

Why is the USA losing its world hegemony in the world, despite having the most powerful military of any nation?  Can this be reversed?





Mirna Clavell

Paul, if we were as confident of our military as we claim, we would not have spent the last century or so bamboozling europeans to become allies in our quest to bring de ocracy to the world and not least to make a hefty profit selling arms regardless of who’s toes happen to be in the way. Leadership is guiding with good will for common benefit and our fearless leaders have either conned or backstabbed (literally) almost every decent stateman that have risen for it's people. Leadership isn't “I'm bigger and you have to do what I say”, that is bullying.





Dennis F


Contrary to internet economist & keyboard generals the US isn’t in decline. What you have over the last 40 years is global peace & stability due to the post WW2 world order. During this time countries got wealthier along the US; China technically replaces the USSR but the US had very little if any change economically. The US will never go back to the 1970 or 1950 when they basically runs the world but they are not in decline. They just split the world wealth between adversaries & allies.



Militarily; the US army, navy & airforce remains formidable & the most technically advanced than their nearest competitors; in some sector the US military is 50 years ahead of China and Russia. Some argue that a more multilateral world order would be more stable and beneficial for global security and prosperity but personally I doubt it because that will take us back to the 1700s & early 1800s and we all know how volatile those decades were.



Personally, I think the world is heading toward protectionism especially of high tech and A.I; China and Russia are regimes and if they can make it until the end of this century then there’s a real chance of them disposing the US but I doubt it.

Eventually, Putin will die and will leave a power vacuum in Russia.






Kishor Shah

Lately, USA failed to lead the world with noble philosophy. They depended on their brute power to remain leader.

Brute Power is now manifesting it's limitations to remain hagemonic.






John David Dennis

Have a look at what is happening in congress. This, combined with a tendency to think that if it doesn't hurt American interests, it doesn't matter.





Bill Boyd

So you are a who thinks that power comes from the barrel of a gun

Power comes from diplomacy skills, honesty and integrity.






Gordon Clason

The US is becoming isolationist again. Since 1945 the US Navy protected the world's oceans so anybody could ship to anybody.

We are slowly pulling back from that. The rest of the world asked us to leave. Fine. You asked for it, you got it.



Let the Saudis and the Iranians start a war over the Persian Gulf. Let Iran-backed Yemeni pirates launch rockets at commercial ships in the Red Sea. Let the Panamanian government mismanage the canal.

The US can trade with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand without having to guard any choke points or act like the world's naval referee.

We're done.







Mustafa Hakim1

The US is a bankrupt country. in 1971 the US came off the gold standard in order to be able to print as much money that it wanted. Now that gravy train has come to an end, and the US can no longer keep kicking the debt can down the road any longer because it causes inflation. With US debt to GDP over 100%. Its game over!





Bruce Jurin

I think it is a variety of issues.

One clearly is the rise of China. China GNP will surpass the US in 10- 15 years, according to most forecasts. Second would be internal dissension within the US. Although this has always been present, there had usually been a nationalism that largely superseded political differences. Currently that appears to be breaking down. Third would be the fact that technologically, atomic weapons are available to any country effectively willing to spend the resources to create them - there really isn’t much anyone like the US can stop them. Last would be generally malaise in international issues from the main US allies.


一个明显的原因是中国的崛起。根据大多数预测,中国的GDP将在10- 15年内超过美国。其次是美国国内的分歧。尽管这种情况一直存在,但通常来说民族主义在很大程度上取代了政治分歧。目前,这种局面似乎正在瓦解。第三个事实是,对所有愿意花费资源来制造核武器的国家来说,核武器都是造得出来的—真的不是美国这样的国家可以阻止的。最后一点,美国的主要盟友在国际问题上普遍感到不安。

Can it be reversed? The future is hard to see. The main issue the US needs to work on is its internal political issues; united as it was in WWII it could still be a powerhouse, but disunited it in much weaker; but seeing how that can happen at least to me seems difficult. China appears unified but forecasting its future economically and politically is very difficult.

New powers may arise - India in particular has internal issues but there can be a path to India being a world power.

Unfortunately, I at least don’t see any way to stop nuclear proliferation.







Wes Frank

The United States is not “losing its world hegemony.”

Rome was a hegemonic power because of its military, but, in a world with an international legal system—such as it is—along with seven nuclear powers and an interlocked economic system, you don’t judge hegemony by who has the biggest army.



If you are ranking the major world powers in terms of relative influence, combining all important factors, the only major change in the last thirty years has been the decay and collapse of the Russian Federation. The United States is by far the most important national government, with China trailing and the European Union and NATO becoming more important as international actors.


All the more interesting since all of the major powers have gone through periods of bad governance. In the case of the United States the disastrous Bush/Cheney administration and the nearly as disastrous Trump administration, paired with the rise of the anti-government right essentially crippling the house and senate at intervals.





Richard Kenneth Eng

First of all, the US military isn’t as powerful as people think. It has been declining for decades. The USA hasn’t fought a war with a military peer since WWII. Nearly all of its wars have been wars of insurgency. The USA hasn’t faced a genuine military peer since the Soviet Union.

Thus, the US military transitioned into a different kind of military suited to fighting insurgents.



Second, the US military hasn’t had a significant military victory since WWII, unless you consider the First Gulf War (I don’t).

Third, the US military is having significant difficulties recruiting. It has a massive shortfall of recruits. American young men don’t care to fight America’s wars around the globe.



Fourth, the US Navy, arguably the core of America’s military might, has a huge maintenance backlog. At any given time, many of its vessels (including aircraft carriers) are waiting to be serviced.

Fifth, the USA lacked the confidence to directly engage Russia over the Russia-Ukraine conflict, even though the US military is supposedly so much more powerful.

Can this be reversed? Possibly, but I rather doubt it. The USA has many other problems that demand greater attention.







William Hobba

Other countries are catching up. There is also the rise of WOKE rubbish that some (but far from all) countries have avoided. WOKE is anti-enlightenment, which is what led to the USA’s dominance.





Jonathan Buttall

Is the United States’s hegemony declining, or is the rest of the world simply catching up? BOTH. The US has been in gradual decline since the murder of JFK. I’m old enough to remember what the US was like before and after. The loss of the Vietnam war immensely increased that decline. Under Trump, that decline has skyrocketed like an ICBM.



China has greatly increased it’s military might since a poor showing against Vietnam in a brief war in 1979. They are far, far stronger than when they drove the US out of North Korea during the Korean War.

Russia is much weaker than they were under the USSR, especially economically. But militarily, they’re still at the superpower level. And Russians have this odd quirk; they actually fight! Remember them in World War II? I sure wouldn’t to fight the people who survived Stalin and Hitler and beat Germany even after losing 20 million people!



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