by whether you are better than others. So, Chinese equivalent of “no pain no gain” is “吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人”. This translates to “You can only be the best of the best after suffering the bitterest of the bitter .”

So, in terms of personal development. In the western culture, you would compare your current self to your past self. But in the Chinese culture, you’d compare your current self with others.


但在中国文化中,“收获”与否是根据你是不是比别人强来衡量的。所以,“没有付出就没有收获”对应的中文版本是“吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人”。这句话的意思是:“只有经历了最深的苦难,你才能成为最优秀的人。”


What this promoted was unhealthy competition. China has a HUGE population, and there are not enough resources/opportunities for everyone. So in order to get ahead, people are working extra hard. But, since enough people are also working extra hard, you are still at the same spot as before.

This is known as 内卷 (involution). Think of it as an inflation of effort. Everyone are putting in more effort, thus making your effort worth less.



The effect? Organizations are promoting this unhealthy competition. There is a famous term: 996. It means working from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week. Why are people willing to do that? Because if you don’t, you are out of the race. The worst part is, your boss doesn’t have to force you. If you are unwilling, then they can simply replace you with people who are willing.

Ultimately, this promotes the idea of social Darwinism. Chinese preserve their self-esteem by looking down at people who are in worse situations. They also view potential competitors with a hostile attitude.



On a side note, in places where there are more opportunities and less competition, this mentality actually works great. In the US for example, Chinese immigrants are sending their children to top tier universities left and right. This is not because Chinese children are significantly smarter, but that they work harder and are pushed harder. It’s pretty typical for Chinese American children to learn Algebra around 1st and 2nd grade. Algebra is usually a middle school course.



Tan Teka

I’m not Chinese.

I actually would like Chinese people to correct me on this if I’m wrong, because i’ve always been curious about this.

The Chinese culture is work intensive.

Millennial might see someone like Li Ziqi, a beautiful youtuber and chinese media star, who does an exceptional job of just about everything.

Now, I actually do not buy her story.






I do think she is magnificent. I do think some of her work is her own. But I think where I don’t believe her is that I do think she’s getting help in many aspects, not just from people around her, but from the government, etc.

She’s not willing to be transparent, and I completely understand, as she would face competition, and she uses these media outlet for her earning.



But gluttony, secrecy, dark competition in gaining from others and not returning the favor…. you would find it anyone where people put in massive amount of work, but I think you see this as a dark side of Chinese culture, because the idea of work itself has been a very central part of the culture.

Which is why i adore Li Ziqi, just don’t believe her, in that she does all of this work alone.

I think there are many like Li Ziqi who are not ever recorded, etc. Particularly farmers and people who live in subsistence.





Jason Huang

Chinese culture is shaped heavily by Confucianism, which is a very conservative ideology that has it’s pros and cons.


1.Confucianism places a great importance on filial piety, but it also respects men more than women. In fact, women couldn’t participate in politics during Ancient China. Another problem with Chinese culture is that young people don’t receive much respect, if a child dies in a family, no funeral is held. Elders disrespecting children isn’t seen as a problem, but unfilial children are seen as a big problem.


2.One of the other biggest problems of Confucianism is that it is too conservative. One of the main reasons China was far behind the west was because too many Neo-Confucianism conservatives had power in the imperial court, and because of many of the values and principles of Confucianism, many plans to reform backfired and got rejected by high-ranking civil officers.


3.One thing I hate about Chinese culture is how it places China as “number 1“ of everything. Many Chinese nationalists go overboard with this and start claiming everything while insulting the culture of other nations.

3. 我讨厌中国文化的一点是它认为中国在所有领域都是“天下第一”。许多中国民族主义者对此非常狂热,会侮辱其他国家的文化。

4.In Chinese culture, money and good grades are seen as the key to success, whereas emotional intelligence is more important.



Bob MacKenzie

Every society has a dark side. It could be crime. poverty, inhumane treatment of its population, drug abuse, lack of justice, murderous police forces, racism, endless interference with other country’s interests, murderous military adventurism.

You can not look at a county’s dark side without comparing it to others. In that case China is a far safer society to live in than many others. It has a more peaceful foreign policy based on trade not military domination.



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