

EAM to India Inc: Use 'national security filter' in China deals


NEW DELHI: Foreign minister S Jaishankar called upon Indian firms to use what he described as a national security filter in their dealings with China, urging them to source from domestic manufacturers where possible. Addressing the CII annual summit, the minister also said it must be recognised that India's economic priorities will have to align with New Delhi its strategic interests, whether speaking of market access, investments, technologies, or even education and tourism.

This will be even more so as 'Make in India' gathers more steam in domains like defence, semiconductors and digital, he said.




Jaishankar said Indian firms should look at the national security sensitivities in their dealings with China, even as he acknowledged that it does not mean that nothing can be sourced from the neighbouring country.

"Where China is concerned, we will still encourage people in this country - manufacture in India, source in India, procure from India," Jaishankar said. "We have not completely and utterly prohibited people working with China, but frankly, we would much rather you work with Indian companies if there is an Indian option available to you. That I think is good for our national security, we hope you think that it is good for your own business in the long term," he added.





• 4 hours ago

Govt itself imports for sardar patel statue...aero bridges in airports railway transformers he he




Jai Garg • 9 hours ago

It is the duty of the Union Government who has the necessary wherewithal to install any such 'Security filter'. It cannot shift the burden to the business houses.




Honest Indian • Bengaluru • 10 hours ago

Certain critical items like Electronic Components, Semiconductor Chips and Plastic Molding items, PCBs are cost competitive from China. India does not have these industries. Even if we source them from Taiwan / Honkong, it is part of China only.




Honest Indian • Bengaluru • 10 hours ago

Let Indian Govt develop an eco system to make these items in India and dictate to Industry that they should source them from Indian Vendors. Until then, import from China shall be allowed for making Indian products competitive.




Myth • Honest Indian • Unknown • 9 hours ago

Hindutva,patriotism are develo fast. Be proud.




• 10 hours ago

Even if internally manufactured products are a bit costly, it should be given preference over less priced Chinese products because they are sold at subsidized rates by the chinese with no quality guarantees.




• 10 hours ago

Jaishankar,...,You are a joker.,You seem to be talking like a concierge giving tourists weather advisories.,Who controls foreign trade in India?




• 10 hours ago

90% of top chinese leaders Are Scientists & Engineers. On the other hand, 90% of top Indian government leaders are thugs and imposters.,Indian Prime Minister Modi has fake educational degrees.




• 10 hours ago

Gujjus do 90% of Indo-China trade.




• 10 hours ago

China is interested only in capturing Indian lands and Indian markets.,Recently, China has been greatly successful in achieving both the objectives.,During Modi's 10 year rule, China has captured 4,000 square kilometers of Indian lands and doubled the trade deficit from 50 billion USD to 100 billion USD.




• 10 hours ago

Imagine any leader in the UPA being bold enough to say this




• 10 hours ago

more than businesses its the people who should stop buying Chinese stuff.




• 11 hours ago

Government should publish the list of top importers so people are aware of it




• 11 hours ago

if the government is so concerned about national security then why not impose tariffs on import of all the Chinese goods like America. Even if we impose minimum 25% tariff like America, we will get $25 Billion additional income (one third of India's defence budget) as tariff and also protect our industries and jobs from cheap and substandard Chinese goods in India.





• 11 hours ago

first tell Modi to stop supporting his friend Adani as 70% of business happening through Adani.




• 11 hours ago

Just do as Bhagwat said : don't buy Chinese goods. Jaishankar must go on and on. And on.




• 11 hours ago

So is he hinting and accepting that some land in leh were taken by China couple of years back?




• 11 hours ago

Absolutely right. All companies and people from Bharat should keep Bharat’s interest at the top. CONgress anyway has sold itself to Chinese.




• 11 hours ago

Get lost you liar Gang's leader !




• 11 hours ago

This was also stated long back by George Fernandez, Defence Minister in Vajpayee ji's cabinet that the dragon is the greatest threat to our national security and sovereignty.




Anjan Kesh • 11 hours ago

Whenever we order anything on Flipkart, it has made in china label and is shipped from Ahmedabad.




• Anjan Kesh • 11 hours ago

don't buy .




Raj • Shankar Dutta • 6 hours ago

Chuk away all your electronic devices including computers and then see where you stand.




Sunderajan Srinivasan Vembakkam • Anjan Kesh • Sunderrajan • 10 hours ago

We order fully knowing China goods are cheaper. They why balme others ? Pease introspect your own self




Anjan Kesh • 11 hours ago

True dat. I always look for country of Origin before I buy any product online and make sure its Indian product... if they don't reveal country of origin, I ask the distributer.... As on today we do not make many products in India, but over a period of time Make in India will be very successful. God bless our country....




• 11 hours ago

Yes true




Anjan Kesh • 11 hours ago

Did you use that filter when you imported the new driverless metro train for Bangalore from China?




• 11 hours ago

show the same urgency to regain the lost land. wearing a suit and tie with an accent does not make a person talk sensible always.




• 11 hours ago

I sincerely request all importers of substandard goods from China to make amends and use goods manufactured in India which are far superior instead of importing they can set up small units in India to make better quality items which will also create jobs




• 11 hours ago

Get rich quick is the adage everyone follows even governments. Everything else is secondary.


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