

If the only reason China is a threat to the West economically, why doesn’t the West, instead of building war machines to invade China, build up their own economy?





KokHin Lim

This is a very interesting and very accurate question indeed.

To me the English adage that it cannot have the cake and eat it is most apt to described the U.S. capability and capacity. I can either take on Russia or China but it can’t take them both on. It can’t out spent 10 nations in defend spending, keep 800 bases and a dozen aircraft carriers and at the same time rebuild its infrastructure, retrain it’s people, garnering supply chain partners and a ton of stuffs it need to do in order to compete with China.



You can’t do both. I doubt if the U.S. can change course but even if they do they still cannot match China in 3 more area. One, China is not only the worlds. Most humongous market and its middle income consumer probably 3 times that of the U.S! But what is worst is China is the fastest and biggest market on earth, Asia which represents 60% of world demand. Size matter, no nation is willing to risk losing these market.


The real US and North American market is simply too small in comparison. But secondly China and Asia are simply way way way more competitive than the west and US in particular. Not only in labour but in automation, in efficiently, in worker productivity. The U.S. and North America is simply not competitive enough. It’s union, it’s CEO greed, its discipline level and the works all is in no match to China.

Thirdly, The US simply has lost its manufacturing and marketing ability to even begin to comprehend today’s complex supply chain manufacturing processes.






Johannes Sulistyo

When you are defeated in a game of chess, you challenge them to play checkers, and when you are defeated again, you challenge them into a game of bridge. Finally, when you are about to lose the final game, you then realise that the guy has some superior intellectual capacity. In order to assert your dominance and hegemony amongst the group, then you challenge them into a boxng match. Go physical when your brain is not even a match.


Western politicians, especially Americans, are completely clueless about economics, sometimes because they are just stupid. Sometimes, they just pick what resonates with their idiot audiences. Foe example, Harvard graduate like Ron DeSantis are worried more about the children not turning out like him and gender pronouns than matter of substance befitting his academic stature. In his constituency and political organisation, people believe the government is a problem, not a solution. Thus they reduce and limit their influence on sha economic policies.


Lethargic uncompetitive American company that has been benefiting from lazy protectionism and lobbying to keep it up suddenly have to deal with the threat of foreign competition, oh what can they do?

Of course, not competing fairly. Manufacture cases, create stories, fabricate narratives - your competitor is from a country with lower standards, they are unethical, they do business with sweatshops, they have no labour rights, they deal with human ri hts violators - and when nobody cared - you arrived at last resort: “they are not proudly American”.



Now that’s business.

What about the authorities, the officials, the government?

People can be smug when they see the Chinese drive Buicks and VWs, use iPhone, chug PBRs, but when western people uses BYD or Huawei - they see something foul going on in the air.

Let’s just say it: plain old predictable racism. I mean as a guy living in Asia. It is not the first time people jeered at “Made in the middle of some Jungle of Malaysia” or “slums of India”. But China is different.





It is a nation of 1.4 billion people doing things.

The government effectively maintained tight control on them. They can do everything in better unison than others.



The government wants the smart people to work for them, maintain a long term view, plan things grandiously.

The government doesn’t let too many distraction from disturbing their goals. People who furiously complain are only heard by people who have the capacity to listen to such complaints. They don’t let incompetent people fight each other for political spectacle to distract the masses.



These are the privileges not given to the western governments, of course not without some drawbacks.

But reading ordinary Westerner stories, people actually care more about being able to afford going to the Pub every Saturday with friends, pay tuition fees, own a decent house, and access the healthcare.

These are economic improvement stuffs, and it is difficult. People in the west always complaints, never praises. They are conditioned to be proud of being able to slander their leaders. Nobody in the government is motivated to do good for them, unless when it is time to get their votes.




Things they care the least is being able to pressure some Malawian official or Nicaraguan government to do their bidding or forcefully tell Bahrainis to be more de ocratic.

These are geopolitical BS. Western politicians are more interested in this, just like some media, resource extracting company, plantations, or other big interests. They are with a lot of money for incentives to get politicians to do some international “doing good things” in exchange for some business dealings. The media will write a good story that goes to your autobiography, the business pays you your campaign contribution or lobbying money.







It’s so sorry. China is not the China of 100 years ago, also not Iraq or Afghanistan. The collective West doesn’t dare invade China.

The truth may be unacceptable to westerners, but they have to accept it.






Joseph Tin

Building up their own economy requires serious hard work. Hy China threats could boost national defense budgets and politicians could get kickbacks and political contributions from defense contractors. Its a lot easier.





Richard Kenneth Eng

The USA is trying to start a war with China. That’s the reason for US naval exercises in Chinese waters.

That’s the reason for additional military bases in Philippines.

That’s the reason for the Quad and AUKUS pacts.

That’s the reason for Taiwan interference (selling arms and sending Congressional delegations).





I’m just waiting for a false flag event (like Gulf of Tonkin).

The West has mature economies. Mature economies by nature cannot grow much faster.

In fact, China’s economy is maturing, too. That’s why it no longer enjoys 9–10% annual GDP growth. But as a still-develo economy, it’s doing quite well at 5%, while Western economies can barely do 2%.





Two other factors weigh in here:

China has 4X the population of the USA. This is a tremendous demographic advantage.

China has a far stronger, more capable and intelligent government. It’s able to do things that Western countries can only dream of.







Bob MacKenzie

The American government is controlled by old foggies that have known only force, intimidation, and coercion to get what they want. They just do not know how to compete on an even playing field.





Prabhash C. Ojha

China has never been a threat for the west. Western countries are always keen to show their supremacy while China relies on its own resources.





Nick Ford

The question is based on a false premise.

If the evidence does not match your theory, then your theory is wrong.

Economics is NOT the only reason why China is perceived to be a threat to the West.

The West is NOT building war machines to invade China.

These childish claims are associated with pathetic teenage trolls trying to incite social conflict to make them feel important.









Andrew Low

Too much hard work for the poltiicans in the West to do. Easier to give press interviews and used them for anti-China rethoric to pander to their voters. Do you know how many hours you need to put in to create economic models, apply your policies and see how they work out? How many hours of pow wow to write policy papers, negotiate with all the different interest groups? I may not be voted back after 4–5 years. So why waste time.



此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度看中国 » 如果中国在经济上对西方是个威胁,西方为什么不建设自己的经济
