

 'Hindus go back': BAPS temple vandalised in US; second incident in month


BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in California was vandalised and desecrated on Thursday with 'anti-Hindu' messages like "Hindus go back." This comes only 10 days after a New York based temple was defaced drawing condemnation from the Indian consulate.


"Less than 10 days after the desecration of the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Melville, New York, our Mandir (Hindu place of worship) in Sacramento, California was desecrated and vandalized with hateful messages," BAPS, a non-profit "Hindu" organisation said in a statement.

非营利“印度教”组织BAPS在一份声明中说:“在纽约梅尔维尔的BAPS Shri Swaminarayan 神庙遭到亵渎后不到10天,我们在加州萨克拉门托的寺庙(印度教礼拜场所)遭到亵渎和恶意破坏,留下仇恨信息。”

"Our condemnation of hate remains resolute; our sadness has only deepened; and our prayers for all, including those with hate in their heart, have grown stronger," it added.


Ami Bera, who represents the Sacramenta County in the US House, condemned the incident and called upon the people to stand against intolerance.

在美国众议院代表萨克拉门塔县的阿米·贝拉谴责了这一事件,并呼吁人们反对不宽容的行为 。

There is no place for religious bigotry and hatred in #SacramentoCounty. I strongly condemn this apparent act of vandalism in our community. All of us must stand against intolerance and ensure that everyone in our community, regardless of faith, feels safe and respected," he said in a post on X.


Meanwhile, the Hindu American Foundation has written to the Senate Judiciary Committee detailing the "history and alarming rise of anti-Hindu hate, particularly against Hindu places of worship, citing recent data from both the FBI and State of California. "


It also condemned the incident saying "We stand with @BAPS_PubAffairs and demand justice. It is unacceptable that Hindu temples are being targeted to air hatred against Indian and Hindu American communities."




Bala Srinivasan

I am sure without a doubt this is a "KALISTHANI"effort to keep the political interest on surface¬ an american sentiment since All americans with the exception of the stupid KALISTHANI morons have very high esteem&understanding&respect for INDIANS for their conduct&behaviour all across USA.



Vishnu Agarwala

and this is America..... shameless Shameless country



India First

Hindus r in danger, b it bangladesh, pakistan, afghanistan, us or INDIA. Hindus should strongly unite to defend themselves & their next generations against these oppressors.




This is the doing of Congress and Khalistini duo. The dismantle global hundutva is supported by these forces along with the anti hindu Sam pitroda and soros gang.



ashish ahuja

khalistanis are responsible. They should be banned from visiting India and their properties in India should be confiscated. Traitors




Violence of any shape or form is only feeding anger to hunger. Rather filling millions $s to fantasize places of worship, spend it on the people to educate, feed. Doesn't matter America or India or elsewhere!



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America won't open its mouth on this.



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and the de ocratic government there looks other way. our government must condemn this attitude of the US



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Our LEFTISTS should see this...The JIHADIS & KHALISTANIS will be behind this



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Hate and intolerance must stop. India has taught religious tolerance, peace and universal love. hence vandalisation of Swami Narayan Temple and slogan against Hindu Community must stop m



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And some US Organization brings out report on Relegious freedom in India.



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There is no evil bigger than US in the whole world.



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All this is aimed at creating communal tensions between Sikhs and Hindus in India. Earlier their lies were exposed with their KCF granthis lying about disrespect to guru granth sahib by hindu devotees



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All this is being done by the deep state in USA through their agents.



Hemanshu Kothari

US becoming intolernat, secularism is at risk in US



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the guilty must be procecuted for justice n social harmony to prevail in USA...is reality



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waiting for unknown person to shoot anti national in US...



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We also condemn if Russia use Nuclear



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Canada US are new terror centers beware of travelling to these terror outfits..,shooting on president vandalism of religious sites safe heaven for terror and khalis group what else is US and Canada symbolic for...



Sharath Subaiah

Hindus are resilient and their faith is powerful which is why they have withstood 1000 years of cultural attack and are now rising again...comparatively, this is a very small incident which will soon pass




Whosoever has done it is a coward. Shame on them.




There is no point in giving a docile response. USA has become a lawless country and is fast hurtling towards anarchy. Either quit USA and come back to your motherland, or, form your own security force to defend your people and holy places. Learn from Israel.


三泰虎原创译文,禁止转载!:首页 > 资讯 » “印度教徒滚回去”,美国一座印度教寺庙遭破坏,本月第二起
