

Why is the American GDP higher than China’s despite China consuming way more electricity?





Michael Arndt

I wouldn't expect China to consume less electricity than the US. China has more than four times the population of the US. According to visualcapitalist.com, in 2020 on a per capita basis, China consumed 28,072 kWhr and the US consumed 73,677 kWhr.

On a per capita basis, the US consumes 2.6 times what China consumes.



Figure 1 shows the world's largest economies in 2023. Right now, the US has a larger economy, but the US is spending a far higher percentage of its GDP on the military, wars, proxy wars, and financing its debt. China is in good fiscal shape, whereas the US by all accounts, is in terrible fiscal condition:







Ridzwan Abdul Rahman

What you should compare is not GDP but the rate of growth of GDP.

China has been a very poor country in the past. Their GDP was then less than India’s GDP.

Prior to the initiation of economic reforms and trade liberalization about 40 years ago, China maintained policies that kept the economy very poor, stagnant, centrally controlled, vastly inefficient, and relatively isolated from the global economy.

But they have a high rate of GDP growth now and has overtaken the US GDP in PPP terms. It is expected that China will surpass the US GDP (nominal) by 2030.








Chiu Yu

This should answer your question. (source: Proportions of economic sectors in gross domestic product (GDP) in selected countries 2022 | Statista)

这张图片应该能回答你的问题。资料来源:部分国家各行业占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例2022 | Statista





Timur Usman

In analyzing the prevalence of Americans holding multiple credit cards (over 10), one observes a concerning trend wherein individuals may resort to utilizing one credit card to offset debts accumulated on others. This phenomenon reflects a broader issue of financial management and consumer behavior, warranting further examination:

The United States exerts considerable influence over key global financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF, as well as credit rating agencies responsible for assessing economic stability. This influence often translates into favorable ratings for the U.S. economy and its currency, the dollar. Consequently, during periods of global economic downturn, the relative strength of the U.S. dollar persists.



However, this situation highlights a systemic vulnerability stemming from the overreliance on Western financial institutions, which tend to accord the U.S. disproportionately high ratings and confer upon the dollar the status of a world reserve currency. Consequently, when the U.S. experiences a recession, its impact reverberates throughout the global economy, underscoring the interconnectedness and potential fragility of the international financial system.

China's greater energy consumption compared to the US, despite lower GDP, is driven by its reliance on energy-intensive industries, large population, and ongoing modernization efforts in energy infrastructure.






Alan McCaslin

Because we measure our GDP, at least in actual goods production, in terms of Value Added, which is the sum of employee compensation, taxes on production & imports, and profits—and American employee compensation has been inflated by Executive Compensation and Profits by offshoring of production.

But according to OCED statistics, China’s Purchasing Power Parity—what things cost in the U.S. vs. China—is 4.022 relative to the dollar. In real buying power and goods production terms, China’s GDP dwarfs ours. Our goods and services just cost four times as much, falsely inflating our official GDP.








What causes China's GDP to increase every year compared to the US?

chineses at all levels work hard to develop their economy.

Favorable policies aimed at promoting the national economy are being rolled out continuously and are put into action as planned.

China has done a great job in containing the pandemic, which laid a solid foundation for economic recovery.

China keeps attracting foreign investment.

China has made efforts to improve its business environment.

Technological development and innovations help drive the growth of national economy.











Lance Chambers

Can China surpass USA this decade in GDP, epecially after Covid-19?

China was going to surpass the US economy in about 20 years anyway. Can I suggest that Covid-19 and the US administration have, by failing to address Covid-19, will see their economy fall behind China a bit earlier than it would have otherwise.

The American economy was growing at about 2.0% - 2.1% per annum while China was growing at 6.0% - 6.2%. China has recovered and is getting back to work while the US may have at a minimum, can I suggest, 8 - 12 months before things return to anything close to that 2.0%.

The figures were suggesting that China would eclipse the US within 2 years or a bit less. However, given what has happened can I suggest 18 - 20 months before China has the largest economy in the world?



美国经济的年增长率仅为2.0% - 2.1%,而中国的年增长率为6.0% - 6.2%。中国已经复苏,全面复工,而美国至少还需要8 - 12个月的时间才能恢复到接近2.0%的增长水平。

这些数据先是,中国将在两年内或更短的时间内超过美国。鉴于现状,我合理推测中国会在18 - 20个月后成为世界上最大的经济体。




Lim Giok Beng

If China's infrastructure already exceeds the United States, how come the GDP numbers does not reflect that?

Because the GDP nominal value is very dependent on each individual country's cost structure.

For instance, it cost more than $150,000 to get a heart bypass surgery in the US but cost less than $20,000 in China and even with a higher success rate.







Jacob Stelling

Why is electricity consumption in China higher than in the USA despite the USA having a larger GDP between the two?

China has a population that is nearly twice that of the US. Although the energy consumption per person is lower, there are more people.






Ming Chan

Why is electricity consumption in China higher than in the USA despite the USA having a larger GDP between the two?

For the difference in power consumption between US and RPC, I believe the major contributing factor is different economic structure.

According to CIA's estimation, in 2016, 18.9% of US GDP was originated from industry sector, and the for China the number was 39.8%.

Generally speaking, manufacturers consume much more electricity than similar sized service providers.








George Tait Edwards

Why is the GDP (nominal) of the US higher than the GDP (nominal) of China?


1 Answer The nominal GDP of the USA is higher because the US economy is a low investment low growth consumer society and the US dollar is overvalued and the USA is running a deficit for political purposes, while the nominal GDP of China is lower because the Chinese economy is a high investment high growth economy with an undervalued currency for economic purposes.


2 Background Manufacturing industry in the USA is only about 40% of that in China.

2.1 The previous situation A strong dollar and a deliberately devalued Yuan had made the nominal GDP of the USA higher than the nominal GDP of China.

2.2 The Comparative Data at PPP Estimates

*The USA at 2018 PPP estimated at $19.79tr. and

*China at 2018 PPP estimated at $24.69tr. so

*Chinese 2018 GDP at PPP is likely to be about 24.8% greater than that of the USA.

2. 美国的制造业规模只有中国的40%左右。

2.1 以前,强势美元和人民币有意贬值使得美国的名义GDP高于中国的名义GDP。

2.2 购买力平价估算的比较数据。

• 美国2018年购买力平价估计为19.79万亿美元。和


• 按购买力平价计算,2018年中国GDP可能比美国高出约24.8%。

2.3 The Effect of a 2% devaluation of the Yuan on nominal GDP comparisons

The gap between the Chinese 2017 GDP at ERV (Exchange Rate Values = Nominal) which was $12.01tr., and the same-dated US GDP at ERV which was $19.36tr. so a 2% Yuan devaluation would reduce Chinese GDP at ERV to about $11.77tr.

But the PPP numbers would not change at all, although the 2% devaluation would eventually stimulate higher exports.

2.3 人民币贬值2%对名义GDP比较的影响

中国2017年GDP在ERV(汇率价值=名义汇率)上的差距为12.01万亿美元。按汇率计算,美国同期GDP为19.36万亿美元。因此,人民币贬值2%将使中国的ERV GDP减少到11.77万亿美元左右。


3 General Comments

Because the USA on 2017 is importing $2.352tr - much more than it is exporting at $1.576tr. - it has a balance of payments problem of about $776bn pa.

Because China in 2017 is exporting $2.157tr. - much more than it is importing at $1.731 tr.- China has a balance of payments surplus of about $426bn pa.

The USA has to borrow (mainly internationally) to continue to consume more imports than its exports would allow, so US total debt and borrowing has been rising year after year. That’s not sustainable in the long run.





4 Conclusion GDP at PPP is by far the best measure to compare the economic strength of nations.


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