

Why are Indians bullied in foreign countries?




Lijo Thomas

I have never been bullied based on my nationality and passport. India has strong influence across the globe. However I have been asked why India does not align with certain decisions taken by some major countries. I point them to Non alignment policy of India.


Sathyaswamy S

Because India is a poor 3rd world country despite all its achievements. Generally speaking, people from 3rd world countries are treated like trash by people from richer countries. This is because of the general human mentality of the rich being respected and the poor being looked down upon. People from 3rd world countries also form the largest portion of economic refugees. Merely protesting and crying on social media is not going to solve the problem. Indians bragging all over social media about India being superpower and spreading fake facts adds further fuel to the fire. Only if India becomes a developed country and Indians stop migrating all around the world as economic refugees, real respected can be commanded.



I work in a department where majority is Indians. And I have found out that Indians are cliquish and big bullies. They are worse than Westerners or Chinese. They are terrible.


Aswin Anand

Bullying is common where ever you go there are many reasons from my point of view


Skin colour plays a major role, In India itself fairness cream adds and any brand advertisement portrays that being white is superior and this mindset is somewhat in every peoples mind in the foreign nations.

Migration since when people migrate the local people are devoured of some opportunities which might instigate hatred as they feel they are being cheated by their government for letting immigrants in



Hygiene , there is a common misconception that Indians are unclean, might be the slums which foreign media focus when they show India which is not true but its enough to brainwash the community into believing India is poor and people dont have proper hygiene. whats so funny is Indians dont use toilet papers to clean after they poop and thats always a mystery to foreigners but apparently its more hygienic to use water than toilet paper. Also food Indians prefer their hands as spoon and not a spoon as spoon.


Movies ,Tv series adds they used to portray Indians as idiots with a weird accent which has became branded and people expect Indians to be the same illiterate , dumb and naive


Foreigners are not all bad and its just that Indians were portrayed wrongly and things have changed, the world has noticed Indians upcoming and its just that Indian culture is so different from the west and other nations so our practices might sometimes be Taboo to others similarly other nation culture or practices might feel a bit taboo to us Indians

In the end the world has no barriers in this era and if anyone mistreats you for who you are I believe screw them You be you and let them be them.. No i cares in the end.



Anand Kumar

That's more because the people abroad know they see more worst, fake indians grabbing their politics etc, than real indians.


Dishika Singh

there are many and vast factors why Indians are bullied in foreign countries. I can’t discuss them all but will tell you some main points.


The first is racism. many people are racist in our world. which leads to bullying whether you are Indian or not.

The second is related to immigration problems. because of so many Indian [foreign] migrants, the country’s citizens' chance of getting a job gets reduced which leads them to be defensive.

third is many foreign people have wrong opinions about indian people. they think we are unhygienic, ugly and immature which is not true at all. yeah, I agree most of the indian men [ mostly old men of undeveloped states] fit the stereotypes but not all.




and Its not always true that you will get bullied in another country. if you respect their culture, talk nicely, then you have a very less chance of being treated badly.


Vikram Gokhale

skin color , short height most of indians are black and ugly that is also one reason most of the indians think that women are easily available in foreign countries , indian women think that they will get everything free , men think that they will get everything free the total TU JANTA HEIN KYA MEIN KAUN HOON THAT TYPE OF ATTITUDE


Seraphina Paola

The simple reason for this is, the US doesn't want to increase competition for its citizen, the reason why people from 3rd world countries with population problems migrated to the US is to get out of the hell-bent densely populated lands and start a new life, but this starts to make the US densely populated and slowly the and of opportunities will have none left for its own citizens. If the immigration rules are relaxed then the cities will b flooded with Chinese and Indians ready to any job waiters, cab drivers, teachers, PAs, dry cleaners, chefs, anything that would keep them employed. They often create fake mark sheets and degrees from India and try to use it to get jobs in the US.


my sister whos 13 faced a middle-aged Indian male who was clicking her pictures in a home depo, he even found her Instagram account somehow. I think most of them are obsessed with girls because they watch a loooottt offfff porn India is the most porn viewing country. And then they start thinking that all girls want is sex. So they go after anything that has a wormhole. Surprisingly they say that the western culture is spoiling their country and at the same time they come to America and spread their perversion. This happens a lot of times, they tend to stare and girls who are sometimes not even 18


Also the fact that Almost all the Indian people want to settle down permanently, many of them overstay their visitors visa and never plan to go back. A lot of them expect that the US gov should handout green cards and citizenships simply because they were in the US on a visa and want ‘the american life’ . Also the unjustified expectation for inclusion in society when many of them consider , all the white Americans “dumb” and all afro americans “Bad”.


They blame the USICS for not giving them permanent residences , but no one FORCED them to come to the US , and getting a US greencard is not a basic human right


Baji Prabhu

Why is racism against Indian people often considered "okay"?


Indians are not united in their response towards racism. Many Indians are self deprecating and consider India to be worst country in the world (which is not true by any measure). African Americans greet each other as “Brotha” or “Sista”. This term evolved as a part of collective response to the racism faced by many generations till 1960s. They faced the worst and hence they are always on guard. They also talk about it in the most vociferous way.


Indians on the other hand, tend to avoid conflict, keep calm and carry on. They have no stomach to pick up fights with mainstream popular media or racial majority in US. Hence racism against Indians is accepted in US.


Rathi Raj

Why are Indian Hindu students bullied across the USA?


Many of the present White Americans are severely prejudiced over colours, origins and religions. The White Sepremacists are continuing the ideologies of Ku-Klux-Klan. The continued crimes and also mass-shootings (the last we saw 2 days back), is the result of erstwhile European thoughts based on racism and religious bigotry.


Hindus often become victims of such ideology fielded by them. They are more prone to hate-crimes over two grounds:-

The Hindus are coloured/brown.

The Christians don't like Hindus.




Its hilarious to see that the Americans are themselves now a mixed breed of races, skin-textures, religions, etc. They also don't know (deliberately kept in the dark) how they practically “Exterminated” the native Indians and eliminated entire tribes in order to occupy their lands over past few centuries.

When an American talks of “equality and tolerance”, the souls of Native Indians, Incas and Mayans must be getting agitated and angered.



Shamelessly, their Hollywood too had promoted the same through numerous movies (always portraying Indians to be evil) and never talk of mass-killings with weapons.

When the Americans can maintain straight face after exterminating millions of Native Americans, how would it matter if they target and kill few Hindus there?



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