

Is America technologically so far behind China that the Chinese will soon be able to annihilate their fleets in the Pacific, and in the sea around China?





Victor Luke

The US has been quietly upgrading its weaponry so that a US aircraft carrier doesn’t even have to be in the Pacific Ocean for the US to sink the entire Chinese fleet. Bombers flying from bases on the US mainland can do the job. The long range bombers with long range stealth anti ship/land strike missiles can reach every target in the Pacific or coast.





Hypocritic Westerner

Perhaps only westerners don't know China has long had the ability to destroy any invader’s fleets and bases in the Pacific.





Bill Langston

PRC technology is about 5 X behind US, UK, Japanese and S Korean technology. While the brags and boasts and puffs it’s chest up with overheated air, the US, UK, Japanese and S Korea keep their big mouths mostly shut.

Believe the propaganda at your own risk. The PRC may be able to get through to a US carrier with a missile. Maybe. If they do all that will get the PRC is a war of annihilation that the cannot win.






Bill Esker

LOL! Wow! almost ALL Chinese Military technology is based on info stolen from the West and Russia. We have seen how bad Russian tech is in Ukraine. Bad news for China. Now China can no longer steal high tech from the US, because we have finally tightened that up, so they will have to start their own innovations. Figure at least b another decade to achieve parity. Of course by then the US will continue to innovate its military tech too.





Michael Arndt

Most military experts think aircraft carriers are pointless in modern warfare:



Because the US escalated the Russo-Ukrainian War, Russia has captured NATO weaponry and designed new weapons systems that will be more effective against that NATO weaponry.

According to Scott Ritter, Russia has developed submersible drones that could probably sink a US aircraft carrier.



I don't think technology is America's problem. I think pissing away US taxpayer dollars on wars is the problem. Whereas China is building modern infrastructure for the 21st century, the US has relatively shitty infrastructure. Furthermore, the US military budget and the interest on the US debt will consume the entire US discretionary budget in two years. Without cuts to the military budget, the US will not have money for infrastructure, education, research, Veterans' benefits, and many other programs. Both US political parties have fucked the US.






Fred Golden

Well lets say that China does take a bold step and do what Japan did in 1941.

What is the next move China will make?

What will America do to retaliate? Perhaps stop importing anything from China.




Europe and Canada will also stop importing stuff from China. So the unemployment in China will increase a lot. Maybe the business owners in China will decide the military screwed this up.

So it can be devastating to China economy if they really piss off America.






Dan T.

From the announcements of China, and the relative quiet of the US, I can easily see how one might believe this, but the question is actually a counter-factual one. There are a few things at play here. One factor is that various institutions in the US, like the US Navy, have a vested interest in playing up the “Chinese threat”. The scarier they can make China look, the more money Congress will give them to build more ships. Another is that the the US military downplays it's technological achievements, or keeps it an outright secret. The US would prefer no one knows the full capabilities of the US military, until it's unleashed on someone. On the other hand, China likes to brag about its achievements. Much like Russia, they routinely overstate their capabilities.

Part of that is simply because they are a state, and doing so increases the sense of pride and nationalism in the , and part of it is that they are ho it provides some deterrent effect to the US.






The reality of the situation is this: China is behind the US technologically. By a decade or more in most areas. The US is a technological powerhouse, and a world leader in nearly every field. China has been playing catch-up for decades, and probably still will be for quite awhile to come. They may never catch-up. The Soviet Union never did. They were behind the US for the entire Cold War, and Russia is arguably even further behind today than the Soviets ever were. They rely almost exclusively on Western components for their most advanced weapons systems. China produces more of its own components, but they still rely on the West for a lot of the ability to do so. There's a big difference between playing catch-up and copying/stealing from other countries to produce your own equipment, and actually innovating brand new home grown equipment of your own. It remains to be seen if China can do so, and truly become a military on par with the US. Because right now they are not.







As for the last part of your question, about the only way China could do that is with nuclear weapons. They don't have the conventional firepower to do so. It's unclear if any of their anti-ship ballistic missiles can even hit a maneuvering target at sea like an aircraft carrier. It also doesn't entirely matter, because to hit a US ship, they have to be able to see, track, and target that ship. The US has the capability to find, track and destroy any asset that would allow China to do so. The US doesn't have the world's most capable and sophisticated near-earth space object tracking system in the world just for show.







Andrew McGreevy

No, but for the best information on your question, go to the website of the United States Naval Institute, USNI , and the website of Andrew S. Erickson. These sites provide excellent coverage of the powers of the Chinese Navy and the United States Navy.





Ben Burnelson (GBB)

Where do you think a large number of Chinese got their technology training? In U.S. universities. Why all of sudden would we fall behind them? Besides, do you have some kind of spy apparatus that allows you to determine each country’s technological progress since that information is classified?





Suchindranath Aiyer

China was capable of annihilating the USAnian surface fleet within 1,000 KMs of China five years ago.

They do not have domain control over the entire Pacific.

They also do not have domain control under sea beyond their sensor barriers that extends to their exclusive economic zone and disputed seas.







Jose Bustamante

Can the Chinese Navy soon overtake and overwhelm the US Navy?

As other answers have pointed out, China is very far behind in the number of aircraft carriers. But it goes further than that. China’s one carrier has only half the capacity of a single US carrier, and it cannot launch and retrieve truly high performance aircraft. And the aircraft are yet another part of the story.



As anyone could guess, the United States Air Force is the largest and most advanced air force in the world, by far. Most people think Russia has the second largest and China the third largest. Nope. The United States Navy has the second largest and most advanced air force in the world, larger than the land based air force of any country on the globe. China would have to catch up there as well.

But of course China doesn’t really want to, nor need to. China does not have aspirations to become a military superpower globally. They just want to be an economic superpower globally, and have enough military power to dominate their own sphere of influence. Both of which they have pretty much already achieved.






Asim Qureshi

Will China's technology surpass America's?


A couple of weeks ago Trump called former US President Jimmy Carter for the first time.

Carter asked "do you know why?"

“Since 1979, do you know how many times China has been at war with anybody? None. And we have stayed at war."

Carter said the US is "the most warlike nation in the history of the world".

"We have wasted, I think, $3 trillion. China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that's why they're ahead of us. In almost every way.”






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