

Why doesn't China take up its responsibility as a soon-to-be-developed country and accept more refugees?





Just Test

China will become a superpower before it becomes a developed country. Yes, a develo superpower.

And the responsibility of a superpower is to start wars around the world. This has been the case for the past two centuries, is that what you want?

Fortunately, China was the world's only superpower two centuries ago, and it pursued peace.







Ronald Weinger

Simple. China does not consider such a thing its responsibility. China is a closed country and overtly restricts entry.





Sekiguchi Masanori

Because China has enough problems with their illegally occupied territories, crashing housing market, crashing industrial base, hyper growth military expenditures, fast declining population base, etc.

The last thing China needs is even more social unrest caused by refugees. Look at the catatrophe that is occurring in the West.






Andy Barrington

Because only fools let themselves be invaded because the invaders call themselves refugees. China realizes they are obligated to the Chinese citizens not the invaders.





Zw Zhu

I think Chinese people naturally prefer to take care of their own business rather than letting cheap sympathy overflow. The Chinese are nationalistic, and the Party of China was born in response to this environment. No matter how the outside world slanders, deceives, insults it, it cannot change this fact. People who are keen on moral judgment are the cheapest, most useless and most easily isolated type of people in our culture, mainly because most of them have too low IQs.





Zi iong

Because we choose not to force them to gain illusory "freedom", but to help them build their infrastructure, teach them skills and provide jobs

Maybe you want to say that we are trading relatively backward technology and infrastructure for resources. But it's a win-win deal for both sides isn't it.

We didn't bring them war, we didn't displace them, so why not make the countries that made them refugees responsible for taking in those refugees







Wenxang Chen

What are you talking about?









Mingda Zhu

Sorry, China is now a develo country and will be a develo country for a long time.

I think India is more appropriate. Their level of development is also similar to that of China. And India is much closer to Syria than China.







Because China isn’t responsible for the whole crap that happened in the Middle East region and has absolutely no responsibility to wipe that dirty ass of the West who are stained by nobody but perfectly themselves.

Seriously, what did China did in the Middle East that warrants the need of accepting refugees that have nothing to do with them? Starting up wars in the name of goddamned de ocracy and overthrow governments? If anything, it’s the US and countries like British that should be responsible for all that refugee problems because they, practically, destroyed the refugee’s countries.






Chris Yip

“無為而無所不為! Nothing is done, nothing remained undone !” Thus said Lou Shui 老子, the Taoist philosopher.

When you intervene and get yourself involved, you therefore have to keep going to intervene and get yourself involved.

The refugees problem was not created by China in the first place.

道教学说的思想家老子曾说过:“无为而无所不为! 本着无为的态度,天下就没有不能做的事!”






Shawn Geng

Why do you want the refugees to jump into another abyss of suffering?

They should go to the heaven-like countries where you are living.






Simon Duan

China is far away to developed country. Btw why refugees maker doesn't taker its responsibility.





Kong Feng

In fact, China is very happy to accept refugees. But the refugees are not want to Chinese, because they know who killed their loved ones, they have to find those in their country to throw bombs scumbag, and revenge.





Jalil Abdullayev

The question has a false assumption that most refugees are taken by developed countries.

In reality there is no correlation between development and acceptance of refugees. In fact developed countries so far took much less refugees than non developed ones. For example, EU has taken around 1 million refugees since the start of Syrian war. Even in EU, nearly all of the refugees were taken by Germany and Sweden. Others took negligible amount of refugees. Some developed countries in Middle East such as Kuwait, Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia has taken almost none. Where did the rest go ? Well, see the following figure.




As you can see Turkey took the most amount of refugees, nearly twice as much as EU. Other developed countries did not take any either.

Thus China being developed or not has nothing to do with taking the refugees since that is not what developed countries do at the first place.






Jason Kluge

China is one of the poorest countries on Earth. Life is hard in China they work long hours for little and their living standard very low in general. Indeed even the Chinese themselves want to move elsewhere!





Desmond Ng

Honestly, because why should they?

Disclaimer, not from China, Singaporean, but questions like these make me feel honestly really bad for China. The West tears apart an entire region, simultaneously condemning a country that hasn't fought a war since the 60s, and has the nerve to turn around and demand China “accept responsibility” and help clean up a mess they had nothing to do with.



Why should they take in refugees from the Middle East? Go on, name me even a single factor in the current wars that was caused by China. Name me even a single Chinese soldier that has occupied the homes of Syrians, or a Chinese drone that bombed Iraqi schools, or a Chinese tank that rolled into Baghdad, and I’ll eat every hat in the Yunnan Province.


Others have already mentioned China sacrificing her own children in her single child policy. So I'll mention another thing, China has accepted refugees. As we speak anywhere from 15,000 to 27,000 Burmese are nestled in southern China, awaiting a go-ahead from Beiing before moving northward. Why don't the high and mighty developed countries take in some of these stragglers?

Whats that? You say that this conflict half a world away isn't your problem? Exactly.






Hwasion J

1.Because we have to face such basic problems as limited per-capital resources. It caused that we faced the competitive pressures in high intensity…we don’t want more.

2.Chinese people have strong senses of social contribution and rights…we don’t like someone who rob our public resources without contributions…

3.Chinese people don’t want to listen or obey any commands or demands from western world.

1. 因为我们必须面对诸如人均资源有限这样的基本问题。这会导致我们面临高强度的竞争压力,我们已经够难的了。

2. 中国人有强烈的为社会做贡献的意识和权利意识,我们不喜欢不劳而获、抢夺我们公共资源的人。

3. 中国人不想听从或服从西方世界的命令或要求。




Jiaqi Li

China is actually taking up more responsibilities than all the others are now. One example: One silk and one belt. Do some study, please! The fact is that china is hel other countries and US and its alliances are causing harm and hatred. Look what they did to Kosovo, Iraq and Syria… The question is like westerners accuses Chinese and take the moral high grounds… “Here are the refugees from Syria. Why don’t you Chinese accept them? We accept thousands of them!”





Tanling Zhang

First, the GDP per capital of China is less than 10000$. AND it takes decades for China to be a developed country.

Second, why don’t the most developed country- USA take the refugees? Why don’t USA take the responsibility as it is the new roman of the world?

Third, China is a develo country.

Forth, we have enough people already.





Fifth, I think over 100 million square kilometer will be under water as the sea level continues rise.

Sixth, we have too many people and too many idiots already. We don’t need more.

Seventh, refugees can enjoy better walfare in Western Europe comparing to China.

Eigth, refugees might feel uncomfortable as the majority of Chinese eat pork.

Nineth, China is too crowded already.

And, China is too far for refugees.







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