

 Balancing act: After Moscow trip, PM Modi may visit Kyiv in August


NEW DELHI: PM Modi may visit Kyiv next month in another balancing act on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, ho it will calm frayed nerves in Washington and major European capitals, which have been dismayed by the timing of his visit to Moscow earlier this month. According to diplomatic sources, both sides are in talks to finalise a date for the visit in the last week of August.


It will be the first visit by an Indian PM to Ukraine.


US will 'continue to view India as strategic partner' despite PM Modi's Russia visit


It will come in the middle of serious strife, including the "tough conversations" that US says it is having with India over Modi's embrace of Vladimir Putin, which coincided with the Nato summit in Washington, and Russia's reported bombing of a children's hospital in Kyiv.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi's choice of Russia for his first bilateral visit since the inauguration of his third term also fuelled the outrage.


Govt sources said that a Ukraine visit had been in the works for a while after President Volodymyr Zelenskyy invited PM Modi.


 Organising the visit will also present a logistical challenge, a source said.


Like others who have visited Ukraine, PM Modi will probably have to undertake an overnight train journey from Poland to Kyiv.




Bajrang Sakpal

Modiji, better stay home and sort out terrorist attacks in Kashmir where soldiers are getting killed on daily basis. You can't douse other's fire when your own house is burning.




Feku 1st go to manipur. Also solve attacks on Indian Army in Kashmir




PHeKU is just stupid. He is being played from both sides and only thing he could achieve is Manipur is in Fire and Kashmir seems to be back in the old era with each passing day seeing more deaths of our soldiers



Yegna Raman Krishnan

In my opinion, our PM Narendra Modi should use his good office with Putin as well as Zelensky to bring about peace in this long fought war rather than showing lip diplomacy by visiting these countries . One visit to both the leaders should be only for peace negotiations which will be a great relief for lakhs of Ukranians sheltering outside their home country .




Scl Premi

If Putin too chooses to pay a balancing trip to Pak?



godwin kurian

Weak man.

Cries for sympathy when opposition rinse smocked him in Parliament.

Used martyrs to seek votes.

Tries Hindi Muslim as soon as seat is in danger.

The imager of a 56" is now clearly a heavily concocted PR.

On reality, he's perhaps, a coward, a murderer of Gujarat & one of the weakest PM India ever had.




0 0 • Reply • Flag

Modi is certainly a good for nothing guy seeking cheap media publicity while using hard earned tax payers money for his personal excursion trips and being able to meet powerful World leaders just because, we fools elected him as our prime minister.



0 0 • Reply • Flag

Modi has ruined India's foreign relations with every powerful country. He has been a failure in every front. He's an illiterate buffoon who ruined our economy and now we have no friends left. China is the new king and India has become zero on the world stage under Modi.




Russia has already occupied Donetsk, Kherson and Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia part. By Modiji visit in August, Zaporizhzhia will be under total occupation and Russia will stop at the banks of river Dnipro. Modiji will counsel Zelenski and war will be stopped. Modiji will eye for Nobel peace prize backed by USA and Russia. No such balancing act, but a well designed & calculated step towards Nobel, I suppose.




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Modi thought that by visiting Putin, he could show muscles and put pressure back. He was mistaken, now the American tough talk is forcing him to visit Zelenskyy.




No need . All know he cannot be trusted .


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Who? Zelenskyy, Putin, Modi or Kim Jong?



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Everyone knows that the war was started by Russia. They have been bombing civilians and kids. In such a situation, the PM of India visiting Putin is the worst blinder possible.



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Modi has committed a huge blunder by visiting Russia because he is facing pressure on the Pannu issue. He put his interest above that of the country.



1 0 • Reply • Flag

Its for sure that Trump is not going to give so much aid to Ukraine … Its better Zelensky understand this asap..



0 0 • Reply • Flag

PM should avoid visiting Ukraine unless Zelensky agrees to have peace deals



Kumar Muthaiah

India supporting terrorist leaders like Zelensky, very sad. He is responsible for many killing of Russians and its own people.



Kumar Muthaiah

India supporting a terrorist country Israel is very sad. Israel doing genocide of Palestines for many years and media hides it.

印度支持恐 怖主义国家以色列是非常可悲的。以色列对巴勒斯坦人进行了多年的种族灭绝,媒体却隐瞒了这一点。


0 1 • Reply • Flag

Bad decision by Indian pm to visit the Greedy comedian country ukranie who had bad mouthed India and PM. Its is shameful that modi is giving importance to the ‘greedy and low IQ’ zelanksy



3 1 • Reply • Flag

modi should not visit ukraine as this war was fueled by America Germany UK and few more countries. India has no role in this war but now America and other countries want Modi to stop this war... this is not correct. America and other countries enjoyed a lot Initially when Russia Major Colonel Army Chief were gunned down. Modiji pls dont go to Ukraine, let America and other countries bow down before u and Russia and then settled this war on your and Russia terms.






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This visit of PM to Ukraine will lead to truce between Russia & Ukraine. War might stop by Indian intervention. There is a surprise factor waiting to happen. Modi gives surprise.



Jagdish Madan

Hope PM Modi's efforts bear fruit and Russia - Ukraine war ends soon!



Vijayalakshmi Balasubramanian

Trip will be heart warming endearing to the battered Ukraine.



4 6 • Reply • Flag

Ukraine wants face saving ext, which west is unable to provide. Zelensky wants to remain in power post ceasefire and PoK kind of status on the area occupied by Russia.


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