

 Why didn't India rebel during WW1 or WW2? (Short Animated Documentary)


India, despite hating their British colonial overlords, made no effort to rebel during the World Wars. Britain's attention was elsewhere and its global position was massively weakened and it's unlikely that it could have prevented India independence. So why didn't India rebel? To find out watch this short and simple animated history documentary.





Britain was lucky they only had to deal with Pacifist Gandhi, as opposed to Warmonger Nuclear Gandhi




one thing that is never brought up in indian independence (and most other colonies) is just how much the world wars basically just made kee the territories unviable economically. by 1945 britian and most european cultures were bankrupt, bombed out,  and manpower depleted. colonialism wasn't fated to end when it was due to moral reasons, economic factors just meant that britian literally just couldn't afford to stay in india.


殖民 主义并不是因为不道德而结束的,而是经济原因,英国人根本负担不起继续殖民印度的费用。



Tens of thousands of Indians did rebel in the form of joining the 43,000 strong Indian National Army (allied to Japan) and another 4000 ish joining up in German service. It wasn't unusual during WW2 for people to resist their colonial rulers by joining whatever side was fighting against them.




Somehow not mentioning the 40,000+ troops of the Indian National Army that fought on the side of the Japanese against the British, led by Chandra Bose. It even had a "Gandhi Brigade". Bose shook hands with both Tojo and Adolf.




You forgot to mention the millions of Indians who served in the British forces, even Gandhi formed a volunteer ambulance unit in South Africa and was decoared for his service.




As an Indian myself, I can tell you this thing. Although the British did have control over India, the Indian administrators dealt with the majority of the population(and I am not talking about the princely states here). Majority of India’s population was rural. Most rural Indians never saw a foreign, let alone British person except when they roamed around the country. Among the urban population, they did support independence overwhelmingly but the majority of the population that was rural had never heard of the British and their lives barely changed before, during and after few decades after British rule.






An Indian friend explained it differently. He said that India as country did not exst until the British took over, it was a collection of states with different leaders, aims, and even languages. Then according to him, we all learnt English, could unite and kick you out, he said with a smile.




I asked my grandfather (from Kerala India) that question. He said most people were informed enough to know that Germany/Japan would be much worse than British rule.




A part of India based in the Andaman and Nicobar Island province did technically rebel! Mainly due to Japan taking it though and establishing the Azad (free) Hind government but it was done with after a while.




If India had made a move in World War I or II, do you think they could have won?




My great-grandfather Aladeen Mirza Mughal was British-Indian Officer (8th British Army, V. Corps, 4th Indian Infantry Division, 43rd Indian Lorried Brigade) from Punjab in Ww2 (He fought in Egypt, Libya, Tunesia and Italy). He loves the British and after the British left, he stayed with them and went to London. He was scared that the Indians hate him after the partition because his family was in the British-Indian Army (Punjab Regiment) since 1858 and fought every war for them (Mahdist War, 1st and 2nd Anglo-Afghan War, Tibian Expedition, World War I, British Expedition Force in the Russian civil war and WW2)

我的曾祖父Aladeen Mirza Mughal是一名来自旁遮普的英裔印度军官,英国第8集团军,第4印度步兵师,第43印度卡车旅。他在埃及,利比亚,突尼斯和意大利作战。他喜欢英国人,英国人离开后,他和英国人一起去了伦敦。他害怕在分治后印度人恨他,他的家人自1858年以来就在英印军队(旁遮普团)服役,为他们打了每一场战争(马赫迪战争、第一次和第二次英阿战争、xz远征、第一次世界大战、英国远征部队在俄罗斯内战和二战中)。



"Split Bengal into two, to separate the Indian and muslim populations, the Indians reacted poorly". They were all Indians, this is an extremely grave error to confuse hindu with Indian.




Completely failed to mentioned that more than one-million Indians volunteered to fight on behalf of Britain during WW2, making it the largest volunteer army in history.




The World Wars also played a major role in creating a more unified sense of national identity in India. Among other things, Britain had to expand the Indian Army to a size where they had to recruit people of all races & religions, compared to the prior (racist) policy of recruiting mostly Punjabi Sikhs & Nepali Gurkhas. This undermined Britain’s “divide & rule” strategy, & as Indians of all backgrounds fought together, they developed a stronger sense of camaraderie & unity.






Subhash Chandra Bose rebelled and fought alongside the Japanese against the British with his forces. Westerners see him as a mere puppet but he's well respected in India.




I think you glos s over how utterly disunited India as a country truly was and still is. There is a reason that in its 4000 years history it has only been the last 80 years it was a single united nation - And that was because of britain.

How can a nation that was supposedly so wealthy never have made such a vast global empire itself? Internal conflict. It was never one single nation. It still wouldn't be if not for Britain - it would look more like the middle east.

The partitioning of india was done at indias request and that seems to be forgotten by everyone now complaining about it.






I imagine that another reason was probably the ethnic diversity of the region... it's hard to unite hundreds of millions behind a cause when many of them were never close to each other, not to mention the challenge of deciding who's gonna be in charge, religion and stuff like that.




India’s story during the World Wars is a complex mix of loyalty, hope, and oppression. It’s fascinating to think how a nation fighting for its own freedom contributed to wars for others’ liberty. The global stage may have been set for rebellion, but the reality was far more nuanced—this is a chapter in history that shows just how intricate the fight for independence truly was.!




No one has mentioned that the number of Indians who volunteered to fight for the commonwealth was the largest volunteer number in any country at any time in history.  At the height of the empire there were less than 1000 actually British people administrating the whole indian sub continent.  The video and comments have not recognised a large community of indian people who actually supported the British.  India was a very important part of the allies and in the defeat of the axs.




Britain had lots of support in India as well. Especially in places like Punjab which elected the pro-British National Unionist Party to their provincial legislature and made up atleast 50% of the British Indian Army despite being only 13% of the Indian population




The largest ever volunteer army was the Indian army during WW2.




There's an important factor in this which is worth considering. For most of the British Raj, the Indian Army (which mainly consisted of Indian soldiers with British officers) was funded out of taxes levied in India. Typically, the army was no larger than 200,000 men, which is surprisingly small for a country the size of India.

But the World Wars changed this. The British government needed more men. In WW1 the Indian army expanded to around 600,000 men. After 1918 it dropped back down to 200,000 again, but in WW2 it expanded to around 2.5 million men - the largest volunteer army in history. During these wartime periods of rapid expansion, the government in London wound up having to fund most of the costs of the expansion, both in wages and in equipment and supplies.





zero mention of the millions of indians who volunteered during the war? seems an odd omission




You do know there was a faction known as the Indian national army who fought for independence with Japanese support. Not to mention there was a naval mutiny in 1946 .




Britain's choice to leave India was wise.


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