

Rise of Chinese science: A worry for the West?


Five years ago, an article in The Economist famously asked this question: "Can China become a scientific superpower?" Just recently, that same magazine offered an answer, but appearing as another question with this title: "The rise of Chinese science, welcome or worrying?" What is the progress of China's scientific sector? What does it mean for the world and humanity? And finally, given the ongoing tensions between China and the U.S., should the two countries collaborate more or less?

Guests in this edition of Dialogue are Liu Ke, chair professor of Southern University of Science & Technology, dean of the School of Innovation & Entrepreneurship and dean of the Clean Energy Institute; Carl Fey, professor of strategy at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo and affiliated scholar at the Boao Forum for Asia; Warwick Powell, senior fellow at the Taihe Institute; and Pascal Coppens, keynote speaker, author & China expert.



本期对话嘉宾为南方科技大学讲席教授、创新创业学院院长、清洁能源研究院院长刘珂;Carl Fey,奥斯陆BI挪威商学院战略教授,博鳌亚洲论坛附属学者;泰和研究所高级研究员Warwick Powell;主讲人、作家、中国问题专家Pascal Coppens

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In the early days, many Chinese scientists and engineers made valuable contributions towards atomic and rocket propulsion projects in US. Like their forbear predecessors who went to help build the railways, they were subjected to racism and many of the scientists and engineers were hounded from their jobs during the McCarthy era and has continued to this day.




I disagree with Carl Fey. I believe the Chinese are very creative and innovative. I can see this in all the science and technology reporting from China in recent years. Most of these developments have been truly jaw-drop.

And let's not forget all the Chinese scientists and engineers who were trained in China, then migrated to the USA to work. They contributed a lot to the US tech industry.

Technology patents also reflect creativity and innovation. Last year, China was granted more tech patents than the USA and Japan combined!






The decline in Science and Technology in the West compared to China has all been self-inflicted. This decline began around the end of the 1960s when studious students in STEM studies were derided by society and the community at large as "nerds" and "four-eyed book-worms" while those in the study of law subjects and involved in sports like basketball, baseball, grid-iron football, golf, tennis, etc were lauded and given prominence in society with huge financial rewards. Student loans also took a large toll on those taking up more costly STEM courses that took more number of years to complete than those in the Arts and Humanities (social studies, etc) to achieve a degree.

People being people, the majority will always try to look for the easiest way out of a situation and if getting a degree in say, business management only takes 3 years while another course in STEM takes an extra year or two to complete with a lower chance in getting a high paying job, of course, going for an easier and shorter course with a greater chance in getting employment and repay that student loan would be the route to take.

So, what happens is that the nation ends up with far more graduates in the arts and humanities such as law, economics, accountancy and business than in engineering, architecture, medicine, biotech, etc.







Seriously, EU over the past 2 decades had concentrated on football which must be the greatest generator of revenues and in USA, you have basket ball, American football, base ball, Fighting Club and lastly Woke-ism and certainly not the least important as the most productive sector; so why complain?




I have to disagree with Professor Liu Ke on AI. China may be lagging by a few months on GenAI, but making rapid progress and also have some of the top innovators recognized in the world. Perhaps this is not his subject?




We look upon all these opportunities as threats. How pitiful !




Still waiting for a great new Chinese innovations. They have made many improvements of western innovation. Implementation of innovation in the society is the real gamechanger and China have done very well.




Science and Civilisation in China (1954–present) is an ongoing series of books about the history of science and technology in China published by Cambridge University Press. It was initiated and edited by British historian Joseph Needham (1900–1995). China has several thousand years of tech experience while the West only has several hundred years since the Dark Age.




Personal experience: I obtained my masters degree in mathematics at a German university and it still took me half a year and dozens of multiple-round applications to find a job, and then it was as a programmer rather than a mathematician. Even if you somehow manage to navigate the sprawling red tape rampant at Western universities, even if you are in the privileged position of not suffocating in student debt, the future of STEM students in the West is no longer guaranteed. This is unmistakably a product of the chronic lack of funding of universities, the EU might sometimes pour money into individual prestige projects, but the ordinary procedures of research and teaching apparently aren't glamorous to warrant a sufficient investment. I worked at the same university as a student tutor, and while this was very fun and a recommendable experience, it actually paid less than getting unemployment benefits; it is a job you cannot work as an employee because it would violate the labour laws. When universities cannot even afford to hire regular workers, you got yourself a recipe for scientific, technological, and cultural decline.







Even if China is behind the USA in AI, it's not that far behind. And comparing China only to the USA is misleading. What about the rest of the world (Canada, UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc.)? I'm certain China surpasses those countries.




1. The West should not worry about the rise of Chinese science. They should ponder why China has made tremendous progress in the arena and find ways to catch up ....

2. China has firm determination to strive in all areas. For example, its space exploration has a team of 300,000 talents .





China needs to invest more in Basic Sciences research and the funding has to come from both the government and private sectors. Further, in the fields of education especially in elementary and secondary schools, young students should have science-related education and hands-on experimentation classes. There shall be “Technological Innovation” competition nationwide annually so talents can be detected from all walks of life especially among rural population.

The speaker from Oslo still has an outdated perception of China like most Europeans or Americans do because they just repeat informations circulated in their own countries’ mainstream press. On the other hand, if China does not innovate, why would the West be so anxously obsessed with sanctioning and sabotaging China’s technological and economic advancements ?

Pascal from Belgium is probably one of the few Europeans who has a quite realistic view of China.






great work China, Best country in the world




What the west worry is that China has adopted the policy of "The Progress of Science and Technologies for the Benefit of Mankind" and could seduce a lot of innovative minds in the west that are sick and tired of the policy of "The Progress of Science and Technologies for the Benefit of the Big Investors" that has dominated liberal capitalism economies for more than a century.




A thousand-mile journey starts with a first step.

The idea is cheap, to making an idea happen is the challenge. To make an idea happen, it needs money, support, and focus.

The completions will drive the creativity. And small business is creative engine






Necessity is the mother of all invention. Remember?




China was decades behind the U.S. that no one in the us even bothered to check on the Chinese’s scientific progress. No one should be surprised of the Chinese scientists’ progressing. That’s what education is for, to catch up with society and our peers. That’s the quality education American universities are good at. The Chinese students will use whatever at his or her disposal to learn as much as he could in the shortest possible time.






The state of US education up to the college level is very poor. It has been declining for decades. US students have been failing according to many metrics.

Even the college level is not particularly impressive, except for the top universities like MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Caltech, Carnegie-Mellon, Princeton, etc. The USA has thousands of colleges and universities. Do they all produce top-notch talent? I don't think so.





China has been and still is fighting to uplift its people so that they enjoy living standards comparable to developed countries, so it naturally gravitates towards projects which either have practical outcomes or are sure bets because its resources, including talents, are limited. Citizens of the collective West, being able to leech off of global wealth via colonialism and neo-colonialism, have plenty of leisure time to engage in all sorts of blue sky projects. Once again, it comes back down to wealth distribution, to material causes.



西方能够通过殖民 主义和新殖民 主义榨取全球财富,有充足的闲暇时间参与各种蓝天项目。



Chinese people are just as CREATIVE AS ANYONE AND MORE!!!




In coming 10 years young populations growth will be the main issue for china

China should not underestimate this issue like Japan South Korea



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