

印度时报记者Rudroneel Ghosh头一次来北京。三泰虎8月22日译文,这位记者写道,必须承认,我是带着对中国某些先入为主的观念来到北京的。在有关、和印中1962年战争的历史课熏陶下长大,我相信中国是一个的庞然 大物,老百姓只有一个目标,即为了共和国的荣耀而努力奋斗。的确,在最近几年,我听说,也阅读到了中国如何改革的故事,民*集中制让路给更为务实的政治思 想和治理。不过这也要亲眼目睹后才会相信。

译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:An Indian in China: Understanding the native Chinese perspective


I must admit that I had come to Beiing with certain preconceived notions about China. Brought up on history classes about Chairman Mao, the Cultural Revolution and the India-China war in 1962, I believed the Chinese state to be a statist behemoth where ordinary folk had only but one objective — to work to enhance the glory of the People’s Republic. True, over recent years I had heard and read stories about how China had reformed, that de ocratic centralism had given way to a more pragmatic form of political thought and governance. But this had to be seen to be believed.


On my first trip to the Chinese mainland, my aim is to investigate the Western notion that the Chinese people have entered into a social contract with their government whereby they barter away certain privileges in exchange for economic growth. However, so far I haven’t come across any clues that such a social contract exsts. On the contrary, the Chinese people seem to be an easy-going lot who are enjoying their newfound prosperity — thanks to three decades of impressive economic reforms that have pulled millions out of poverty. At the same time there appears to be an acute awareness that more reforms are the only way forward if poverty is to be eradicated from China completely.



I know my observations may provoke some foreign China-watchers. And it’s true that I am, after all, an outsider. However, there is no denying the fact that the chinese has done an amazing job of providing world-class infrastructure to its people. And the Chinese people seem to want more development, not less development.


In fact, in this debate about China’s growth trajectory, foreign China experts often overlook the native Chinese perspective. Standing at T Square I am informed by a local that the Chinese people want to learn from the past and implement those lessons for the future. They want to evolve for a better tomorrow. If these sentiments are true, they are welcome for both the Chinese state as well as the rest of the world.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2014082203.html


an indepth analysis is required and not a first impression, on such a profound topic. the rural urban divide, the geo diversity, the charges of humungous nepotism, the ecological cost of growth etc need to be studied.


Maheshpal Vadhera
prc and taiwan represent two sides of chinese progress. while, mainland china suffered mostly of mao's ideological fervor, his counter part chiang, relatives of sun , was building fast on economic parameters. deng followed chiang and started the process of economic reforms at the cost of ideology. 2. the lesson is pragmatism-preference to food over ideology brings in better results for the society. it is true for others too, including india.



bharti bk
this is true experience


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