
外国人:我第一次开比亚迪!海豹是特斯拉Model 3在中国和欧洲的直接竞争对手

I Drive A BYD For The First Time! The Seal Is A Direct Tesla Model 3 Competitor In China & Europe

我第一次开比亚迪!海豹是特斯拉Model 3在中国和欧洲的直接竞争对手

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Just by this car alone, I can say that China has really stepped their game up in terms of quality. I have an uncle that has a business of being the middle man for construction supplies. He knows a lot about China's manufacturing since he scouts a lot of factories. I asked him why China's quality is always so poor. He said, "It's not because they can't produce high quality, it's just that their client wants more profit and would rather compromise the quality. You want cheap? You will get what you will pay for."




Same story with Ebike battery packs. They make good stuff but alot of people buy a cheap battery from China and expect the best.




Earlier this year (2024), one of the Federal Reserve banks paid an American engineering firm to tear down this car right to the bolts. Their report basically called the BYD Seal an "extinction level event" for American automakers.




It is true, a lot of Russians today are complaining that Chinese cars they now get are crap but the issue is that they cannot afford the more expensive models so China ships all the crappy brands with issues to them..




The new byd hybrid system is insane. Full tank and fully charged can drive over 2000km




I test drove both a BYD Seal and a Tesla Model 3 LR at the Everything Electric show in Amsterdam in 2023. The Tesla I knew, and of course it is super impressive. I love the M3. But what surprised me was how good the Seal is. It's different. It's actually softer in handling and comfort, but the Chinese makers go for more luxury/tech over hardcore minimalism/tech. But it easily has enough performance. And, as you can see, It has enough tech. It's a real competitor. Take it seriously.

2023年,我在阿姆斯特丹举办的荷兰国际新能源展会上试驾了比亚迪海豹和特斯拉Model 3 LR。我是知道特斯拉令人印象深刻。我喜欢 Model 3。




I’ve owned a BYD Seal AWD performance since October 2023 and absolutely love the car. Here in Thailand it was cheaper than a RWD model 3 and there are no extras to pay. 3.8 seconds 0-62mph is fast enough for me.

2023年10月以来,我就有一辆比亚迪海豹,太喜欢这辆车了。在泰国,它价格比model 3便宜,而且没有额外的费用。3.8秒的零百加速,我觉得提速已经足够快了。



Yes, soon you will only see electric cars in the military, at least because of their high power, low noise, low IR signature, etc. Although some fools like to say that there are no chargers in the battlefield, as if there are gas stations in the battlefield. However, electric cars can be charged as long as there is sun, and there is sun on every battlefield on earth.




I’ve had mine in Australia for a few months. Awesome car. I test drove several cars including teslas. The seal is the best for us.




We can't have this in the US cuz it would destroy our complacent automakers. And half the country is allergic to electric cars cuz politicians say so.




I've watched a traveller's vlog on a busy street scene in Chicago and the background traffic noise is deafening compared with similar street scenes in Chinese cities. The reason is obvious: most vehicles in Chinese cities are EVs. Needless to say, the air is cleaner and healthier with less ICE vehicles on the road.




I wouldn't say no one knows what is actually going on with BYD. In fact, the Germans know quite a bit about BYD as an automaker and a battery manufacturer. The Japanese have also started to realize BYD is a force to be reckoned with and are conducting extensive research about the company and its products. However, it's true that almost no one in the US or Canada knows anything about them, for obvious reasons.




BYDs are also sold in Australia, with the seal starting at 35k USD we also get the performance variant. Im a model 3 owner and frequent seal premium driver. Imo byd build quality/ fit and finish is superior compared to tesla ie real leather, nice balance of real buttons and touch functionality, but the ADAS leaves much to be desired compared to tesla. Software/UI will improve over time, i think when people say the software being better than tesla, they're meaning within China. Totally agree with Kyle more of a cruiser than the model 3 much smoother ride feel and quieter. Overall a great car and excellent alternative to the model 3 particularly in terms of value for money.

比亚迪的车在澳大利亚也有卖,海豹起价为3.5万美元。我是特斯拉model 3车主,经常驾驶海豹。哈哈,比亚迪车的制造质量、贴合度和表面处理比特斯拉强,物理按钮和触摸功能实现了良好的平衡,但与特斯拉相比,智驾系统还有很多不足之处。软件/UI会随着时间的推移而改进。当人们说软件比特斯拉好,他们是指在中国。完全同意Kyle的说法,比model 3更像一辆巡洋舰,乘坐感觉更平稳,更安静。总的来说,这辆车很棒,是model 3的绝佳替代品,尤其是性价比很高



​ RF-it7uv Toyota did licensed some EV tech from BYD so there are chances that you are driving some BYD tech (a generation older though) under your Lexus.




I drove the seal in Europe for 3 weeks and hands down, it's way better than Tesla. It's a Shame our so called "free economy " will not allow free competition!!




This car costs 20% less in China than the Tesla Model 3. That's a huge difference!

这款车在中国的售价比特斯拉Model 3便宜20%。价格差大了



Australian Atto 3 owner with 25k kilometres since purchase. I really love the seal but I need a hatch back with ground clearance.
Totally agree with all your comments regarding BYD in your driving impression. In my experience so far OTA updates and dealer services been great, car keeps getting better done a heap of highway, dirt road some towing and city driving. Old Toyota fan but wow BYD is a solid well built comfortable vehicle for sure

我是澳大利亚Atto 3车主,自购买以来已行开了25000公里。我真的很喜欢海豹




The city I work in has over a dozen BYD buses and are very nice on the inside and out




BYD has been producing electric buses for a long time.



Bring it to the USA! I want more competition!



I've seen the 3 Seal models and they are awesome. The high end one is crazy fast and has a 690 km range. Luxurious interior. I drove a Dolphin and it is very nice, lots more power than the Toyotas and Hondas I've driven.




Chinese EVs usually have good back seat space. My Xpeng P5 has plenty of leg space for a 6 feet tall person




I live in Mexco and as I type this, calculating today’s exchange rate, the Seal is $43,460 USD. In Mexco, the price is the price no matter which dealer. The price is “All In” which includes 16% IVA tax. There are many many Chinese brands on the road here, probably the most common being the MG or maybe the Chirey. BYD (Build Your Dreams) are more of a luxury brand.




when a country is able to build and operates its own Space Station, then building a decent and safe car is a piece of cake..




The BYD is a much nicer car than a Model 3. I drove a Model 3 for a few days as a service loaner and really didn't like it.

比亚迪比Model 3好得多。我开过一辆Model 3,就是租车几天,真的不喜欢。



There's loads of BYDs in NZ. I test drove a Seal Performance just last weekend, and while i was very impressed with the fit and finish for the price, it did still have some substantial issues with how the vehicle interface is designed which might not have bothered me that much when I drove a used Atto 3

新西兰有很多比亚迪车。就在上周末,我试驾了一辆海豹,虽然我对这个价格能买到这么好的车感到惊叹,但它在车辆界面的设计方面仍然存在一些问题,当我驾驶二手的Atto 3时,这些问题可能不那么困扰我



Seal is a beautifully designed car.




About to order a Seal in the next couple of weeks here in Australia. Kinda spewing that we don't get that light green here, I like it a lot!




I own this car. I really enjoy it. Quality is top and driving it is super fun.




Looks a lot nicer than the Tesla.




I’m seeing a few of these on the road in Queensland now




To be honest, I am surprised how quickly Chinese picked-up the EV technology. I think the same happens in the CPU industry. Not surprised with the US responses, i.e. preventing Chinese to access hi-tech equipment.


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