

 BNP asks India to extradite PM Sheikh Hasina for trial in Bangladesh


DHAKA: Bangladesh's main opposition party BNP on Tuesday urged India to extradite deposed PM Sheikh Hasina to face trial in murder and other cases registered against her since she took flight on August 5 in the face of a student-led uprising. "It is our call to you that you should hand her over to government of Bangladesh in a legal way.


The people of this country have given the decision for her trial.


Let her face that trial," BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir said in Dhaka after paying tribute to the party's founder president Ziaur Rahman.


Alamgir said Hasina being allowed to take refuge in India isn't aligned with the country's commitment to upholding de ocratic principles. "Staying there, she has started various plots to thwart the revolution that happened in Bangladesh."

阿拉姆吉尔说,允许哈西娜在印度避难与该国坚持民 主原则的承诺不符。“在那里,她策划了各种阴谋,阻挠孟加拉国发生的革命。”

Bangladesh and India have extradition treaty based on which they are required to hand over people against whom proceedings have been initiated in courts for any "extraditable crime", including financial offences liable to invite a minimum punishment of a year in jail.


BNP, whose ailing chairperson and ex-PM Khaleda Zia was freed from house arrest after Hasina fled, said the murder and extortion cases filed against the latter were in the "extraditable" category.


The bilateral treaty isn't applicable to cases that are "political in nature", although this exemption is not available to those charged with serious crimes like murder, sources said.




V Ravikanth

Giving shelter to a premier of another nation for an indefinite period who ran away from the wrath of the people of Bangladesh for foreign shores to its neighbour country that has an interest in Hindu minorities living there might be a not wise one in terms of the foreign policy of the nation. The Hindu minorities have become the worst sufferers due to our myopic policy of kee the defamed premier of that country due to the wrath of the people but not the mutiny of the army of Bangladesh. One can understand that Sheik Hasina, Ex-PM of Bangladesh was given a few minutes to vacate their country by the Army and being a friendly nation India can give shelter as sojourn only but not for indefinite period. Now we already fixed and it is better to convince Hasina as well as other Arab countries to provide shelter to her in the same of their religious premiers from Pakistan. Mera Bharat Mahaan.







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India should cooperate with Bangladesh and hand Haseena to them asap.



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After all illegal Bangladeshis in India are taken back by Bangladesh.



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BNP Asks India To Extradite Former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina For Trial In Bangladesh.




plain ...We dont Hand over Our friends to Islamists ,Jehadis and anti Hindus .....PERIOD

我们不会把朋友交给伊 斯兰主义者、圣战分子和反印度教分子



Soon or later BNP chief can also come the same way ex PM Hasina came



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Only a legitimate elected Government should have the right to request extradition.,Not political parties with an axe to grind !!!



Vijay Kapur

Who is BNP to make such a request? They are currently only an opposition party. Let the interim government make a formal request and then India will respond.



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With wha authority does BNP speak for Bangladesh ?



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take all bangladeshi immigrants from India to Bangladesh.




This is another diplomatic challenge for Modi government from its neighbor country. Although Modi foreign policies especially with its neighbor countries are very fragile in recent time, and actually can be say as complete failure in this front, as all its neighbor and SAARC countries are no more good friends of India.



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Handover to Elected n Popular Government. NOT army n selected by Foreign Power nominated Government. BIG NO.



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B'desh is an Islamic country so they (as per Sharia) should provide compensation for handing over Hasina by taking away all theirillegal immigrants

孟加拉国是一个伊 斯兰国家,根据ysl教法,把哈西娜引渡回孟加拉国,他们也应该一起带走所有滞留印度的非法孟加拉移民



then send us khaleda Zia and BNP leaders who have sent bombs to Indian mujahideen and Latfuzaman Babar who destabilized north east India



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There is no government in Bangladesh. Student movement destroyed de ocracy

孟加拉国没有政府,学生运动破坏民 主

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This was jehadi movement.



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as it is its an illegal govt there. ..,the.govt formed after overthrowing an elected govt. ... headed by Hasina.




What will you do if Haseena is not sent back ? Protest against us too ?



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BNP is an Islamists terrorist organization



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the unrest in the country is not set by her. so investigate properly and then come to us for extradition treaty.


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