

 DRDO chief gets 1-year extension amid move to revamp defence R&D


NEW DELHI: Govt on Monday extended tenure of Samir V Kamat as secretary of department of defence R&D & DRDO chairman till May 31 next year, amid the move to overhaul the organisation based on recommendations of a high-powered expert committee.


Kamat, who was earlier director general of naval systems & materials, one of the seven technology clusters in DRDO, was appointed to the top post in Aug 2022 and was slated to retire this month-end.


The extension comes after an 'overseeing committee' was earlier set up to review and ensure time-bound implementation of the recommendations of the nine-member expert committee, headed by former principal scientific advisor to govt, K Vijay Raghavan, which submitted its report in Jan.

在延长期限之前,早些时候成立的一个“监督委员会”,于1月提交了报告,以审查和确保在规定时间实施由9名专家组成的委员会的建议。该委员会由前政府首席科学顾问K Vijay Raghavan领导。


There has been some opposition to a few reforms suggested by the committee, which has called for a major structural revamp of DRDO.


The committee has recommended that DRDO should concentrate only on 'fundamental & applied R&D', leaving systems integration and product management to other agencies and the private sector. DRDO should, as per the committee, restructure its 41 labs into 10 national labs to improve functional synergy and efficiency, an official said. TNN




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A large component of Defence research is about develo new materials, the kind that can withstand very high pressures, temperatures or radiation and yet, are relatively light, low thermal and magnetic signature and have a high tensile strength to weight ratio. DRDO must have 4_5 labs exclusively doing this kind of research and sending them for development to, eg aircraft engines, drones, nuclear research. Hope this focus will be take place in the reorganisation.




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Fundamental research is best left to the Universities. It is difficult to say where applied research ends and product development begins. There should NOT be a border between the two. Defence research is applied research in a hurry, because it has to be transferred quickly from lab to production. A new Defence item is obsolescent in about 10 years. Hence delays in the DRDO are fatal to the very research it succeeds in. Product research and production in Defence should ideally have a lag of not more than 5 years to be useful. Defence is about technology edge and not tech per se. The DRDO scientists are wise as are the Min of Science& tech, hence, I am sure they would recalibrate the proposed change










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In fact like SC judges retirement age of those achievers who reach top should be 65 or more



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There is time till June 8th (as per rules) to extend all extensions. The reason why LIAR PM is doing this now is obvious: to place his chosen in key positions for another one year, even if he loses elections.



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At the time of retirement, a person is more mature and most experienced. However once retired, he is thrown in the dustbin. This is ridiculous. We need to give more time to serve or use his expertise for the betterment of the nation. Spending the last stage of life without any activities is boredom. It's painful too.



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If he is a hands on person it is better to retain him for continuity ,so that our Defence sector progresses and we are self sufficient .



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it is high time to reorganize DRDO



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Kamat is result oriented. He isn't known to be bureaucratic. DRDO needs to reinvent itself &, Kamat's departure at this juncture would hamper the Govt's pursuit.



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DRDO has been working as a typical government organization for a very long time, having no deadlines for projects, Kamat is a go-getter, and he was brought in to fill in the loopholes and make scientists to be accountable for the projects, Kamat is also reporting directly to Modi therefore DRDO has started producing results, he deserved this extension.



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But where this government follows and rules and regulations. PM



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The tenure of the government is not yet expired.



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what special project is he going to work on in a year which he couldn't do in years of his entire career?



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To implement structural changes recommended by the government...Jai Hind



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highly appreciated the decision taken



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Although i m not scientist; i m senior citizen 72 yrs. retired from central government reaserch institute; I would like to highly appreciate the decision taken by committee. in fact it should have been for 3 years. if accepted by the candidate. Regards.




Do we have dearth of talent ?. 2nd incident of extension. Appears Opportunity not given to the new leadership.



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Experienced person is required in executing such a task. Your argument of bringing a “new talent” defeats this requirement




Masterstroke by the govt . He has done a stellar job as.he has finished all the projects ahead of schedule.




Apart from missile testing, the DRDO is a failed organization. Recently after a decade of experimentation, the Rustom drone has failed to perform as per expectation. There are other projects on which these lazy bones have been working since a decade and the outcome has been disappointing. It is better if Tata, Mahindra and other patriotic private companies are given contracts to make armaments.






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I, as a fauji veteran am proud of what Modi has done for tge defence forces from modernising it to removing symbols of slavery, to countering China, that's why China is aggressive to India.  Baki Modi ne Zin ing ki bhains to nahin khol di.  Modi virus affected lynches will keep on crying.


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