

Why is India poorer than Africa, although Africa is also poor in the world?





Raja Ajay

india is not poorer than africa. a lot of african countries are extremely impoverished. india is on it's way to be a world power in 2040 (i read that somewhere and can't find the source i will update when i find it) and has come a loooooong way since independence from the uk in 1947. many african countries are lawless and not safe for westerners, and growth in africa seems to be lagging way behind other develo countries. india however could be on the fast track to the top if they keep on improving infrastructure. sadly in my opinion it would take a really really long time for some african countries to become developed, again this is my opinion.





Arvind Kumar Sharma

Africa is not a country although most countries in African continent are extremely poor. Their combined GDP is much less than that of India. Many Indian companies operates in these poor countries. I was surprised to find out that many lesser known indian companies are actually MNC’s.





Nur Eshmael

labour force and exports are key topics in statistical analysis of say African and India

India Labour force is 500 million population

where say Nigeria labour force 90 million that make 400 billion dollars

if Nigeria has a labour force of 500 million it would make around 2.1 trillion dollars in gdp compared to India 3 trillion with 500 labour force





Somalia labour force is 4 million population with GDP of 10 billion dollars

if Somalia had a labour force of 400 million it would make 1 trillion dollars in GDP

Kenya labour force is around 20 million people with gdp of 87 billion dollars

if Kenya had a labour force of 400 million it make around 2 trillion dollars in GDP

with Ethiopia labour force of 50 million people if Ethiopia had a labour force of 500 million people it would around 1 trillion dollars






Africa exports is at 450 billion dollars

where evey 13 million african union citizens make around 20 billion dollars in gdp that accounts to around 5.6 billion dollars a day

The combined African union labour force would be around 300–400 million people



非洲联盟的劳动力总数在3 - 4亿人左右






Karthikeyan V

No, its not true. For every 1 Person living in absolute poverty ( less than 1.9 usd per day ) in India; there are close to 3 in Africa.

Now, no mistaking that both India and Africa are home to some of the poorest people in the world; but more people have stepped out of extreme poverty in India in recent times, and is much better off today. ( Do consider, America defines its Poverty Line at 63 USD per Day! )



Here are the quick statistics :

People Living Under 1.90 USD / Day

India : 150 Million People ( 11.3% of the Population)

Africa : 397 Million People ( 34.4% of the Population)





People Living Under 3.10 USD / Day

India : 768 Million People ( 58% of the Population)

Africa : 617 Million People ( 53% of the Population)




Human Development Index

India has a HNI of 0.624.

In Africa, about 10 Countries, accounting for about 21% of Africa’s Population ( about 250 million people) have an HNI higher than that of India.

About 78% of Africa’s Population ( about 900 million people) live in countries that have an HNI below India.








Sasi Stephen

What do you mean by poverty? Finiancial, social, mental…..?

Expect for certain areas of Africa, how can this question be correct?

To me peace of mind is my richness and I think most Indians are better off than most others in this world.







Shravani Babladi

There are two things to remember before you read the rest of this answer-

India is a country and Africa, a continent.

There are multiple parameters to assess economic growth.

the United Nations used an innovatory “multidimensional poverty index” to compare the economies of India and Africa.

The index uses 10 major variables including access to good cooking fuel, schooling, electricity, nutrition and sanitation.






According to this report, there are more people in eight states of India than in the sub-Saharan Africa.

When the vast central Indian Madhya Pradesh state, which has a population of 70 million, was compared with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the war-racked African state of 62 million inhabitants, the two were found to have near-identical levels of poverty.

The survey found that in Madhya Pradesh poverty levels were higher because of malnutrition. In Congo, access to schooling was a problem.




The thing to realize here, is that a low score on this scale is not not necessarily a reflection of the status of GDP and vice versa. Being a growing economy, this is just to bring to our notice, the unequal distribution of wealth within the country.

We are poor. Wealth is unequally distributed. But it's unfair to compare the subcontinent to a continent.






Tim Prendergast

India is a sovereign nation, a single country whose economics are measurable as such. Africa is a vast continent made up of many countries with vast disparities in economies, culture and geography.





Darryn Seymour

First of all Africa is a continent not a country you cannot compare an entire continent to one country that’s like me saying why is Brazil so far behind North America or why is China more developed than the Middle East for example, it’s a horrific comparison cause you are treating Africa as one country which it isn’t as it is a combination of different countries as it is a continent. It would be better to say why is the economy of South Asia less developed than Africa as you are comparing two regions with different countries or better why is Asia less economically developed than Africa or why is African country more economically more developed than India.


Secondly while parts of Africa are poor not all regions in the continent is poor you cannot just,” Africa still poor,” cause you are generalizing a entire continent which is dangerous as that spreads ignorance. Also same for the Indians there are poor and rich areas there and you cannot generalize a entire country, it’s very dangerous.


Thirdly if Africa contains wealthy countries like Mauritius, Seychelles, South Africa, Botswana and Namibia and you are comparing that to one country do you honestly think the country will compare well. No of course not it’s unequal.





Ayush Raj

Why is Africa cleaner and wealthier than India?


First let me talk about wealth. Africa has over 50 countries, out of which only 14 are wealthier than India:


1. Seychelles

2. Equatorial Guinea

3. Gabon

4. Mauritius

5. Botswana

6. Libya

7. Algeria

8. South Africa

9. Egypt

10. Tunisia

11. Swaziland

12. Angola

13. Morocco

14. Rep. Of Congo

1. 塞舌尔

2. 赤道几内亚

3. 加蓬

4. 毛里求斯

5. 博茨瓦纳

6. 利比亚

7. 阿尔及利亚

8. 南非

9. 埃及

10. 突尼斯

11. 斯威士兰

12. 安哥拉

13. 摩洛哥

14. 刚果共和国

Look at these countries, and you will find that except South Africa and Saharan countries, all are smallest countries in Africa by population.

However, most of the African countries have per capita income less than half of India.

So, if all countries were having same conditions as that of India, no country was going to be wealthier than India.




Now lets talk about cleanliness...

Lets see the list of 25 dirtiest cities in the world.



25. Port Harcourt, Nigeria

24. New Delhi, India

23. Maputo, Mozambique

22. Luanda, Angola

21. Niamey, Niger

20. Nouakchott, Mauritania

29. Conakry, Guinea

18. Lome, Togo

17. Pointe Noire, Congo

16. Bamako, Mali

15. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

14. Moscow, Russia

13. Bangui, Central African Republic

12. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

11. Ndjamena, Chad

10. Brazzaville, Congo

9. Almaty, Kazakhstan

8. Baghdad, Iraq

7. Mumbai, India

6. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

5. Mexco City, Mexco

4. Port Au Prince, Haiti

3. Antananarivo, Madagascar

2. Dhaka, Bangladesh

1. Baku, Azerbaijan

25. 尼日利亚,哈科特港

24. 印度,新德里

23. 莫桑比克,马普托

22. 安哥拉,罗安达

21. 尼日尔,尼亚美

20. 毛里塔尼亚,努瓦克肖特

29. 几内亚,科纳克里

18. 多哥,洛美

17. 刚果,黑角

16. 马里,巴马科

15. 布基纳法索,瓦加杜古

14. 莫斯科,俄罗斯

13. 中非共和国,班吉

12. 坦桑尼亚,达累斯萨拉姆

11. 乍得,恩贾梅纳

10. 刚果,布拉柴维尔

9. 哈萨克斯坦,阿拉木图

8. 伊拉克,巴格达

7. 印度,孟买

6. 埃塞俄比亚,亚的斯亚贝巴

5. 墨西哥,墨西哥城

4. 海地,太子港

3. 马达加斯加,塔那那利佛

2. 孟加拉国,达卡

1. 阿塞拜疆,巴库

Now you will see most cities in the list from Africa. There are only two from India, given that both places have same number of cities and Indian cities are more populated.


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