

US supports India's push for permanent membership in UN Security Council


The United States has expressed its support for India's permanent seat at United Nations Security Council which was later echoed in the joint statement released by the Quad members.


"President Biden shared with Prime Minister Modi that the United States supports initiatives to reform global institutions to reflect India's important voice, including permanent membership for India in a reformed UN Security Council," a statement by White House said.


In the 'Wilmington Declaration,' India, Australia, Japan, and the United States underscored the urgent need to reform the UN Security Council to make it more representative, inclusive, transparent, efficient, effective, de ocratic, and accountable. They called for an expanded UNSC that includes representation from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

在《威尔明顿声明》中,印度、澳大利亚、日本和美国强调迫切需要改革联合国安理会,使其更具代表性、包容性、透明度、效率、效力、民 主和问责制。他们呼吁扩大联合国安理会,纳入来自非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的代表。

"Together, with our global and regional partners, we continue to support international institutions and initiatives that underpin global peace, prosperity and sustainable development. We reiterate our unwavering support for the UN Charter and the three pillars of the UN system," the joint declaration read.


"We will reform the UN Security Council, recognizing the urgent need to make it more representative, inclusive, transparent, efficient, effective, de ocratic and accountable through expansion in permanent and non-permanent categories of membership of the UN Security Council. This expansion of permanent seats should include representation for Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean in a reformed Security Council," it added.




K Sridhar

As long as China wields veto power in UNSC, its doubtful that India will be allowed to become a permanent member. Other members of UNSC have only been paying lip service about expanding the UNSC but till date not concrete steps have taken place.





They have been saying the same thing since 2007 lol but they dont do anything about it



Gaana User

This whole UN is meaningless these days. Get rid of this veto power to make it de ocratic.

现在整个联合国毫无意义。取消否决权,才能使之民 主。


Upkar Kohli

How many years this same story gets repeated when nothing substantial happens



Sanjiv Mathur

There's a big gap between saying something and actually doing it.




The US is a double headed monster. Openly supporting India for the UNSC seat, but secretly working with China to scuttle it. Let's not be overjoyed.



2 h

Freaking India, Germany, and Japan have been persuading UN Permanent memberships for so long....Wow!!!!



0 1 • Reply • Flag

It is only lipservice by the US. The fact is that none of P5 members wants new member in the UN Security Council, esp India, to continue their hegemony & keep meddling into the internal affairs & politics of other countries, unchecked.. The syndicate of P5 members, collectively, is the biggest culprit & reason of global unrest, Conflict almost in every corner, just to keep their Biz & political interest, above all... Just shedding crocodile tears, sometimes, to camouflage how are they manipulating global dynamics & politics...




1 0 • Reply • Flag

Soon the USA will become the United States of the Islamic Republic



3 0 • Reply • Flag

Biden is a useless fellow. M main Ram Ram bagal main Churi



1 0 • Reply • Flag

The world's greatest hypocrite speaks with a forked tongue again !



4 0 • Reply • Flag

Its nothing new biggest problem is china,Whom our foolish coward nehru allowed a co unist china get UN seat rather then de ocratic india,India still suffers for this coward PM weak decisions against bharat,His forth generation pappu has same anti bharat mentality like him



Parag Dave

 The real effort is getting China who has a Veto to agree. Very easy easy to hide behind the excuse "China doesn't agree, what can we do about it..



Munish Anand

Never trust US.



Boston Wrangler

This euphoric statement has been announced time after time by the US but no action on the ground



1 2 • Reply • Flag

It's an old story. China never compromised.



1 0 • Reply • Flag

Same story last 10 years, feku has achieved nothing


0 3 • Reply • Flag

Fool are you even aware that it was follish nehru which allowed china get UN seat not india,Why blame modi ?



0 0 • Reply • Flag

for eons, India is made fool of this lollypop which no one cares ...



5 0 • Reply • Flag

last 20 saalon se baatein kar rahe ho......kar daalo reforms...why waiting...and so it in phases....first add India , south africa and Brazil.....then gradually few more countries of importance from across the continents.



1 1 • Reply • Flag

Don’t believe on this US, nothing will happen until electing cretria is changed ( china is not considered)



0 0 • Reply • Flag

Their agenda is to befool and exploit India. India has to achieve everything herself not depend upon foreigners.


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