

印度人如何看婚外恋?三泰虎10月5日译文,以耸肩来回应不慎重婚姻通常是法国人的做法。如今似乎印度人也对放荡不那么激动了。一项调查披露76%的印度女性和61%的印度男性认为不忠不是一项罪或者不道德。全球交友网站Ashley Madison展开了这次调查,该网站最近在印度上线,主要服务于已婚人士或者已经处于谈恋爱中的人士。此次调查收集了十个城市的75321受访者的回答。而且,81%的男性和68%的女性表示他们的风流韵事对他们的婚姻有积极作用。

译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文地址:Most Indians feel infidelity not a sin, survey shows


It's usually the French who react to marital indiscretions with little more than a Gallic shrug. But now it seems Indians, too, are getting less worked up about dalliances. A survey has revealed that 76% of Indian women and 61% of men don't think that infidelity is a sin or immoral.

The survey was conducted by Ashley Madison, a global dating website for those who are married or already in a relationship which recently launched in India. Responses were collected from 75,321 respondents - 80% were married -- in ten cities.


全球交友网站Ashley Madison展开了这次调查,该网站最近在印度上线,主要服务于已婚人士或者已经处于谈恋爱中的人士。此次调查收集了十个城市的75321受访者的回答。


What's more, 81% of men and 68% women said their affair has had a positive effect on their marriage. "In some cases, an affair works as a wake-up call to repair the relationship," says sexologist Dr Prakash Kothari, who was stumped when one of his clients, a rich businessman, said he confessed to his socialite wife about using an escort service. "He says the family life has become better now as the wife spends more time with him," says Dr Kothari.

The more tolerant attitude to extra-marital affairs may be due to the YOLO effect, say some experts. "Many people now believe that since you live only once (YOLO), you have to make the most of it," says Mumbai-based clinical psychologist and counsellor Varkha Chulani. Sexual mores are also changing, albeit mostly in urban India.

而且,81%的男性和68%的女性表示他们的风流韵事对他们的婚姻有积极作用。“某些情况下,作为一个警钟,婚外恋能够修复夫妻关系,”性学家Prakash Kothari博士说道。Kothari博士有一位客户,这位客户是一位富有的商人,他说自己向身为社会名流的妻子坦白找了三陪服务。“他说家庭生活现在变得更美好了,妻子花更多时间与他在一起了,”Kothari博士说道。

某些专家表示,对婚外恋容忍的加大也许是“只活一次”(you live only once)效应造成的。“许多人认为既然你只活一次(YOLO),你就得最大限度地利用它,”孟买临床心理学家和咨询师Varkha Chulani如是说。性观念也在改变,尽管这种改变大多数出现在印度城市地区。


译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2014100505.html

kk (in)
Most Indians??? How many did you survey? Did you go to Haryana Jats and ask them if they'd allow their wives to have extramarital affair? Did you go to rural and tribal areas? Go do that survey then come back to write your story if you still manage to remain alive and in one piece.


Every family has some ethics and every country has some culture..without them its like body without soul......knock knock our soul is missing..... we are good at emulation bad habit of others...great knock knock we are fools....




Feku (Delhi)
I can't believe it. It's just not possible. Maybe Indian women remain quiet on finding out about their husband's affair as a lot of households still don't grant enough freedom to women, but that's not called acceptance.


Venkat Rao (Unknown)
Infidelity is still an issue amongst the educated class who would opt for divorce if there is insincerity from their partners. Infidelity of men were tolerated when the women were illiterate. With increase in literacy rates tolerance to infidelity will be very low.




Anand (unknown)
if I were to believe surveys from a dating site... all men and women are prostitutes


Yes, no doubt it is there in society. But % is far lesser than claimed by the media.


zubair (Bhopal)
Catching up with the rest developed world ----Good


Ravie K Gupta (Unknown)
this is clear sign of westernization of Indian culture, which is very bad.


Bhimasankaram ()
survey can not be trusted.
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sreekar b (Unknown)
when i was in india, thought white girls are bi tches....when i went abroad and seen they were so responsible and so determined about their relationship....they give lot of value to their partners...then i realised Most of the indian girls are bit ches....not others.....now my theory proved right....76% indian women feel its right to cheat...woow.....mere bharatiyan naari......fak u all.....
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此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 调查显示:大多数印度人认为“不忠”不是罪

