

 Amid China standoff, India set to boost naval power with 3rd N-sub in 6 months


NEW DELHI: India plans to commission its third nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) in another six months to further bolster its sea-based leg of the nuclear weapons triad, after the second such boat was formally inducted into the Strategic Forces Command as INS Arighaat at Visakhapatnam on Thursday.


The third SSBN, which is now undergoing trials ahead of her commissioning as INS Aridhaman early next year, is slightly bigger than the first two, INS Arihant and INS Arighaat, and consequently capable of carrying more long range nuclear-tipped missiles.



Significantly, INS Arighaat is also capable of carrying some K-4 missiles, which have a strike range of over 3,000-km, unlike her forerunner INS Arihant that is armed only with the 750-km range K-15 missiles, sources told TOI.


This is crucial for credible strategic deterrence amid the continuing military confrontation with China. Capable of staying submerged for months on end, SSBNs are the most secure, survivable and stealthy platforms for second-strike capabilities, which in turn deter an adversary from launching a surprise first strike.


The commissioning of INS Arighaat, which has a 6,000-tonne displacement and four silos on its `hump’ for the vertical launch of missiles, was conducted at the secretive ship-building centre in Vizag, with defence minister Rajnath Singh, chief of defence staff General Anil Chauhan, Navy chief Admiral Dinesh Tripathi and DRDO chief Samir Kamat in attendance.


“INS Arighaat will further strengthen India’s nuclear triad, enhance nuclear deterrence, help in establishing strategic balance and peace in the region, and play a decisive role in the country’s security,” Singh said.




Rao Rao

Corruption Free Shree Modi Ji / BJP and a Nationalistic Govt. can only do all this . You all are a Blessing for our Country. Pls also hasten up on testing and induction of all pending Missiles as well. JAI HIND !!



Krishn Bala

fix the internal enemies as well with utmost priority




The government better buy submarines rather than building them. on our own. So that the Congress can play the game of making corruption charges.




Atal Ji's vision & Modi Ji's action.



gopinathan mambetta

with the 3 rd Nuclear submarine soon to be commissioned, We will be in a formidable position and our neighboring enemies wil not dare to look at us with evil eyes.As it , we already have a decent nuclear deterrent as far as land and air war is concerned.Above all we have a well deciplined highly motivated military along a strong leadership led by Modiji.





1 0 • Reply • Flag

What were the defence developments during 10 yrs before 2014. And also we want to know what were the defence export of the same period of previous Govt. We are really very grateful to this present Govt.



5 1 • Reply • Flag

I’m happy my tax money going in right direction to make india great.,We indians need to be careful from internal anti india forces.,Jai Hind




Third nuclear submaraine is just detterent but China will not start war because of fear it will become nuclear one .

Offcourse it will be mutual destruction but India's losses will be much less monterally.China will rather settle border issue then war.




5 0 • Reply • Flag

With an eye on Chinese naval power India needs to have about 15 nuclear submarines. ,It is a long haul and we need a leader who can sustain the will to increase sub power for that long.



Raaul Antonio Maino

Defence did not have any major boost in this budget, most of the budget gets allocated to free loaders and corrupt politicians of Bihar, This submarine went into production few years back and such news is nothing but a lollipop for the people of this Country. Army is dying because of being underequipped and politicians just wants to be in power by giving freebies.





Inspite of all the weaponery and close association with Russia and the US, all it took the Chinese to do was to kill and injure a large number of Indian soldiers (Martyrs, Braves etc etc) and to grab over 1000 square kms of land from us with sticks and stones. Shame. A bhunch of untrained chappathi bellied and corrupted people in fatigues and large medals on their chests. Good fo nothing.




Typical India. Shows off its latest weaponery and defence equipmnt disregarding the lessons of the past (when Nehru and Krishnamenon showed off our military placements, its weapons and its lay out to Zhou en Lai who no more than 3 months later kicke them and the Indian army in their groin. Why do we need to show off?




3 0 • Reply • Flag

Great and kudos to defence.Possible only in Modi rule otherwise whole nation would have been broken and islamised and christianised untilnow by leftists and Pappu gang.



Jagdish Chandra

Worldwide governments are required to ensure the safety of their borders against foreign threats by allocating significant money to acquire state-of-the-art technologies; India's situation is not an exception.




Congratulations India for the successful commissioning and Induction of Arighat in the Navy. The only issue is - we have to speed up the production at double speed.



1 0 • Reply • Flag

Having Nuclear Missiles, Submarines, Fighter Jets, Tanks etc important for fighting External Enemies like Jihadi Pakistan Bangladesh & China but equally important are Armed Drones to Locate & Hunt Internal Enemies, Traitors, Anti-nationals who have Looted Bharat, Destroyed Bharat for 60 Long Years



Muhad Asghar

China is far and far ahead in all the defence capabilities relative to India.



Master Yoda

These platforms are costly and one dimensional and non-efficacious.,Modi is a weak strategist. Having long range fast moving stealth bombers is a better paradigm.,A bomber that can penetrate deep into enemy territory evading air defenses and then drop hypersonic,cruise missiles which are nuclear tipped, is a very potent nuclear deterrent.



bala srinivasan

Minister RAJNATH SINGH correctly pointed out the crucial&vital importance of both MILITARY&ECONOMIC STRENGTHS to preserve&protect INDIA's sovereignty&de ocracy against both foreign&domestic enemies&INDIA is rapidly achieving the GOAL the people are rightfully PROUD OF.


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