How Much Do The Chinese in Shanghai Make?
In the West, Shanghai is often perceived as one of the most iconic and richest cities in China. But have you ever wondered how much do people living in Shanghai make compared to the rest of the world? Is what they make enough to cover the cost of living in Shanghai? We hit the streets of Shanghai to find out.
To the girl whose business failed and has to restart by finding a job in Shanghai, it takes a lot of courage to start something and even more courage to restart again after failure. You can do it!
My fiance and I work in the same field but I'm from a small institute while he has masters degree from one of the top uni in our country. I do well enough to not be threatened with layoff but I would never assume job openings are easy to come by. Him on the other hand seems to think there's no shortage of work around and he could easily move when something doesn't suit him, which I assume is because his peers all have well enough job. Some of my school friends do do well (excluding those who are born rich) but mostly they work little jobs just to get by.
Great video! Sounds like all big cities in the West and young adults getting started in life. Global economy => similar lifestyles for equivalent jobs.
To have a good life, It's not about how much you make in Shanghai or anywhere. Life is tough for most of people, but hope and belief will make it easier if you have any.
I think not only In China but in many developed countries people will slowly start to live outside the cities
Those who refuse to "lie-flat" are working during weekend, you cant find them on street interview
I am just back to Melbourne from a holiday in China. I estimated the cost of living in big Chinese cities such as Hangzhou or Guangzhou to be about 50% of that in Melbourne Australia (regular cost of living, not housing). Average after tax income for a Melbournian is around A$5000 per month, so if a Chinese makes RMB 12000 a month, she/he will probably have similar standard of living as an average Melbournian. However, cost of cars and imported goods is similar in Australia and China, therefore Australians have more purchasing power towards cars, electronics and imported goods.
I lived in Zhengzhou, Henan for a couple of years and I didn't pay rent because I was given a hotel room by the university. I did ask around, and rents for most 1 bedrooms were about 2-3k RMB near the CBD. Way cheaper than Shanghai and Beiing.
我问了一下,在CBD附近,大多数一居室的租金在2000- 3000元左右。比上海和北京便宜多了。
I can understand the lady in black shirt who face trauma after business failing. Not easy to pick up oneself and face society. Just want to stay low away from society and friends. But there will always be rainbow days. As a person who grow up in city, just before covid strike I already notice the city life is purely hectic, constant pressure and frustrations. Seeing my spending power reduce a lot recently is alarming to me. Getting a little pressured honestly due to higher living cost now. Unless I am really rich, life in city may be easier (can simply park at valet, no worries of speeding ticket, not worry if the restaurant bill is expensive). If I know how to make a living life at rural, I would consider to go to.
I stayed in shanghai for a while last year, and living a whole 1h15 from the city centre, to rent a single person "studio" room was just under 3.5k. It was in a nicer area but housing and rent in shanghai is as affordable as any other major city (i.e. not at all lmao)
The thing is, if you don't need to rent, 4k a month is quite comfortable, already, including takeaways and eating out every now and then. add on some other expenses and luxuries and you're looking at ... 7-8k ish for a decent quality of life. Public transport is so cheap it might as well be free.
Including rent though and imo depending on what part of the city you do need a 10~20k overall monthly income
The issue doesn't seem to be inflation, since China is at risk of deflation like Japan. The issue is primarily due to the global economy heading into recession (and in several countries, already in recession). When the world can't afford to buy, then China cannot export as much. And another primary issue facing specifically new graduates is that China is in the process of overcoming the middle income trap. There simply are not enough high-end white collar jobs in China yet, and many new graduates come from privileged backgrounds and do not want to accept lower-tier work.
This is refreshing to hear real people from china.
Our company has a branch in Shanghai. When we made the recruitment plan at that time, we did a market survey. The starting salary of Shanghai ordinary university graduates was about 1,000 US dollars, and the salary of convenience store cashiers was also at this level. I remember clearly that the salary we provide is set at $1,300, and the master's degree is about $1,500. The average salary in Shanghai should be about $1,800. But if it is a large company like the one mentioned in the video, recruiting technicians who meet the requirements, the income is $3,500 to $4,000. If it is a company like ByteDance, Microsoft or Alibaba, it needs a higher salary to attract talents.
I have to point out one caveat: the $ Chinese people mentioned is after tax income vs US is using pretax amount because the tax rate is different for income bracket and different states.
i believe this is why the chinese government right now is currently develo the country side because they are betting that as the country gets wealthier people will naturally want more space and the rural areas surrounding major cities might have a boom.
it goes to show a person's outlook on life is intricately linked to their financial status. the finance guy making the most money among them exudes visible confidence and optimism
When they’re talking about salaries, is that their take home pay or before taxes and various other deductions?
CS master degree fresh graduate, Hsinchu@Taiwan, 2M NTD annual salary is common. This is 70K USD.
Same degree at silicon valley it's 120K USD, without stock. I wonder how much fresh grad get in China if hired by IT companies. The one in the video with IT background, is his number representative?
wow even their rent is higher than some of california apartments ive seen
I worked for 4 years in Shanghai as a UI/UX designer at a small international company. In my first year, I earned 400,000 Chinese yuan before tax, and in my last year, I earned 500,000. It was quite a good salary considering I wasn't a manager, and the reason my salary didn't increase too much is because I received additional share options.
same thing in Australia new generation have no chance of afforting a house. They will just give up and life easy going life where possible.
I graduated from my undergraduate program just a year and a half ago. I earn a monthly gross salary of $3,200 in Shanghai, but after taxes, there's not much left, let alone saving for buying a house. I work in the computer industry, where there are annual opportunities for salary increases, so there's a possibility that things might improve in the future. However, with a population of 20 million in Shanghai, many of my colleagues earn over $5,000 per month, but there are also a significant number of people making less than $700 a month. It's challenging to save money in Shanghai for many, including those around me.
Some people get it wrong about the unemployment of the youth in China.
It's not that they lack the economy to have enough jobs, It's that the fresh universities graduates expect a lot to get a high paying job after working their ass off studying for their whole 20 years, so a lot of people just outright keep trying to compete in the huge market.
The average salary in Shanghai is $2,000. But if it is a large company, recruiting technicians who meet the requirements, the income is $3,000 to $4,000.. Only companies like ByteDance, Microsoft or Alibaba. But inflation is causing havoc and stress for everyone
I live in Hong Kong and had just visited Shanghai two weeks ago. The basic salaries for a waitress as shown in the recruitment notice outside the restaurants is 5000 yuans per month+free meal and accommodation. For the chef and administration head, the salary is "negotiable". Good salary for migrant workers from other provinces. The apartment of 100sq metre and about half hour subway-journey from the city centre is around 3.x millions. In Hong Kong, that would be at least 12millions.
living in a city has more than 10 million population itself is actually insane for me.
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