

 Mumbai road rage: Biker killed in front of family, 9 held


MUMBAI: A 28-year-old Hyderabad-based man, visiting his parents' home for Navratri, was beaten to death by a mob in a shocking incident of road rage at Malad East on October 12.


Akash Maeen and his wife were on their motorcycle when an autorickshaw overtook them. Akash and the auto driver had a heated argument which escalated when the auto driver summoned his associates.

阿卡什·梅因 骑摩托车载着妻子,一辆三轮车超过了他们。阿卡什和三轮车司机发生了激烈的争吵,后者叫来同伙,争吵升级。

Akash worked in a tech company in Hyderabad and had tied the knot only seven months ago. His parents reside at Malad East. Akash had booked a new car and was keen to take delivery on Dussehra (October 12). Around 5.30 pm, he and his wife were returning from the car showroom to his parents' residence on his bike. At Shivaji Chowk, an autorickshaw driver overtook the bike, almost brushing the bike.

阿卡什在海得拉巴的一家科技公司工作,7个月前才结婚。他的父母住在马拉德东区。阿卡什预定了一辆新车,预计在十胜节(10月12日)交车。下午5点30分左右,他骑摩托车载着妻子从汽车店回父母家。在Shivaji Chowk,一名三轮车司机超车,几乎擦过他们的摩托车。


Akash and the auto driver, Avinash Kadam, had a heated exchange of words. "My daughter-in-law called me to inform about the argument," said Akash's mother, Deepali, an MNS party functionary. Deepali and her husband, Dattatreya, were in another auto at the time and rushed to Shivaji Chowk where the fight was going on.

阿卡什和三轮车司机阿维纳什·卡达姆激烈地争吵起来。阿卡什的母亲迪帕利说:“我儿媳打电话告诉我发生了争吵。”接到电话后,迪帕莉和她的丈夫达塔特雷亚坐车赶到了斗殴发生地Shivaji Chowk。

  "Kadam had called up and gathered a mob of 10- 15 men. My husband and I tried to defuse the tension and calm everyone down. Akash had even got back on his bike. But the mob dragged him down," Deepali said.


In his parents' presence, the accused started raining kicks and blows on Akash.


"When he fell to the ground, I threw myself on him, acting as a human shield. But the men continued to hit my son and me. Some of them roughed up my husband. Some of the accused appeared to be intoxcated and were discussing if they should bring swords to attack my son. Crowds of bystanders looked on and shot videos, but nobody came forward to help us," said a teary-eyed Deepali.


Police said Akash had fought back and struck two of the accused persons, who suffered injuries.


Dattatreya managed to call the police emergency number '100'. A police van arrived and took a couple of attackers into custody while the rest fled. Deepali and Dattatreya rushed an unconscious Akash to Balasaheb Thackeray TraumaCare Hospital.

阿卡什的父亲拨打了报警电话“100”。一辆警车抵达现场,逮捕了几名袭击者,其余的人逃走了。父母迅速将失去知觉的儿子送往Balasaheb Thackeray创伤医院。

"The hospital was very callous. My son remained on the stretcher until a senior MNS functionary arrived at the hospital and spoke to the management. Late that night, my son succumbed to his injuries," said Deepali.


Police have arrested Kadam (the auto driver), Amit Vishwakarma, Aditya Singh, Jaiprakash Amte, Rakesh Dhagle, Sahil Kadam, Akshay Pawar, Pratikesh Surve and Vaibhav Sawant. A local court remanded them into police custody till October 22.

警方已经逮捕了Kadam(三轮车司机)、Amit Vishwakarma、Aditya Singh、Jaiprakash Amte、Rakesh Dhagle、Sahil Kadam、Akshay Pawar、Pratikesh Surve和Vaibhav Sawant。当地法院将他们还押至10月22日。

Deepali said the accused should receive the strictest possible punishment. "Akash had another job offer with an airline in Mumbai and was planning to move back with us. He was so young... all our dreams have been snuffed out," said Deepali.




Dheer Bhoir

ban all autowallahs. their goondagiri has increased manifolds.



Rohan Correia

this all is happening because bjp is teaching wrong Hinduism of hate and war.every religion is for peace not fighting with each other.




Dindoshi and Malad East police is absolutely inexstent. signals are blatantly disregarded and you can see Sharing Rickshaw mafias ruling the roost.




auto wallas are a menace!!!!



User Kumar

These autos people are so arrogant. They drive so carelessely and argue as if the road belongs to them. These autos people should be banned for pollution, noise and arguing. If the distance is very far or short they decline to come. We have to go in the route they are going. Disgusting auto drivers, not everyone but most of them




A MNS functionary had to come in to get the doctors to attend to the victim.The victim might have survived if attended to promptly. The whole system has gone to the dogs.



2 hou

I have personal experience, the Auto Rickshaw drivers are really reckless and drive very fast, many times they have brushed my car. Most of them have ear phones or blue tooth device in their ears and don't listen to horn or give side to other vehicles. They are always in a hurry and don't wait or have patience when bigger vehicles are taking a turn or waiting at signals. They don't follow any lane discipline and suddenly stop in middle of the road/lane to drop or pick up passengers. When we tell them, they are always abusive.,One more thing that has been noted that many a times the drivers are underage.



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Only 1 solution for unruly auto drivers - Cancell Their licence for lifetime along with all those supported the auto Walla & arrest everyone involved.



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Whether these killer goons will be hanged ? will the police and administration and court ensure that all the 9 will be hanged ? common man cannot fight criminals and never expect justice in India. Who will protect the common man. Extremely serious situation in Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, kolkata where goons and criminals are fearless of law and police !



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Sad state of law and order in our country. This issue should be raised in the Maharashtra assembly and the CM should be forced to resign. Otherwise this will continue.



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The auto driver kadam and his associate goons must be hanged by the Mumbai police and if not Supreme court of India should take action against these criminals. Family of the victim should approach to court if the criminals are not hanged. A public protest should start immediately to stop such criminal activities against common people for such little dispute other wise anyone in future will face similar treatment.




Rest be assured nothing will happen with the current laws and the current govt they just need votes nothing else. Citizens die or live that's not their problem they just need votes end of story



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This is sick and sad - a mob lynching a man due to rage and people around him taking videos. How do we call ourselves a civilized society ; his life ucould have been saved if one common sense prevailed. In india mobs are way too common



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Boycott these autos, their numbers must reduce!



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This happens everywhere in our country! Road rage must be dealt with iron hands.



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it looks like it could be preplanned



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people started normalizing the mob lynching of muslim, nobody use to pay attention to such types of mob crimes, but now many people will understand why strict laws are needed for such crimes



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what is happening to Mumbai. This is happening because there is no strict law. The government seems to be in slee mode. There is no fear of law.



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in Mumbai worst people are these auto drivers.,they don't know how to drive



2 0 • Reply • Flag

Why such anger that you will beat to death a person over a minor traffic incident. All it required was an apology from both sides and the matter could have been peacefuly resolved. Sad loss of a young life




unless & until there is fear of law, these things will continue.


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