

 'Stripped, tied my legs, threw me into room': Army captain's fiancée shares 'torture' story at Odisha's Bharatpur police station


BHUBANESWAR: An Army officer's fiancée who was allegedly tortured by cops at Bhubaneswar's Bharatpur police station on Sept 15, recounted her horrifying ordeal after being released from jail.


The 32-year-old restaurateur-cum-lawyer broke down and alleged that the inspector-in-charge (IIC) Dinakrushna Mishra and four other personnel, who were suspended on Wednesday, stripped her and kicked her.

这名32岁的餐馆老板兼律师崩溃了,声称督察 Dinakrushna Mishra和其他四名工作人员剥光了她的衣服并踢了她。

"The IIC's barbarism crossed all limits. He made inappropriate gestures at me," said the victim, who was arrested by police on charges of attacking a lady police officer.



The five policemen have denied all charges and are now facing a probe by the crime branch. The victim said police framed her in the false case and arrested her to save their own skin.


The Orissa high court granted her bail on Wednesday. According to the woman, she and her fiance were returning home after shutting her restaurant late at night on Sept 15 when they were waylaid and assaulted by hooligans.


They immediately went to Bharatpur police station to file a complaint, but instead of receiving help, they were treated like criminals, she said. The victim claimed that when she requested police to arrest the hooligans, they began misbehaving with her and her fiance.


She denied the allegations of assaulting a lady police personnel, saying, "When two lady cops dragged me by my hair and assaulted me, I tried to fight back. For self-defence, I bit the hand of a woman officer." The victim further alleged that police tied her hands and legs with ropes and threw her into a room where a male officer abused her.


The woman's nightmare continued when the IIC arrived around 6 am. "To my shock, the IIC threatened and made several obscene indications at me. He later arrested me for a crime that I never committed," she said.




Cat india

Many times police act like terrorists and anti society criminals.



John Pinto

what is the Army officers battalion doing. and the chief of army staff.. if police can be so highhanded with army officers what about us ordinary citizens



Surya Kant Agrawal

Shoot the scoundrels. Suspension is no punishment




CcTv shud be mandatory for Police station



Pramoda Panda

The Bharatpur police have crossed the laxamanrekha and barbaric n cruel act made to the couple on that fateful night.The harrowing story of the fiancee of the major need be taken in to cognizance and exemplary punishment like termination of service of the accused officer be done by the government of Odisha.



Philosophy Of India

Again police atrocities on innocent citizen... the couple had visited for registering complaint against some miscreants...they went for asking help...instead they got punishment beside mental, physical torturing... these police personnel to be punished severely as they are criminal under the uniform...






Cut off all these police nuts.




wow wow what a fantastic country India is. it only goes to show and prove the level of illiterates in government service. indian police ain't fit to be called police 99% of them don't know how to solve a simple crime. They never study criminology. They are unethical and unhygienic as well.



3 0 • Reply • Flag

This is what happens when reservations of all sorts are applied for selections to govt job.. why would meritorious and right minded people join such places.. govt jobs are coveted mostly by the lazy, morally bankrupt and corrupt. The honest and morally strong peopld are few and far between.



1 2 • Reply • Flag

policeman crossed limits in waste bengal now in orissa....they must be taught a lesson by citizens like in BANGLADESH.



4 0 • Reply • Flag

This type of news is new from Odisha which is shocking.



2 0 • Reply • Flag

The culprits must be dealt with an iron fist and the punishment shall be exemplary.



3 0 • Reply • Flag

There should be CCTV in every police station. The authorities responsible for not installing CCTV should be punished severely for such loss of evidence.



7 0 • Reply • Flag

Army man and a lawyer - not so believable duo.Both are trained masters in conflict.


0 5 • Reply • Flag

do you know them earlier



0 0 • Reply • Flag

Really shocking. What were his crimes? Why would the police jail an army officer and assault a lawyer who will obviously go to court and fight a case against them?



1 1 • Reply • Flag

There should not be any trial. Bulldozer justice over them and their houses. Can’t take Armed forces insult and this is way more than that. NO MERCY



3 0 • Reply • Flag

Its time that people should unite against such crimes, we are so tolerant and police sometimes do gundaraj, alm beacuse we dont know our own rights. Police veing a public servant, they think the citizens are thier servant. A public servant behaves means he should be thrown out of job permanently.



3 0 • Reply • Flag

Nothing will happen to those barbaric police personals.They will again rejoin and start treating the same to someone else .It's time to raise our voice



0 0 • Reply • Flag

God save this country from the BJP scoundrels.



5 2 • Reply • Flag

After a few days all the culprits will be free with clean chit. it is our system.. An Army person is not safe in this country because of few police personnel. All culprits should be stripped and then take them throughout the city. that is one of best punishment.



7 0 • Reply • Flag

Police are personal slaves of politicians so it remains like that only.



4 0 • Reply • Flag

I am not at all surprised at conduct of Police here.This is how police acts with citizens all over India. Better to pay and approach goons than to approach police.


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