

 'Bullet pierced upper part of my right ear': Donald Trump on shooting at rally


NEW DELHI: After shots were fired at Donald Trump's rally on Sunday in Pennsylvania, the former US President said that he was shot with a bullet that "pierced the upper part of my right ear."


He was not seriously injured and later released a statement saying he was "fine" and undergoing medical check-up.


"I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet rip through the skin," he said.



"It is incredible that such an act can take place in our country," he added.


Trump was taken to a safer place by the security after the gunshots were heard in the rally, leaving the suspect and an attendee dead. The incident would be investigated as an assassination attempt on ex-US President Trump.


No place for violence in America: Joe Biden


US President Joe Biden condemned the shooting at Trump's rally saying that 'there's no place in America for this kind of violence.'




6 ho

the attempt on Trump wasn't from a professional rival. he would know that he can't afford mistake.



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US President Joe Biden condemned the shooting at Trump's rally saying that 'there's no place in America for this kind of violence.',This is like ISIS saying we condemn terrorism .



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Feku aur tadipaar bhi shooting karwa sakte hain Rahul ji par. He should be cery careful.



Mithilesh Kumar

A great save and a great escape from jaws of death!



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In India,shooting the culprit dead would have been politicised as human ri hts violation.



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Bullet failed to penetrate the lying convicted criminal Trump & rip the nasty vindictive busturd's tongue out!



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Character assassination FAILED.,Financial assassination FAILED.,Legal assassination FAILED.,Actual assassination FAILED.



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well planed script to shoot on the ear upper part alone


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Brownny… u do know that another person at the rally was SHOT DEAD and another is critically injured ? Or didnt ur mulla tell u that ???



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Trump has alienated several groups. The assasin could be an Arab, a Co unist, Chinese, Ukranian, Russian, liberal….



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Now this has become a common trend during every election campaign. But this is little extreme by risking their lives for a seat or a position.,In India, at the most politicians pay to get hit by a stone or a shoe. Lol.



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So it is the world's oldest de ocracy for you.,It seems Mr Donald Trump is way ahead of President Biden in the race of the White House in the five-six Swing States that are going to decide the owner of the WH for the upcoming four years.,It will add some more panic in the already miffed de ocrats over the gaffe of Joe.

世界上最古老的民 主国家,在5 - 6个摇摆州的白宫竞选中,唐纳德·特朗普先生似乎遥遥领先于拜登总统,这些州将决定未来四年白宫的主人。这将给已经对拜登的失态感到恼火的民 主党人增加更多的恐慌。


3 0 • Reply • Flag

I don't know much about anything especially politics, but if you say musk - money 5 times fast, what does it sound like? just another political coincidence I guess.



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Trump and Modi are eye sores in the eyes of Chinese and of 56 Islamic countries



Varun Sharma

seems political publicity before election



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The bullet has grazed his ear and he was bleeding.




You become loyal to your country and bad element will try to hunt you down- Donal Trump is example of it. Similiar wolves are sitting in India as well for our PM Modi.



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Must be the handiwork of radical com unists or rabid leftists (Pappu type). These people are the greatest threat to de ocracies all over the world. They keep shouting “de ocracy in danger/ constitution in danger”, but the radical co unists (including urban naxals) and rabid leftists (Pappu type) are the greatest threat to de ocracy & constitution. They are simply hypocrites.



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This attempt to murder Trump must be a deep conspiracy by or their comm nist agents or rabid leftist agents in the USA.



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Tragic even after this gun law shall be as they were.



User R

Modiji has kept our country safe. India is the safest place in the world. Thank you Modiji.



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Once they killed Kennedy. Trump is Kennedy no 2 for the zionist controlled American deep state



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jehadis are entering and they will not like trump



7 0 • Reply • Flag

....and we knew American security agencies as the best



4 0 • Reply • Flag

American establishment plus zionist lobby doesn't like Trump as he has promised to end a the wars and save that money on welfare of Americans




Barrack Hussein, Clintons, Biden's, Kamla's, BLM, Antifa OR the de ocrat controlled leftists aloong with deep state could have hatched and carried out this covert assassination job on Trump. We all know how 2020 elections were rigged and roles played by each to put senile puppet Biden on the US President chair.

巴拉克·侯赛因、克林顿、拜登、卡姆拉、BLM、反法西斯组织或者民 主党控制的左翼分子以及深层政府可能策划并实施了对特朗普的秘密暗杀。我们都知道2020年的选举是如何被操纵的,每个人都扮演了什么角色,把年迈的傀儡拜登推上了美国总统的宝座。


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As Hillary Clinton told once said" if you grow snakes in your backyard, they don't just target your neighbours but also you" something like that.,if the guns are so easily accessible to everyone including kids, what else do you expect, expect to accept


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