

Did America or China win the Korean War, or was it a draw?





Rick Gauger

America and its allies in the UN won the war, because the Co unist invasion of South Korea was a failure. The invasion did not change the map, and South Korea is still independent from North Korea and China.





Robert Vannrox

Well, good question.


If you are an American, the narrative is that America won the war, and fought the co unists to draw. Then after the co unists begged for the war to end, General MacArthur agreed to partition Korea into two separate countries. You know, as a kind act of benevolence.


If you are Chinese, the narrative is that China fought the Americans the moment they started bombing Chinese territory. Then, hordes of ill-equipped volunteers beat the Americans back. Mr. Mao agreed to end the war once the United States agreed to evacuate the Korean peninsula, and stop all hostilities.


If you are North Korean, the narrative is that the United States tried to take over Korea, and the Koreans fought back with help from China and Russia. The war never ended, as the United States turned Southern Korea into a vassal state, that one day will reunite with the North.


If you are South Korean, the narrative is that the from both Russia and China tried to annex Korea. But the South Koreans fought the mindless hordes back with support from a coalition of de ocracies. They believe that the world came to Korea’s rescue, and the only reason that Korea is divided up is because South Korea wanted it that way.


You, my dear reader, probably fit into one of the a fore mentioned narratives depending on who propagandized you.

And, I suppose that is just fine.

But the actual reality is that after world war II, and the United States being the sole and only nuclear-armed nation in the world, pretty much could get away with anything it wanted. And you know what? It wanted GLOBAL DOMINATION.




So it went forth and started setting up the global “chess board” so as to vanquish the two remaining threats to American global dominance. These were, of course, Russia and China.

Key to that was to place a wedge between the two nations. After all, both were very weak after prolonged wars in Asia. China was especially weak with ruined cities, hordes of uneducated, poverty stricken peasants, while Russia was still recovering from the massive desolation wrought about by the German Invasion.



The key was Korea.

From Korea, a spring board into the “belly” of Asia could be acquired, and with careful planning, nuclear armed bombers could be stations there, and invasion forces positioned there, for an eventual land grab that would slice the two societies into easily digestible nations. One at a time.

Both Stalin and Mao understood this. As Mao famously said, as he stood up from his desk, and pointed to the map table… “if you do not fight and win now, we will need to fight ten thousand battles later” Or something similar. (I am paraphrasing the Chinese statement.)



斯大林和毛 主席都明白这一点。毛 主席曾说过一句名言,当时他站在书桌前,指着地图说:“中国不能置之不理。打得一拳开,免得百拳来。”

So what of the war? Who won?

China and Russia won. The United States punted, and decided to “fight the battle on another day”. Which is why the United States has set up the QUAD. So that the 1950 dream of World Domination can actually be realized.






Tony Adams

Look at the objectives each fought to achieve:

North Korea: Invade South Korea, defeat the SK military, force unification with NK. LOST

China: Originally, remove foreign troops from North Korea, after the first few months, changed their objective to invade South Korea, defeat opposing forces, forcible unite South Korea to North Korea under NK rule. LOST

US/ UN: Save and defend South Korea from forces. Repulsed the original 1950 North Korean invasion and then the early 1951 Chinese invasion. WIN








Simon Baker

There's no conclusive winner of the Korean War, in fact, as Michael Palin noted when he visited the Demilitarised Zone in the 1990’s during filming of his “Full Circle” series (where he travelled round the Pacific Rim), it's technically still going:

事实上,朝鲜战争没有决定性的赢家,正如迈克尔·佩林在20世纪90年代拍摄他的《完整的圆圈》(Full Circle)系列(他在环太平洋旅行)期间访问非军事区时指出的那样,从技术上讲,战争仍在继续:

“From the way they [the GI’s] talk, you'd think the Korean War ended yesterday. In fact it's never officially ended. For all the Military talk the fact remains that these are the world's least successful Peace Talks, MAC, the Military Armistice Commission, has been trying to turn a ceasefire into a peace for 43 years (and to this day the Korean War still hasn't ended). Most of the time seems to have been spent discussing the placement of the Microphones or the height of the tables…

“如果单看他们(美国大兵)的谈话方式,你会以为朝鲜战争昨天就结束了。但事实上,战争从来没有正式结束。尽管大家发表了各种军事言论,但事实仍然是,这是世界上最失败的和平谈判,军事停战委员会在过去 43年来一直试图将停火协定变成和平局面(但直到今天,朝鲜战争仍未结束)。大部分时间,委员会似乎都在讨论麦克风的位置或桌子的高度……

“No one seems to care about what happens here. The military get their training, the South Koreans get their border looked after, and those like me, who believe in human contact, get depressed. It's a place deserted by common sense. Even when we are allowed a clear view of North Korea, the village we can see is just another piece of propaganda, no one lives there.”


When North Korea invaded the South in June 1950, they made massive progress. When the UN forces flanked the North Koreans, they then made massive gains to push the North Koreans almost to the Chinese border. China's entry into the war saw the tide swing again. However, after 1951, there were no Titanic swings of momentum, with the war descending into stalemate. At the time the ceasefire agreement was signed in 1953, the frontline was more or less where the border had been when it all began.





Andrew James Wright

Not an easy answer.

From a military point of view it was a draw. America and China couldn’t take all of Korea and hold it.

From a domestic point of view China probably got more points as it was an inferior power that stalemated America, and its controlled media could sell the result as a win to its people. By contrast Americans tired of the war eventually and cared less.

From a geopolitical view America and China both did well but America did better.







China created a buffer zone with North Korea, and got respect for standing toe to toe with America, but it lost a lot of soldiers, and became increasingly seen as a rogue nation. I’d also argue Chinese resentment against Russia increased, because Russia let China fight and bleed in Korea alone, and made China pay for the weapons it sent it. This helped lead to the Sino-Soviet split later on.

Meanwhile, America guaranteed its alliances and deterrence of com nism by standing in Korea, even though the war ended in stalemate.



Because by 1950 America wasn’t doing well in the Cold War: Russia got the nuke in 1949, had absorbed Czechoslovakia into its fold, and challenged the West with the Berlin Airlift. China had gone co unist, and co unist backed insurgencies were rising in Indochina, Malaya, and elsewhere. Whether you agree with either side is one thing, but American credibility was at stake.

After the war American allies were more reassured, China was more internationally isolated, and the world realized America wouldn’t retreat into isolation as it hoped.






John Smith

NK kicked SK ass with ease

USA kicked NK ass with ease

China sucker punched the USA hard

USA got back up and fought China to a draw








Pher Kimhuat

There is always no winner in a war, only for US to further enrich its politically influential defence industry - military industrial like what happen to the endless Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine wars.





Alvin Lee

There is no winner in any war. Both sides are losers. In any with gun fires and bombs, money, lives, buildings are all wasted. China do not want to have wars of any kind. But when the enemies are at your front gate of barged into your home lands, you just need to defend your families.

So, please don’t ask silly question of who win in the Korean War. Ask why was there a war take place by someone who came thus far away to kill someone else ?






Victor Luke

Draw since the borders didn’t change. The US couldn’t beat North Korea but they lost almost a million people. The US lost 50K.





Thierry Etienne Joseph Rotty

What was the aim of the US (NOT THE UN)?

Unite both Koreas under a Western government.

What was the Chinese aim?

Liberate North Korea.

The US failed and China succeeded.






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