It's Happening - China Launches World's First Thorium Nuclear Reactor
China just announced the construction of the Wolds First nuclear power plant fuelled by molten Thorium salt.
中国科学院上海应用物理研究所计划新建一座10兆瓦电功率的小型模块化钍基熔盐堆项目,这将是全球首座该类型的核电站。全球首座钍熔盐堆建成,足够使用两万年。钍基熔盐堆利用钍作为燃料,具有资源丰富、成本低等优势,同时,由于其高温熔盐冷却系统,这种反应堆可以在干旱地区高效运行,且具有更高的热效率和更低的废弃物产生 目前
"secretly everything still runs on steam turbines, and we NEVER left the 1800's" Had me dying,. It's SO TRUE
If Norway wasn’t so busy with oil they could have found a way to harness the power of Thor
the fact that temperatures would rival those of lava made thorium seem more dangerous still,
Not only is thorium 3-4 times more abundant than uranium, as you said, but over 99% of uranium, U-238 is not fissile (able to be split when hit with a neutron). In order to use it, the mix must be enriched by removing some of the U-238 and leaving a higher percentage of U-235. This is very expensive. In contrast, thorium is 100% usable. A sample is hundreds of times less expensive than uranium. The main drawback to thorium is that a molten salt mixture is corrosive and can eat away at the container it is in.
This video is somewhat misleading. The Chinese TMSR-LF1 is in fact a uranium burner, not a thorium breeder reactor. The primary fissile material is standard Uranium-235, and the plant will burn essentially the same amount of U235 as any other nuclear reactor, it will also require the same amount of mined uranium as a standard reactor. The TMSR-LF1 removes some fertile U238 from the fuel and replaces it with fertile Th232 instead. However, the vast majority of the power still comes from good old fashioned fissile U235.
Thorium desalination plant. Seawater is boiled to produce steam. After using the steam to generate power, it gets condensed and harvested as water. The brine gets reused as new material for the molten salt.
Starting up a molten salt reactor isn't hard. Making a metal reactor chamber that doesn't corrode away while holding 1200°C salt allowing for a lifespan to be profitable is hard.
Using molten salt has one further advantage. It avoids something that caused a couple of the explosions at Fukushima and may have contributed to the Chernobyl disaster. It has been shown when the zirconium cladding on the fuel rods gets exposed to air, the steam begins to react with the hot metal and the metal oxdizes, releasing hydrogen gas. It is known that at least one of the explosions at Fukushima was a hydrogen, not steam, explosion. If the system does not contain any water, this reaction cannot occur.
The meltdown of a molten salt reactor can be 100% walk-away-safe mitigated and is not a concern at all; the chemistry works out such that as it drains, the salt rapidly cools and stops being able to flow and mix and that stops the fission
It is definitely a win. Anyone disagreeing with Nuclear simply does not know nuclear. It is literally that simple. Learn everything about nuclear, all it's history and it's reactor types, and you've now learned the best way forward for a world that's conquered completely clean energy forever.
Meanwhile Germany just demolished their plants in favor of... Coal? What?!
与此同时,德国拆除了他们的这种发电厂,支持用煤炭?什么鬼? !
Too bad he didn't include Copenhagen Atomics in this video. They are already building prototype reactors.
You should give props to Kirk Sorenson who literally saved the files of the ORNL MSR as it was on the way to the shredder, published it online which was ignored by congress but picked up by chinese academics. Probably single handedly changed the course of Thorium reactors in human history.
你应该表扬柯克·索伦森,ORNL MSR文件被送去碎纸机粉碎时,他把文件保存了下来,在网上发表,被国会忽略了,但被中国学者发现了。他凭一己之力改变了钍反应堆在人类历史上的进程。
One additional advantage China has in the pursuit of Thorium power is its widespread deployment of UHV power grids, which enables profitable electricity transmission across far longer distances with lower transmission loss relative to conventional power lines. This enables the PRC to place Thorium power plants in far more remote locations, & take advantage of massive amounts of under-utilized land in its interior. This provides both economic & security benefits.
Legit, I'm just happy someone is finally utilizing this tech we've had for 70 years.
In 2007 Turkish Prof. Dr. Engin Arık ve Prof. Dr. Şenel Boydağ and their team is died in a suspicious plance crash. The team was working on Thorium Nuclear Reactor.
2007年,土耳其教授Engin Arık博士和Engin Arık博士及其团队在一次可疑的飞机失事中丧生。这个团队当时正在研究钍核反应堆。
There is also a very interesting company Copenhagen Atomics which want to mass manufacture thorium reactors as a service. I think Thorium is the way to go for the future. It is just taking too long to get something in production whereas we’re already researching it for more than 70 years.
I heard about this technology probably 10 years ago, and of course it’s been around longer than that. I’m glad it is finally up and running.
Am so happy that we finally did it.
When I was in my early teens (circa 2004) my dream was to develop a thorium reactor. When time came to choose between Engineering degree, I chose computer engineering 'causs it was guaranteeing a job in India. ( to be honest I do not think I would be good enough to crack the exams in our atomic research center) I saw policies regarding Nuclear power in multiple countries and thought may be no one is going to build a thorium one in the end.
I know India has border skirmishes with China and we do not share a close ally relationship with China. I am still happy with their achievement.
I feel proud as we ( as a species) finally did it.
As you pointed out, the US had thorium reactors running since the 1950's.
"The worlds first thorium reactor" is a bit misleading. Germany had a thorium high temperature reactor already over 50 years ago, the THTR-300 in Hamm in North Rhine Westfalia.
The irony is currently thorium is viewed by mining companies as a waste product we are already mining it concentrating and then returning it to the ground. Technically it is free at this point in time.
Hopefully we have the debate that needs to be had take climate change seriously and embrace this type of technology for the sake of civilization.
The Brayton cycle, operating with helium gas can operate at 60% thermal efficiency as opposed to the traditional Rankine (steam) cycle, with a thermal efficiency of about 40% ! The heat exchanger can be cooled with helium directly without becoming radioactive.
使用氦气的布雷登循环可以以60%的热效率运行,而传统的兰金(蒸汽)循环的热效率约为40% !热交换器可以直接用氦冷却,不会产生放射性。
There was a group of Turkish nuclear scientists, that were strongly advocating for Thorium reactors. Their plane crashed under suspicious circumstances while going to a conference.
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