

Why did the 90,000 strong British army surrender Singapore to the Japanese who were only 30,000 strong?





The Japanese were supported by the Thai and they had reinforcements. Singapore had no way of getting more reinforcements.





Rune Svensson

The Japanese read the secret intel from Singapore to London, that Singapore could not be defended. At first, the Japenese thought it was a trap, but later they realized that it was true.





Susanna Viljanen

Singapore was indefensible.

Singapore has no native ground water sources - all water must be either brought from mainland or be distilled from seawater, and General Percival did not want to put everything on one card.



General Yamashita had more than 60,000 - not 30,000 as claimed - troops, and he attempted a bluff. The reality was that his troops were exhausted, but Percival did not know about it.

Not only Percival was demoralized, but also the troops in Singapore were the scras of the barrel. They were colonial troops considered to be unfit to be deployed in Europe or Africa, and they had bad training and bad morale.



With perfect 20/20 hindsight, Percival should have attempted an all-out sally, a Banzai charge. It would have had good chances of succeeding. But once the water supply was cut, Singapore was doomed.





William Hobba

I can say that Australian soldiers supposedly did not distinguish themselves in Singapore. The official reason is lousy leadership and poor training, but a British report claimed it was more profound than that. The report claimed they preferred to get drunk (very Australian) and, by all reports, practically raped any women they could find (very, very un-Australian). This last claim made me somewhat suspicious. The report was later discredited. Several Australian units fought well.

The real reason seems to be poor British leadership, then a conspiracy to cover up how bad that leadership was.






Stacy Elam

Gen. Percival’s surrender to Yamashita “The Tiger of Malay” was a comedy of errors. The surrender happened during a break in the fighting as Gen Yamashita had run out of ammunition and was short on supplies. Yamashita was quite surprised Percival, who could have decimated Yamashita’s forces at the time, was actually approaching them to, of all things, surrender. Percival had no idea Yamashita was out of ammunition. The Japanese had thrown everything at the British in their surprise attack which so stunned Percival into thinking he was up against far more Japanese than were actually there.





Jonathan Hickey

It’s 30000 vs 90000 only if you firstly accept Japanese propaganda as fact and count every single British commonwealth person in uniform and ignoring any Japanese serviceman not in the 3 invading divisions (and even then the number of 30000 is woefully low).

The Japanese sent a force of 3 powerful well equipped divisions comprising 11 infantry Regiments (Brigades)

This included 2 divisions with war time experience with the 3rd a well trained unit and 2 tank battalions as well as over 500 aircraft in support.




The British forces were for the most part very green recently raised formations lacking in modern equipment and numbering 7 Brigades (5 Indian Army and 2 Australian).

1 Gurkha battalion was virtually comprised of 18 year old fresh recruits

They had no tanks, a handful of obsolete armoured cars and were short of their full table of equipment.

They had less than 200 aircraft and poor ones at that

Worse the forces were poorly led.






The fact is that the better men and equipment were in Africa or retained in the UK as part of the garrison.

Several of the Brigades were virtually destroyed early on and 2 more at the battle of Slim River

2 more Indian Brigades arrived during the fighting but were virtually untrained and lacked equipment.

The 18th British Division a better equipped and trained unit but still a green unit (with no time to acclimatise itself with the local conditions) arrived from the UK just in time for the surrender.








James Barends

Two significant reason. The first is an utter collapse of the the command staff. Once the retreat down the pennisula developed, Percival and his staff never made any real attempt to develop a defensive line that could hold. They lost most of their field artillery in the retreat and thus lacked fire power. The big cannon in Singapore COULD hit the mainland easily and did try to support the troops, but for reasons I can’t understand the only shells were AP’s that would burrow deep before detonating and the Japanese barely noted them. By the time the Japanese attacked Singapore, Percival was trying to get out. He was in fact ordered to stay by London (Churchill) after repeated requests to evacuate his staff and himself to Australia. In a nut shell, he was a totally broken commander.


And it was his inability to function that lead to the rapid collapse. the key target in the first attack was the water reservoir for the city which the Japanese seized in hours. The British never set up defenses for the water and once it was taken, they had no means to keep the fight going.





Brent Sutherland

The point is, they should not have surrendered. I was not there, so I cannot pontificate. However, Singapore was probably the worst debacle the Commonwealth/Empire had during WW2. Even Dunkirk could be shown to have its positive element in terms of the miraculous evacuation.





Richard Hardy

I think 90,000 is a conservative figure: some Australian reinforcements arrived to walk straight into captivity the next day.

Percival allowed Yamashita to bully him into submission:

Percival was a weak Character and Yamashita was good at bluffing. The Japanese had only three days artillery shells left.

It would have been worth trying to sally forth along the causeway and attack the Japanese head-on.

Percival spent the war in luxury whilst his men were brutalised and rotted.









Randall Wong

I’ve seen some answers to questions like that are pretty harsh on Percival with no room to reconsider their opinions.

From some articles on the campaign it seems that some of his unit commanders requested that he surrender when he did. If those commanders felt they could not continue resistance where would he have the confidence that the battle could be continued?

Did Percival even know that their side had an apparent advantage in numbers, and the attackers had their own supply problems? That is known know to researchers, but maybe not him.







Kerry Boswell

Suspect the British Army over-estimated the size of the attacking force, and figured there was no chance of being resupplied or relieved, so they surrendered to minimize military and civilian casualties. Plus maybe they expected to be treated humanely after surrender, not what really happened…





Dan Kim

British army wasn’t doing very well and running out of supples especially food. Japanese were also rapidly gaining grounds and had air and the sea. Further reinforcement for British was not possible. Also Percival had nearly 50,000 starving civilians trapped with him. He found the situation untenable and surrendered. The thing is that the Japanese were also very low on supplies, so many people blamed Percival for unnecessarily surrendering. Some even express crazy notion that Japanese were ready to surrender. But, strategic situation was such that Percival had no hope. Sure, he might have lasted few more months if he chose to let his men and civilians suffer, but he chose to end the pointless struggle. Had he known that Japanese would be so cruel to his surrendering troops, he certainly would have thought differently though.




Joe D'Agostino

I haven’t done the research but from the little that I’ve read and retained it appeared the British were out of supply so they faced a ticking clock. The had no information as to the size of the foe they were facing who had struck so quickly and through what had appeared as impossible terrain. Rather than strike at the enemy in what would probably be a useless waste of lives, they took the less bloody option.





Walt Miller

The British were badly led as they were throughout the war. Short answer is that the Japanese captured the reservoirs serving Singapore making the Brit position untenable.





Harsh Manral

The British were caught by surprise and moreover the Japanese Soldiers were better trained and full of more Zeal and Vigor than the British troops!





David Malone

Lieutenant General Percivale surrendered his 220,000 man army to the Japanese general who come in an 80,000 man army.


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