

 Eye on aggressive China, US 'welcomes' progress on $3.9bn predator drones deal


NEW DELHI: The US has welcomed India’s impending $3.9 billion procurement of 31 armed MQ-9B `hunter-killer’ Predator drones, as part of their overall defence partnership that will see the two countries further ramp up military interoperability, intelligence-sharing, space and cyber cooperation as well as defence-industrial and innovation collaboration, with an eye firmly on China’s aggressive behaviour in the Indo-Pacific.


The govt-to-govt deal for the 31 high-altitude long-endurance remotely piloted aircraft (RPA), with 15 Sea Guardian drones earmarked for Navy and 8 Sky Guardians each for Army and IAF, is set to be inked in mid-Oct after the two sides wrapped up the techno-commercial negotiations, as was earlier reported by TOI.


“President Joe Biden welcomed the progress towards India concluding procurement of 31 General Atomics MQ-9Bs and their associated equipment, which will enhance the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities of India’s armed forces across all domains”, a joint fact-sheet issued after the Modi-Biden talks said.

莫迪-拜登会谈后发布的一份联合情况说明书称:“乔·拜登总统对印度完成31架通用原子MQ- 9b及其相关设备采购的进展表示欢迎,这将增强印度武装部队在所有领域的情报、监视和侦察(ISR)能力。”

The drone deal will take the collective worth of lucrative Indian defence contracts bagged by the US to well over $25 billion just since 2007. Instead of such direct acquisitions, India is now pushing for co-development and co-production of advanced weapon systems under the ambitious defence-industrial cooperation roadmap finalized in June last year.


While no such joint project has been sealed till now, Modi and Biden “recognised the remarkable progress” achieved under the roadmap, including “ongoing collaboration to advance priority co-production arrangements for jet engines, munitions, and ground mobility systems”.





R we mad or something ? China is 100 times developed than us , see the development and geographic area of China cities. Comparing India and China is like comparing Ambani and an employee . China is big big and much more developed than usa ,the real GDP figure of China must be bigger than USA for 100% . All world is dependent on China and there is zero crime and no corruption , any foreigner can go there and they treat you like some king only ..people are high level and their police treat every ...

我们是疯了还是怎么了?中国比我们发达100倍,看看中国城市的发展和地理面积就知道了。拿印度和中国比,就像拿安巴尼和一个员工比。中国很大,比美国发达得多,中国的实际GDP肯定超过了美国。整个世界都依赖中国,那里没有犯罪,没有腐 败,任何外国人都可以去那里旅游,会被奉为贵宾…人民的地位很高,他们的警察帮助每一个人……



For $3.9 billion , Indians can build a better drone than US, what happened to Make in India? What happened to funding startups



Munish Anand

A permanent UN seat must be sought in exchange for these drones.




₹1,000 crores for one drone?

Am I right?

Is there any Ambani or Adani in this deal?





We should prioritize ‘make in India’. Why can’t we make our Drones? This is absurd - sending $4 billion outside the country when we can achieve so much with that kind of money at home.



2 hou

If you are buying a Chinese phones costing 10000, 5000 rupees goes to China! you are hel China to fire bullet against our army ! think again. Stop buying Chinese phones.



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For all the big talks & weight jayashankar gets this vishguru buffoon easily gets controlled & bought over .... US will have the last laugh since they have both the key & lock with themselves... making a cattle out of this Pradhan...


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You sound like a Pappu fan!



Suvendu Baral

Vocal for Local..



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India could set up a capability to make, perhaps, 20 engines per month: basically, one could setup programmable tooling (robots) - Rapidly Reconfigurable, re- programmable "general purpose" factories that can make a range of goods - enabled by robotics - must be designed and setup in India.,We can collaborate with the top global institutions (IIT, MIT, Caltech,Harvard, ....) to use the latest tech and innovations to do it.



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last year when he visited US the drones deal was 3 billion but now increase to 4 billion. what about technology transfer??,wha modi ji wha



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Vocal foe Local should not b a slogan. or get turbo prop technology for local assembly




USA and it’s Filthy Rich COTERIE have thrived on Selling Arms…No wonder US has fought FICTITIOUS WARS just to prop-up its Arms Industry…Even Governments & Presidents have manipulated Wars  Weather Nvidia, Google or Apple will survive or not….but Arms Industry will definitely survive in US



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He needs to be whacked properly to avoid such baseless purchases , every visit Or a Hindenburg report he keeps lavishly spending the countries money... He thinks by this he is applying zandu balm over US ego.... What kind of petty politics is he upto....



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Buffoon gives carrot to the US & stick to the citizens.... Ammunition spendings just to foster US ego making India poor... This war monger is getting out of control...




sometimes it seems that these two gentlemen know everything on earth, but they dont know that their knowledge is very limited




India can send rovers to moon , but cannot build drones and is dependent on US. Shame onodi, bhakt loby , RSS



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China & Pappu Khan are depressed on hearing this news




Congress and bjp same same only, corrupt and uncapable



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we have to spend billions to counter China but millions of careless Indians still buying Chinese phones and supporting China! shame on those. Also using Chinese phones have risk of blast similar to Lebanon and your data is unsafe.



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I think we can buy similar drones from China at one-tenth of the price we are paying to the US.


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buy drones from China to counter China? You are a genius!


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you do not buy weapons from your enemy.


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