

 Indian Navy's Plan to Deter China


India has started building up its navy and establishing bases further out to sea in a move to secure their maritime backyard. The Indian Ocean connects prime ship routes and over 2.7 billion people live in the various countries surrounding it. Forty per cent of the world’s offshore oil production takes place in the Indian Ocean basin.




Yet despite the name, the Indian Ocean is one of China’s main geostrategic priorities and they appear to be making moves to box in and bypass India for decades as part of their Maritime Silk Road strategy. China’s Navy has recently made high profile maneuvers through the Indian Ocean with a submarine visit to Sri Lanka and then to Pakistan. The chinese and their officials stated the increased activity was about trade and security, not aimed towards their rival’s in India. However they did also say quote “the Indian Ocean is not India’s ocean”


India is aiming to change the state of play by building a true bluewater navy that can stand up to any opponent and project Indian power across the Indo-Pacific region.  Indian Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Kumar announced the country plans to have a 175 ship navy by 2035 along with major upgrades to exsting hulls. How can India modernize their naval power? What kind of ships is India building and what do they tell us of the country’s overall strategy?  Hit the like button and join our Task & Purpose discord server if you haven’t yet. This is the story of the Indian Navy and what the future holds for one of the fastest growing naval forces on the planet.





It is somewhat ironic that China declares that the "Indian Ocean is not India's Ocean" yet they also declare that the South China Sea is China's Sea.




"The Indian Ocean, is not India's" Then someone needs to remind China, "the South China Sea isn't Chinese."




It's worth noting that India has had at least one carrier in its fleet since 1961. They have decades of experience in carrier operations and fleet coordination that China simply lacks. That experience can't be learned in a few short years or stolen.

Also, India has been strengthening diplomatic and military relationships with their neighbors in SE Asia, all of whom have their own critical interests in kee China in check. China is encroaching on all its neighbors, and a strong coalition is the best defense.





As an American I welcome a strong neutral India. They're certainly not the "puppet of the west" nor are they inclined to let China walk over them. I like the idea of working with India so if something happens we're already prepared to work together.




Militarily,  India was just happy with surpassing Pakistan.  Modi government was not very keen on defense spending.  Thanks to the Chinese for attacking us during the peak of covid. That really shook us up.




There are two factors that need to be accounted for when assessing India’s ability to resist Chinese aggression. One is how India and China define their strategic goals and what they see as necessary to ensure their security. For instance, if India does not perceive its security to include locations that are beyond the Indian Ocean region and has stable borders with its neighbors, then that changes its calculations regarding its military necessities. The second factor pertains to the number of other security threats the two countries have. China and India both have multiple security threats that force limited resources to be divided and allocated to meet these challenges. This means that while China has clear advantages in certain areas, these are offset by its substantial geographic disadvantage vis-à-vis India.

Jai hind





China saying "The Indian Ocean is not India's ocean" is rich.

India's anti-piracy operations have been incredible. They've done tons of work during the Yemen attacks.





Out of the three services, the Indian Navy is the only one that is directly involved in the design & development of its systems.




India's Naval build up is not just about China. It is part of India's core national security strategy. Afterall, the British did not conquer India by land, they came from the sea.




Nice to see that someone besides the USA is giving China a run for their money.




Indias two island chains in indian ocean also have great stratergic value. The lakshadweep islands in arabian sea and andaman and nicobar islands in bay of bengal near Malacca straight. The andaman islands are situated right at the mouth of Malacca straight




China to India: "The Indian Ocean isn't India's Ocean!"

The World to China: "The South China Sea, isn't China's sea."

China: surprised pikachu face






When it comes to AI drone swarms China still has the clear advantage.




Barak 8 is an Indo-Israeli jointly developed AA missiles, i did laser welding on plenty of them.

巴拉克- 8是印以联合开发的防空导弹,很多是激光焊接。



A strong India is good for the US. Just my opinion. Sick of the US having to be everywhere and do everything. Would be nice to have a strong India taking care of things and who we can sometimes help out if needed. That's what I consider a good ally.




Awesome, someone finally talking about the Rising Indian military power.

Please do another video on their Air Force and Army next please.





Fun Fact: Kissinger in 70s, thought that Indian Navy was too powerful and it would close ship lines to Japan & invade Australia to fit their growing population.

Edit: Indo-US relations were much worse during 70s & 90s. Kissinger developed a master plan to invade India. In 90s, many US Generals advocated for invasion of India after 1997 Nuclear tests citing India would become the next Iraq. Their original plan in 1990s was to deploy multiple B-52s from Diego Garcia striking Indian Military bases, shipyards, ammunition depots, etc.


印美关系在70年代和90年代要糟糕得多。基辛格制定了入侵印度的总体计划。上世纪90年代,许多美国将军在1997年核试验后主张入侵印度,称印度将成为下一个伊拉克。他们在20世纪90年代的最初计划是从迪戈加西亚部署多架B -52打击印度军事基地、造船厂、弹药库等。



It was our Indian Marcos Commandos who made the Somali pirates retreat back on the far side of the Indian ocean. Not only they rescued their own, they also rescued people from other countries in that. Now our navy want to have a stronger presence.




Thanks for this good explanation. I have been kee a keen interest in India's naval expansion to deter China for a few years now. Needless to say, they are indeed doing the right thing.




still, India is a very underrated rising regional force in the west.




India announced that they will soon build additional 6 aircraft carriers battle group making it a total of 9


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