

 Israeli airstrikes kill 35 in Gaza's Rafah as displaced people are hit


NEW DELHI: Israeli air strikes resulted in the deaths of at least 35 Palestinians and injuries to many others in an area in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah that was set aside for the displaced. Palestinian health and civil emergency service officials provided this information.


The Israeli military said its air force struck a Hamas compound in Rafah and that the strike was carried out with "precise ammunition and on the basis of precise intelligence." It took out Hamas' chief of staff for the West Bank and another senior official behind deadly attacks on Israelis, it said.


"The IDF is aware of reports indicating that as a result of the strike and fire that was ignited several civilians in the area were harmed. The incident is under review."



The spokesman for the health ministry in Gaza, Ashraf Al-Qidra, reported that 35 people were killed and many others, mostly women and children, were injured in the attack.


The strike occurred in the Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood in western Rafah. Thousands of people sought shelter there after many had fled the eastern areas of the city, where Israeli forces initiated a ground offensive more than two weeks ago.

此次袭击发生在拉法西部的Tel Al-Sultan社区。两个多星期前,以色列军队在该市东部地区发动了地面进攻,很多人逃离该市东部地区,数千人在那里寻求庇护。

The International Committee of the Red Cross mentioned that its field hospital in Rafah was receiving a large number of casualties. Additionally, other hospitals were also admitting a significant number of patients.


Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri described the attack in Rafah as a "massacre', holding the United States responsible for aiding Israel with weapons and money.





Why international community is not asking Hamas to stop and surrender?,One think is vlear Do not mess up wuth Israel. It is not women or children . Actually they are innocent.,Catch hold these so called Hamas leaders and punish in the ICC . They sitting in comfortable place and watching the war games .,Are they were not matured enough .before attacking Israel.?,Pay for it but at the codt of innocents life. Too bad God won’t forgive .




US is playing DOUBLE game with Israel and Palistine. Nethaneyu should follow his country's opinion first, and not fall prey under the no good Biden. Once and for all, finish the terrorists before more terrorists nation of mussi put pressure. Good nations are falling PREY to the collective mussi terrorists plan. Finally, crush the hamas and other terrorists.



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The solution to save women and children is the unconditional surrender of Hamas. And returning of Hostages.,Yes, no one in the world approaches this solution. Just blaming Israel. No one in the world cares for Gaza.



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Well don't mess with Israel if you're gonna cry later



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As per international media, only women and children getting killed over last 7 months, but no terrorists



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only 35??? too less



2 0 • Reply • Flag

Eliminate as much as...They should not pick weapons again in thier hands.This is lesson to ism... Atleast now u realise that world is not belong to your terrorism

能消灭多少就消灭多少……不要让他们还有机会拿起手中的武器,这是教训…至少现在让他们意识到世界不属于恐 怖主义


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For Israel it is a war for survival. They must use disproportionate force to destroy not just Hamas but those who are spawning future terrorists and sanitize Gaza area free of all Palestinians and make Jerusalem as the cultural capital of Greater Israel




Christian NGOs from Europe poured money into Hamas, even Israel supported Hamas in the begng, to create a boogeyman for them to fight !,The Christian west wants Jews and Muslims to fight each other , so that second coming of Jesus happens , and whoever is left , will covert to Christianity...all three abrahamic religions are very strange




Settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing - right in front of our eyes , and for some bizarre reason Indians support Israel and the west !

定居者殖民 主义,种族清洗——就在我们眼前,印度人出于一些奇怪的原因支持以色列和西方!


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Gaza's health ministry is lying



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Genocide by racist regime



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Its called Self Defence, Hamas radical M lim terrorist are shielding behind Women and children who themselves are supporter of terrorism. Israel has right of self defence. Still Israel can kill few thousand in matter of seconds, but they are not Is terrorist, they have humanity



1 0 • Reply • Flag

Israel have destroyed some potential future terrorists and machines producing them. Good job.



6 0 • Reply • Flag

these terrorists continue to play victim card.



5 0 • Reply • Flag

Again the figure started how many died, 35 too less should be ×10.,Unforgetable 7th october.,what is the mistake of citizens of gaza, stop war immediately after gazians hand over their leaders.



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These can’t be Men, Women or Children, they are only terrorists in some for other… either active or as shields…. No regrets!




Collateral damage. If Hamas was so concerned about civilian life they would not have carried out the Oct 7 attack and taken civilian hostages. And now they are crying women and children ??? How hypocritical



3 0 • Reply • Flag

Aid needs to be stopped as all aid getting into hands of Hamas terrorists instead of civilians.

需要停止援助,因为所有援助都落入哈马斯恐 怖分子手中,而不是平民手中。


7 1 • Reply • Flag

Terrorism at its peak

恐 怖主义的鼎盛时期


1 3 • Reply • Flag

Good job Israel. It's preventing future Hamas Terrorists.,Hamas started this and the same people who are now protesting against Israel supported Hamas in the past so no need to play the victim card now.



11 7 • Reply • Flag

International court of justice ordered Israel to end the offence



11 5 • Reply • Flag

Source of information? Hamas. Of course they will say women and children died.


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