

Will North Korea and South Korea ever become one Korea?




Dan Hall

The Chances are high they both seek a union or one Korea but it's up to America and China they both have to wait.

North Korea will not nuke South Korea likely the first places to suffer would be Japan and Taiwan.

Now Taiwan might be invaded by the Chinese, this would remove America from the Asian Pacific. N Korea and S Korea could decide on two thing one to join or two Americans could land in the south and support them meaning Koreans do most of the fight while Americans use fire and fury to end it.




There's a third option nuke Poyang which would pretty much end the battle and leave DPRK few choices other than nuclear which wouldn't last long without direct Chinese support. The Chinese might send troops or air support in a prolonged conflict but if Poyang is nuked and gone theres not much to defend.


Russia getting officially involved won't happen unless her interests are threatened North Korea isn't enough for direct involvement I doubt even for China would they risk direct involvement.

Russia and America having any sort of direct prolonged conflict would likely be the end of the world.



China isn't that kind of threat Chinas only threat or power is her man power America even NATO probably cannot invade with troops that is Chinas only strength. America 2 million troops vs Russias 20 million at most isn't a problem Russia can be defeated relatively quickly however China will get involved in this we can't risk that even if we weren't dependent on Russia





Syuzanna Harutyunyan

In my opinion the unification of South Korea and North Korea is not possible, because there are two different countries, which have their own laws and way of living. South Korea is a very developed country, it is a great place for living and visiting, on the other hand North Korea is the opposite. They have a strict regime there and they are isolated and banned in their own borders. They consider the South Koreans their enemies, because even as a tourist South Koreans can’t visit North Korea. Their unification is not possible, because they have different mentalities and we need many years and great changes in people’s mentality for unifying them.





Vladimir Prostran

What is unfortunate at the moment is that we have moved on from the question of “When” to “If” two Koreas will ever be unified and there are several reasons for that.


Internal reasons. Two Koreas have been separated for almost 80 years, have grown apart since then and are now completely different societies with different values who happened to share the language and history. One is a highly competitive, fast-changing and ultra-capitalist society. The other one is North Korea and these two words today say it all. Older generations of South Koreans wanted reunification of two countries. However, young generations - the ones who will be leading South Korea soon - see North Korea as a hostile neighbour hostile to them and where people live in dire poverty. This is why they are not willing to bear the reunification costs. North Korean leaders obviously don’t want reunification because they would lose their power once the Southerners start flooding the North.

内部原因。朝韩两国已经分裂了近80年,早已分道扬镳,现在已经是两个完全不同的社会了,有着不同的价值观,只是恰好拥有共同的语言和历史。一个是竞争力强、日新月异的超资 本主义社会。另一个是朝鲜,今天这一南一北两个名字就说明了一切。老一辈的韩国人希望两国统一。年轻一代—即将领导韩国的一代—将朝鲜视为敌对的邻国,朝鲜人民生活在极度贫困之中。这就是他们不愿意承担统一成本的原因。朝鲜领导人显然不希望统一,因为一旦韩国人开始涌入朝鲜,他们就会失去权力。

External reasons. Reunification of Koreas is not their internal issue anymore. Countries like China, Russia, USA and Japan also unfortunately get to say in this and neither of them want to see Korea reunified. China and Russia are concerned that a reunified Korea under the South Korean government will bring the US Army at their borders, representing a significant security issue. USA, on the other hand, is also likely to have their army asked to leave the Korean pensisula and this is something they don’t want, considering they cannot be closer to China’s and Russia’s borders that they already are. Japan would see a unified Korea as a serious regional rival who might get too close to China, so they would rather have status quo on the peninsula.


It is sad that USA and USSR made the decision for Koreans to divide their country which was not even done by imperial Japan, and Koreans have every right to be upset about this. Unfortunately, due to the historical and geopolitical circumstances, these two countries are likely to stay separated.





Bengt Lindvall

Of course not, the differences in all aspects, from money to culture are far too great to overcome.

Funny you should ask, though.

I visited North Korea a few years ago.

The first day we sat down for a presentation about “Korea” the country so rudely cut in two by the Americans.

We saw the numbers of total population, total GDP, total number of military and so much more that was simply combined.






This also included a cleverly designed speech on how easy it would be to join the two, common culture, common goals, and both with well-educated and ambitious populations.

Needless to say, the tour members, all highly educated middle age or older Swedes had a hard time kee a straight face. We all knew how important it is not to lose your face among east Asians.

OK, enough of that.

IN NO WAY can the two half join again. North Korea is a poorly disguised very (extremely?) poor country, almost like a country-wide Potemkin Village, all set up to impress visitors.

“In politics and economics, a Potemkin village is any construction (literal or figurative) whose sole purpose is to provide an external façade to a country ...”









Katherine A.T. Flownder


North Korea is a de ocratic republic. South Korea is a co unist republic.

North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un is greedy.

North Korea has a LOT of restrictions like dyeing your hair, playing certain music from the “outside” world, having an opinion, leaving the country and so much more.

Imagine if South Korea gets taken over by North Korea or if a North Korean representative gains control over South Korea. Awful. Right?

If it’s the other way around, where North Korea gets taken over by South Korea or a South Korean representative, it will probably be much better for both countries and the world.











If the North Korean regime is taken out of power. South Korea and Allie’s would need to unify the Korean Peninsula via invasion and capturing Pyongyang.





Weijiu Wu

yes it will reunite eventually.

The reason its currently divided into two is because, lets face it, big power geopolitics.

Its the demarcation line between American empire and red empire (sino soviet block) in the cold war.

So once China retakes Taiwan the next logical step is to kick America out of Asia. Once that’s achieved, China would facilitate Korea unification and a unified Korea would as counter weight to Japan in northeast Asia.








Sonei Fu

After China surpasses US in economy and military power, this will be totally possible. US presence will be swept out of Asia, both north and South Koreas will be allies of China, the North can develop without worry. After North Korea develops into a middle level income country, the two states can talk about forming a federation looser or tighter, most likely with China's help.





Audie Chason

I lived in Germany in the 80’s and went into East Berlin multiple times. I was stunned by the differences compared to the west. It was like getting into a time machine and being transported 50 years back into abject poverty. My German girlfriend at the time told me unification would never occur in her lifetime (she was 23) if ever. I disagreed with her because I could not imagine such a disparity in quality of life in the same country on the other side of a wall. 8 years later the wall fell. A similar unnatural situation exsts in N Korea. Eventuality something will happen to precipitate collapse of N Korea and N and S Korean will be again be one.





John Bull

The land mass is united. Stupid, very stupid politicians, are the reason for the separation. And all of the planet conflicts are the work of…..blinkered,…stupid,…politicians. Whenever do they speak the real truth. Then….what a wonderful turnaround, and all humanity would benefit, while we occupy this beautiful planet, instead of the threatening approaching destruction….


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